The fence

chapter 11- saving face

“None taken. He didn’t even invite me to be a groomsman.” Trevor revealed, as he resented Alana patting him on the head like that. He wasn’t a kid anymore. She didn’t have to go babying him.

“That’s fucked up. Your brother never treated you right.” Alana responded sounding offended for him.

“Yeah, he’s a scumbag.” Trevor joked in tone mimicking Alana.

“Hahahaha,” Alana belted out a little wildly with laughter. She really hadn’t expected such sass from Trevor. Her big laugh, however, caused her lower belly fat to heave upward and then slap against her underbelly, “Ouch!”

“What?” Trevor asked in surprise.

“I have splinters under my.. belly.” Alana blushed, as she realized it herself. Stupid fence..

“Let me see. Hold it up.” Trevor ordered, as Alana’s jaw dropped for a moment. She clearly wasn’t used to Trevor giving her orders. After a brief second, however, Alana put her pride to the side and did as Trevor said. With both her hands, she scooped up her belly fat and held it up for Trevor to see the splinters. He didn’t say anything. He just started picking at them with the pliers.

“This is embarrassing.” Alana admitted, as she blushed something fierce. She could hardly see Trevor working down there. Her big belly and breasts were in the way.

“Why?” Trevor asked, as he continued.

“I have to freaking hold up my rolls of fat with both hands, and you’ve probably got like a freaking six-pack.” Alana vented with a tone that conveyed vein jealousy. Trevor leaned back enough for Alana to see his face as he responded.

“I do have a six-pack. I’m running track in college. Kinda keeps you thin.” Trevor boasted, as he shot Alana a cocky smile. This was a perfect time for a little playful payback from earlier. She’d teased him with that pat on the head. Now he’d tease her with a pat on the belly. His hand playfully pinched an inch of Alana’s big belly roll, as he teased, “If you wanna lose some pounds, we could jog together this summer. I’ll slow down so you can keep up.”

“Awh! You listen to me, Trevor. I would love to be your jogging buddy this summer, but I don’t wanna embarrass you with how fast I am. I’m much more physically fit than I look.” Alana snapped in response to Trevor’s prodding. Her face was burning from embarrassment. She knew how utterly ridiculous she sounded. She just needed to say something to save face and it was the only thing she could come up with. After another moment, she thought of something better, “And shut up, you don’t have a six-pack.”

“Do too.” Trevor countered.

“Then show me.” Alana spat calling his bluff.

“Fine.” Trevor stood up and lifted up his shirt for Alana to see. Sure enough, Alana could see all six. Christ. It was like Trevor had the abs of a chiseled Greek god..

“Damn. Point taken.” Alana begrudgingly gawked, as she tried to turn her admiration into something more humbling, “You must be pretty good, huh? A real track star?”

“I’m not bad.” Trevor admitted, as he turned his attention back to plucking splinter’s out of his inflated ex-babysitter’s belly.

“I’m happy for you. Track’s a good sport.” Alana commented, “Haha, your brother put on so much muscle for football and it’s all turning to fat. Too bad for his soon to be wifey.”

“I thought you were into big muscles?” Trevor curiously asked. He was acutely aware he never had the muscular bulk of his older brother.

“I was in high school. Honestly, a six-pack is way more impressive to me now.” Alana responded without hesitation.

“Really?” Trevor responded sounding amused. Had Alana just complemented him? Did she find him.. attractive?

“Yeah. Don’t act so, naïve. I bet the girls can’t keep their hands off you.” Alana emphasized by nudging Trevor’s shoulder. She could feel the muscle. He clearly did more than running. He had to lift weights.

“Haha..” Trevor blushed. Clearly Alana had stumbled onto something. For the first time since bumping into Trevor, she felt like she’d gained some ground of confidence back. She had to remember that she was still the one in charge of this interaction. It didn’t matter that Trevor had turned into a handsome young man and that she’d eaten herself out of the realm of desirability for most men. She was older. She was more mature. She was certainly more experienced in the realm of sex and dating. She was in charge, not him. And she decided to remind him of that.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jimbo021289 4 years
Please don't let this be the end
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