The fence

chapter 12- jostling for position

“Oh? Gotta giiiirlfriend?” Alana pried, as she teased Trevor by pinching his cheek.

“I do.” Trevor admitted, as he pushed Alana’s hand away from his face, and focused on getting the last few splinters out of Alana’s skin. He hated it when she tried to treat him like a kid.

Alana did her best to hide her shock. It was totally reasonable for him to have a girlfriend; after all, he’d turned into a freaking gorgeous looking guy. It was just.. From the way he’d been acting toward her.. She just figured he was single. It was weird. She felt almost.. disappointed. However mixed up she felt, Alana didn’t show it.

“What’s her name? Is she pretty? I want details.” Alana continued, while she feigned enthusiasm. She finally had Trevor on the defensive. She wasn’t going to stop now.

“Jill. Haha, she’s very pretty. We’ve been dating for a few months. She’s on the track team, err, she was. She’s currently on academic probation. She’s enrolled in the summer session to fix her GPA.” Trevor revealed, as Alana smirked in a judgmental fashion. She liked seeing Trevor like this. He was flustered. Just like he’d get when he was younger.

“Pretty but dumb? Can’t say I blame you. I’ve dated my fair share of beautiful idiots.” Alana joked, as Trevor could tell from the tone of her voice, that Alana was enjoying belittling him.

“She’s not dumb. Just a little, immature.” Trevor countered. He scanned Alana’s underbelly but couldn’t see any more splinters, “I think that’s all of them.”

“*Phew!* thank you. Now take a look at my butt.” Alana ordered, as she turned around and Trevor was thrown for a loop. Was Alana asking him to check her out??

“W-what?” Trevor gulped, as he eyed Alana’s fleshy tooshie.

“I think I might have another splinter.” Alana elaborated, as her hands glossed over her meaty behind.

“Oh, sure. I’ll take a look.” Trevor responded in a relieved fashion.

“See any?” Alana impatiently wondered.

“No.” Trevor responded after his search had concluded. He suspected if she had any splinters on her butt, they might be under her bikini bottoms.

“But I can feel one..” Alana complained, as Trevor pulled the fabric on one side of Alana’s big butt cheeks down and scanned her big bare butt. She gasped in response to his actions, “Trevor?!”

“What? I see one. There was a lot of ass to check.” Trevor defended himself, as he simultaneously teased Alana for her big butt.

“Well..” Alana mumbled, as his reasoning made sense and the embarrassment from his passive aggressive statement hit her. “Just get it.”

“Done. Feel anymore?” Trevor asked, as he groped Alana’s behind with both hands in search of anymore spots that might be bothering her. He knew he was going a step too far, but Alana wasn’t stopping him. Maybe she liked the way he was touching her butt. He certainly liked getting back at her for trying to act like she was still his babysitter.

“Nope, not that I can feel.” Alana managed to mutter. Was it weird she kinda liked the way Trevor was touching her? Trevor was just being nice right? He had a girlfriend so he couldn’t be flirting. She’d probably been misreading him all night. It was just her dry spell messing with her senses, “*Phew* You’re the best. Jackie’s real lucky.”

“You mean Jill.” Trevor corrected Alana.

“Oh right, Jill.” Alana bopped her head. She couldn’t believe she messed up her name. She had just been so concerned with getting those damn splinters out.. she’d was distracted. That was it. “I’m sorry, I was..”


“Hungry?” Trevor inquired, as the noise that grumbled from Alana’s belly filled the room.

“Yeah. I didn’t eat dinner.” Alana blushed. Her hunger was another thing the splinters had blunted the feeling of. Now that they were out, she really needed some food.

“Wanna order something?” Trevor suggested, as he stood upright and towered over Alana.

“What about the rehearsal dinner? Shouldn’t you be there?” Alana gulped, as Trevor’s masculine stature chipped away at some of her previous bravado when he’d been on his knees.

“No, I hit a ton of traffic by D.C. I told them I couldn’t make it on time. They know my college is far away, so they won’t care.” Trevor warmly replied, as his eyes valiantly tried to remain on Alana’s softer looking face and not the bulging breasts pressing against the meager confines of her white bikini.

“Well then,” Alana smiled, while her stomach wrestled control of her voice from her brain, “Wanna order me pizza??”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Captzae 1 year
Still gains unintentionally so when it goes to marriage he’s got more than enough reasons under his belt to why she loves him so much they get married, I’m not author I just really like that idea 😅
Captzae 1 year
The idea of her being different from most characters and not become accepting of the weight so easily so that way it gives room for Trevor to really make her feel loved even while she still gains,
Captzae 1 year
I’ve read all of your stories and I don’t know why but this one really is my favorite and I can’t wait for the sequel to the fence. I fee that Alana should continue to gain weight but I like the idea,
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@shesgonnnabehuge It might get a sequel one day!

@Yuri33 I am still thinking about it, one day I will probably write the sequel
Yuri33 4 years
It passed 3 months from this story, have you thought about a continious?
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 no worries in that regard, Trevor is not a feeder and Alana is not a feedee
Yuri33 4 years
You got right! But if you continious with this masterpiece please dont fall in the usual story in which he is a feeder and she is a feede
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 I think that would be the perfect ending to their relationship, but they aren't quite there yet. Their relationship is still a secret, so first that bridge will have to be crossed.

Thanks for the feedback!
Yuri33 4 years
Se he love her and continious to spoil her!
What you say?
Its long time i dont read an amazing story like this on ff so thankyou!
Yuri33 4 years
You can go on with a marriage! After wedding alana can get more lazy and spoiled, trevor do little trying to motivate alana going into gym or going out for a run or a walk but alana is too lazy for this and continious grow fatter. Trevor accept this becou
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I won't rule out a longform rewrite eventually, it does sound like a fun challenge.

Thanks for the support! And thanks for the feedback! it means a lot to me!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I think the story would work very well in the longform, the only issue for me is the large time investment it would take to do it justice. I have other unfinished stories I want to finish before I do any more rewrites. I won't rule out a lon
Saidence42 4 years
I really loved 'Paul's Dilemma' so having this story with similar length arc would be amazing.

You're an amazing author with a true mastery over romance, pacing, and tension. I'll definitely be closely following your work.
Saidence42 4 years
I'd love to see a re-do of this story as an extended version that starts the same except instead of confessing/ falling in love straight away they slowly gravitate towards each other while Alana gets bigger.
FattyBoyy 4 years
Hey, I'm trying to write another chapter to my story. How do I do that I don't see an option for it.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Rstlne, Thank you! Those are great ideas!
Rstlne 4 years
*Maybe Trevor tries to change that?
Rstlne 4 years
Yeah, I think you should continue.

- Telling the other side of the story with Noah and Stephanie
- Continuing the current story.
- Maybe Alana starts to lose weight for a while because she is no longer stressed. And maybe Trevor tries to ch
Rstlne 4 years
Still reading but enjoying it so far (:
Polarisdreamer 4 years
jimbo, I do have a few ideas for a sequel for this story, but I'm not sure the best way to gauge people's interest in a continuation. I might work on one in the future.

In the meantime, if people have ideas for a sequel, please let me know. It could
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