The fence

chapter 13- testing the water


“How much longer??” Alana wined, as she held her chunky belly with both hands and frowned at Trevor. The reality that Trevor had a girlfriend and hadn’t been subtly flirting with her had sunk in and, surprisingly, she was disappointed. For a minute there she remembered what it felt like to be excited about something, even if it was never meant to be.

“They said 30 minutes. So.. 25 more minutes..” Trevor explained in a peaceful way, while he tried to calm his supposedly more mature neighbor down. He’d often thought the commercials about people not being themselves when they were hungry were over exaggerations, but Alana’s behavior over the last five minutes had him reconsidering. Even as she sat on the stool next to him at the kitchen’s elevated island table, she couldn’t keep still and, despite his best efforts to change the subject, all she could talk about was how hungry she was.

“Ughnn.. I can’t wait that long..” Alana grunted, as she gave him a look of desperation. Part of her contemplated going home and changing into something less revealing. As embarrassed as she was to be parading herself in front of such a grown up and fit version of Trevor, she knew he couldn’t be checking her out. Plus, she was exhausted. She needed food before she did anything else.

“I think you’ll be okay.” Trevor countered in a way that probably revealed a bit of his growing impatience with his former babysitter’s sour attitude. Bumping into Alana after all this time had been interesting. She wasn’t at all what he expected. Besides her obvious weight issue, she seemed way more unhappy than he remembered. He frankly felt bad for her. He honestly wasn’t sure if deep down she was the same girl he’d idolized all those years ago.

“I’m gunna die of starvation.” Alana proclaimed in a dour and serious tone, as her delightfully manicured hand squeezed his arm in a needy fashion. He could feel her long nails pressing against him, as she absentmindedly took stock of the firmness of his triceps. She could see a smile escape from Trevor’s face. The sincerity with which she was making these ridiculous statements was clearly amusing him, so Alana urged, “Get me a snack. I need something to hold me over. Please.”

“Oreo’s and milk?” Trevor offered, as Alana’s beautiful, yet softer, looking face brightened up immensely. Clearly food was a big motivator in her life now. He should have guessed that by the size of her ass.

“Now you’re talking!” Alana squealed in delight, as she playfully smothered the young man with a quick hug, “Aww, you’re the sweetest!”

“No problem.” Trevor gulped. He could feel the softness of Alana, particularly her breasts, pressing against the side of his body.

She was quick enough to let him go, but Trevor had picked up that Alana was being touchier than she had been earlier. And these were not demeaning pats on the head or little nudges. What did his overweight former babysitter think she was doing? He wasn’t sure. Her behavior had him a bit flustered, but he tried not to let her know it.

He was quick to get off his stool and grab a fresh box of double-stuffed Oreos. He placed them in front of Alana and was a bit surprised when she started eating them before he even got her some milk. By his count, Alana managed to munch through four or five little cookies before he placed a large glass of whole milk in front of her. They had 2%, but he figured since Alana looked like a girl that indulged in the most fattening options available to her, he’d treat her as such. As she dipped the next cookie into the milk and then quickly chomped it up, she patted on the stool next to her for him to sit down.

“Come on, don’t just watch me. Have some. You’re making me feel like a ***.” Alana protested, as she used her tongue to lick a chunk of milky cookie off her luscious lip and into her mouth.

“Sure.” Trevor responded, as he observed Alana speedily wetting another cookie before burying it down her throat, “Hey, aren’t you supposed to count to five Mississippi?”

“Mhmhrugh..” Alana grumbled with her mouth full.

“What?” Trevor tilted his head.

“*Ahem* Trevor. I’m not trying to get the perfect milk to cookie ratio. My tummy hurts when it’s empty. So, I’m just trying to fill it.” Alana snobbishly explained, as she grabbed a dry cookie, placed it on her tongue for Trevor to see and then picked up the glass, closed her mouth, and took a quick gulp. With her cheeks fully inflated with whole-milk and double-stuffed cookie, Alana chewed a little obnoxiously, before gulping everything down in one determined swoop.

It was clear Alana had changed. It wasn’t just that she’d gotten fat. Something about her was different. She never used to eat like this. She was the one who taught him about the perfect milk to cookie ratio in the first place. Somewhere along the line, Alana had lost her way. Trevor wondered if he could help her.

“What happened to savoring the flavor? I thought that’s what you were all about.” Trevor responded to Alana’s display of gluttony, as he grabbed an Oreo, placed it in the milk and began counting.

“When I was in high school, slurping down one perfectly saturated Oreo was enough. In case you haven’t noticed.” Alana motioned to her scantily clad and clearly vastly overfed bikini body, “I’m not in high school anymore. I’m a grown woman and it takes a lot more than one cookie to satisfy me.”

“Sometimes quality is better than quantity.” Trevor countered, as he finished counting and plucked the Oreo out of the milk and held it in front of him for Alana to see, “I did mine perfectly. Try it.”

“Fine.” Alana snobbishly grunted, as she leaned forward, opened her mouth, and wrapped her lips around the cookie.. and Trevor’s fingers.. while it was still in his hand. Rather than let go of the cookie, Trevor froze in a bit of shock. He’d expected Alana to grab it with her hand.. not this..

He’d ordered her to eat the cookie as if he was in charge. Silly boy. Rather than verbally challenge him, this was Alana’s play. If he wanted to act like a man, she’d treat him as such. The real question was how he would respond to her womanly attention.

Her eyes were seductively staring into his own, while he could feel her tongue wrestle the saturated cookie free from his grip. As her mouth welcomed the savory treat, she could tell by the bewildered look on his face that she’d put him back in his place. For now. Claiming victory, she retreated from her hunched forward position, releasing Trevor’s thumb and pointer finger along the way, and licked her lips. With her mouth full, she managed to utter one word without much conviction, “Sorry.”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jimbo021289 4 years
Please don't let this be the end
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