Paul's dilemma

chapter 11- reckoning (p5.3)

With the wedding out of the way the only thing on the horizon for Paul and Claire was their lavish honeymoon. Claire’s parents had offered to either provide financial support for them in the form of a down payment on a house or a fully payed-for honeymoon. At Claire’s behest, they’d opted for the honeymoon deal. They were going to take a 10-week transatlantic cruise stopping in ports in both the Mediterranean, and the Caribbean on their way back. They’d enjoy a little over two full months of spa treatments, relaxing pool visits, and, of course, as much food as they could eat, and as much liquor as they could drink. They’d arrive back in Arizona just in time to celebrate Christmas with the whole family. Paul was optimistic that Claire would return to her usual, less-obsessively insecure self after the wedding.

In the week following the wedding and even the first day they spent on the cruise, it seemed like Claire’s body was in recovery mode from the crash starvation diet she’d underwent for the wedding. If it was possible for her body to put the pounds back on in one week of reckless abandonment, that she’d taken the better part of a whole month to lose, Claire had found a way. The little bump of belly fat had returned, and Paul was determined not to let his wife fall back into the bad habits she’d embraced before the wedding. It’s why his alarm-bells went off when Claire refused to eat much at breakfast the morning after their first night on the cruise.

After nibbling on a piece of toast, Claire had asked Paul to get her another mimosa and he’d been happy to accommodate her, but he also grabbed a fabulously large waffle from the breakfast line and loaded it up with all manner of sugar-covered fruit, whipped cream, chocolate and syrup. It was even larger than the one he’d watched her eat the morning before. As Paul returned to their table, he decided to gently ask, “Did you enjoy the waffle yesterday?”

“Mhh! Yes! It was the best waffle I’ve ever had babe.” Claire responded before she turned and saw what Paul was carrying besides her second mimosa.

“Ready for another?” Paul chimed, as he placed the imposing breakfast plate in front of his wife and took his seat across from her.

“Another?” Claire gulped doubtfully, while she absentmindedly placed a hand on her tummy in concern and used her other hand to gently slide the plate in front of Paul, “I shouldn’t.”

“What do you mean you shouldn’t? You hardly ate anything this morning.” Paul protested, as he challenged Claire by moving the plate back in front of her, “You devoured your waffle yesterday. You have to be hungry.”

“No, not really, I think I *hic!*” Claire hickuped in the middle of reaching for her mimosa. Paul could see that she still had one hand gently pressed against her tummy, “Oof.. I think I overdid it with the food yesterday babe.. I’m feeling bloated. I don’t want to eat anymore.”

As if her body sought to counter what she was saying, Paul heard a loud audible rumble from Claire’s stomach. The noise was so loud that Claire blushed from embarrassment, as Paul looked upon her doubtfully.

“No need to blush, I heard your belly growling.” Paul teased ever so gently, as he tried to address Claire’s self-conscious feelings, “Don’t be so shy, enjoy yourself. Indulge that sweet tooth I know you’ve got.”

“I’m really not hungry.” Claire frowned, while she pushed the loaded waffle back in front of Paul.

“Nonsense.” Paul shook his head, as he put the plate back in its proper place and looked into his wife’s eyes with a serious intent, “What’s going on? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine Paul.” Claire muttered avoiding eye contact.

“Just tell me.” Paul urged, as he grabbed Claire’s free hand and massaged her palm in a sensitive fashion.

“My shorts are feeling snug. Okay?” Claire blushed, while she leaned closer to Paul, pushed the plate back in front of him, and spoke more softly, “This is the biggest pair I brought. I’m not going to have anything to wear if I don’t watch what I eat. I haven’t been to the gym since the wedding and I’m already regretting it.”

“It’s our honeymoon Claire, don’t worry about it.” Paul loudly responded, as he shifted the plate toward her once more and firmly suggested, “Don’t worry about your pants. Just worry about finishing what’s on your plate..”

“If I eat all this,” Claire motioned to the massive waffle in front of her, “you’re going to have to roll me out of here.”

“If you finish that whole plate,” Paul began, as his voice took a more seductive tone, “I’ll roll you right back to our bedroom for some dessert, if you catch my drift.”

“Mhh, what kind of dessert?” Claire smiled, while her curiosity got the better of her insecurity. She was pretty sure Paul wasn’t talking about food.

“The sex kind.” Paul assured his wife, as he resumed his supple massage of her palm, and tried to encourage her, “Indulge babe. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“I’ll get fat.” Claire pouted, while she grabbed her fork and took a sizable bite of the waffle. As she chewed, she looked regretful, and nudged the plate toward Paul. Looking vulnerable, Claire blurted with her mouth full, “Do you want a fat wife? Cause this is how you get a fat wife.”

“I want you. And I’ll take you anyway I can. Thin or fat. Although if I had a preference..” Paul mused, as he firmly pushed plate back in front of Claire and decided that he wasn’t going to let her move it anymore.

“Ha, really? You’re kidding.” Claire smiled, while she put her hands on the plate to move the waffle toward Paul again. Had this become a game to her or something? Paul didn’t waste a second in reaching across the table and preventing Claire from pushing the plate toward him.

Sounding very serious Paul assured her, “I’m not kidding.”

“Really?” Claire raised an eyebrow in doubt.

“Is it so hard to believe? I love you so much, obviously I’d love it if there was more of you to love.” Paul sweetly phrased his preference.

“Haha, you’re joking.” Claire laughed not knowing what had gotten into Paul this morning.

“I’m not joking.” Paul shook his head, not returning Claire’s little smile. She seemed to finally realize he was serious, but she looked skeptical.

“You’d like it if ass was too fat to squeeze into my shorts?” Claire spat with a hint of judgment and self-consciousness.

“Hell yeah.” Paul nodded, as Claire looked in awe of what she was hearing.

“You’d like that?” Claire echoed finally believing her husband wasn’t joking.

“I’d love that. More than anything.” Paul admitted, as he used his fork to pierce the waffle while Claire watched in surprise. She didn’t know what he was doing. It seemed like he was prepping to take a bite of her waffle, but he wasn’t bringing the fork toward his mouth, he was bringing it toward her mouth! Not having enough time to think about how to react, Claire just opened her mouth and let Paul feed her the piece of breakfast she craved to eat more of. A bit of syrup got on her cheek, so she grabbed a napkin to clean herself off while she chewed. Paul was being so.. forceful. He never acted like this. She kind of.. liked it. Listening to him with her full attention, Paul firmly spoke to her, “So what are you worried about honey? Come on, I know you’re hungry. What do you say? Give your stomach what it wants. At least just while you’re on the cruise.”

“Just for the cruise.” Claire accepted Paul’s ultimatum without a second’s thought. What the hell had she just agreed to? She had a nervous feeling it the pit of her tummy, but she fended it off while rationalizing, “Besides the ship has a gym, I could always..”

“The only exercise you’re getting on this ship is in the bedroom, are we clear?” Paul shot down Claire’s idea in a decidedly forceful manner. Claire was all ears.

“Hmhm, I like the sound of that.” Claire smiled, while she grabbed her fork and sent Paul a seductive wink before earnestly starting on her breakfast.

102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
I wish I could respond to every amazing comment without the word limit cutting me off. Thanks everyone for the interest! It has been a wild ride. Chapter 11 will be the final chapter of this story, expect it in a week or two
Fatchance 4 years
This is an awesome story, that just keeps on being awesome! I find myself rooting for Claire to finally dump Paul, Emma to claim him, and Claire to start gaining while missing Paul!

Can't wait to read what REALLY happens!
Fatforfun 4 years
Polarisdreamer, I almost didn't start reading this back when it was 40-something pages. I didn't think it would hold my attention that long. Now it's 70 pages and I'm still with it and eagerly awaiting every new page. Well done, sir, well done.
James Marlow 4 years
Absolutely loving that paul is putting on weight too.
James Marlow 4 years
I'm absolutely loving this story so far.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback so far! It really motivates me to keep going! For those wondering, yes Alana from the Fence also appears in this story as a minor character
Fatchance 4 years
One of the best stories ever posted here .... absolutely fantastic!
Arch329 4 years
Is Alana in Paul's Dilemma the same Alana from the Fence? I have been thinking of doing some cross over stories to expand beyond Eric and Colette. I have always enjoyed Vonnegut's writing and he often introduced a character in one book, who then became th
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because of the development of the people. they are realiztic and likable
Aquarius64 4 years
I don’t usually go for female feedees, but I have enjoyed this one. It would be interesting to see Emma fully embrace a fattening lifestyle!
I like the contrast between the sisters and your characterisation too.
Jazzman 4 years
This is Amazing. This story is Art!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people are enjoying the story, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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