The fence

chapter 6- dreaming a sad memory

“Uggggh.. Huggy-bear.. I’m so full..” Alana pouted, as she leaned back into her chair and held her rounded gut. Her fluffy middle was stuffed full of pasta. It jutted outward in a globular manner and made the 28-year-old look like she’d been knocked up. Gone was the lean 125lbs debutante she’d been in high school. In her place sat an overweight 235lbs young woman with a fat fluffy butt who loved being pampered even if she didn’t enjoy the consequences of her near constant indulgence.

“Want me to grab you a piece of cake?” Noah offered, as he continued to enable his girlfriend’s greedy, and frankly ravenous, tendencies.

“I couldn’t eat another bite.” Alana grunted, as she held her descended stomach. She’d somehow just finished off the second plate of pasta her boyfriend had made for her. Now that she was stuffed, she was regretting her choice of attire. She was shamelessly wearing a short black skirt and a yellow tube-top that fit her perfectly 35 pounds ago. However, her boobs had gone up more than a cup size since then and were straining her poor stretched tube-top to the limit. Her lower body, particularly her enlarged hips, thighs, and ass, made her skirt appear more akin to a mini skirt. Not only did her clothes feel incapable of containing her girthy appearance, they felt like they might snap off at any minute.

“I’ll feed it to you. You wouldn’t have to lift a finger.” Noah politely offered hopeful to see the attractive plumpette fill out even more.

“No! I don’t need any more calories! Unless you want a girlfriend that you have to ROLL into the bedroom.” Alana boisterously shot down Noah’s suggestion.

“I know a great way to burn calories in the bedroom.” Noah insinuated.

“Haha, how about you massage me first huggy-bear! My feet have been killing me so much lately..” Alana pouted, as she lifted her sore feet onto Noah’s lap underneath his kitchen table.

“Maybe you should wear more comfortable shoes?” Noah suggested, as he began rubbing the heels of her feet.

“Maybe you should buy me some more comfortable shoes.” Alana sighed, as she clearly enjoyed the motion of Noah’s hands. She took in a deep breath as she relaxed and Noah heard a distinctive *Snap!* followed by Alana roaring, “Ooff! Damnit!”

“What’s wrong?” Noah asked, as Alana’s feet dropped to the floor in her commotion.

“I just fucking popped a button on my skirt..” Alana embarrassingly admitted, as Noah tilted upward and noticed Alana’s stuffed belly overflowing over her now opened skirt, “This was my favorite skirt for clubbing..”

“I think it still looks good.” Noah assured her, as Alana bit her lip in frustration.

“Use your eyes! This outfit doesn’t fit me!” Alana growled, as Noah could see more of Alana’s annoying attitude coming out, “Nothing fits me anymore! I’m getting so fat!”

“I think you look great.” Noah tried to guarantee to Alana, as he gently put his hand on Alana’s thigh.

“You need to go shopping with me and buy me some new outfits for clubbing.” Alana pouted, as she shoved his hand off her leg in a fury.

“Why do I have to buy all your clothes?” Noah sighed.

“Cause it’s your fault that none of my pants fit!” Alana declared, as she crossed her arms above her protruding belly. Her eyes were locked on Noah with a vengeance.

“What are you talking about!?” Noah innocently recoiled.

“You are honestly the reason I’m so fat. You spoil me too much with your good cooking!” Alana snobbishly declared.

“You were already over 200lbs when we started dating..” Noah responded.

“And now I’m over 235lbs! Whose fault is that? Yours!” Alana declared, as she used her fork to grab a chunk of the cake Noah had yet to cut in the middle of the table. Without any hesitation she put the chocolaty morsel into her mouth.

“If you are so upset about gaining weight, why are you eating cake? I thought you were full. I’m not making you eat it.” Noah countered, as Alana seemed annoyed by Noah’s resistance. Normally he just did whatever she asked of him. Why was he being so much of a pain tonight?

“I’m a stress eater. I’m stressed about my weight so I’m eating. Sue me!” Alana burst, as Noah rolled his eyes.

“So, it’s not entirely my fault you gained weight?” Noah suggested, “Maybe you actually like being lazy and being spoiled with good food.”

“Oh man, if you weren’t so good looking, I don’t know how I’d put up with you.” Alana growled. She didn’t like Noah talking back to her like this. Not one bit. “I’d like it if you’d give my feet a massage.”

“Wait-wait-wait.. You only put up with me because you think I’m attractive? What if I was fat?” Noah asked feeling a bit insulted by Alana’s snobbish comments.

“I have standards. I don’t fuck fatties.” Alana grunted, as she reached over the table and forked herself another morsel of cake.

“You realize you sound like a hypocrite, right?” Noah pointed out, as Alana’s plump and pretty face pursed itself with annoyance.

“Are you seriously calling me fat?? Can you just shut up! My feet won’t massage themselves.” Alana roared in her frustration, while she put her feet back on top of Noah’s lap. She continued licking the chocolate icing off of her fork, while she continued, “If you want sex later you better do a good job.”

“*Sigh* Alright..” Noah relented, as he grabbed Alana’s sore feet again. Her feet were probably sore as a consequence of getting so fat. He was starting to get into massaging the heels of her feet when there was a noise from the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“Well?” Alana muttered, as Noah looked at the door in surprise. Alana was not in a patient mood, “Answer it.”

Following Alana’s order, Noah got up from the table and opened his front door. His heart skipped a beat when he realized who was knocking.

“Stephanie? What are you doing here??” Noah blurted, as his ex-girlfriend seemed intent on entering his apartment. She tried to force herself in, but Noah blocked her.

Alana watched in curiosity as Noah whispered back and forth with that mysterious girl for a few moments. She was trying to make out what they were saying, but she didn’t really have any luck until the girl basically thrust herself through the doorway, knocking Noah back in the process and blurted, “Well I am here aren’t I?!”

Despite being so painfully full, Alana was quick to storm to her boyfriend’s side.

“Who is this fat bitch!?" Alana gawked, as she got an eyeful of this girl. She was grossly obese all over, she had to be over 350lbs.

“Who are you calling a fat bitch? YOU fat bitch!” the obese girl countered, as she got a good look at Alana’s protruding belly sticking out from her slutty mini skirt.

“Alana, this is Steph. A friend from college.” Noah explained, as Alana didn’t pay his words any heed. She was staring daggers at Steph.

“I’m his ex-girlfriend.” Steph gloated, as a fire burst in Alana’s eyes.

“Well I can see why he dumped you butterball.” Alana insulted Steph, as Noah had completely lost his voice in this commotion.

“For the record, I dumped him.” Steph announced before looking Noah dead in the eyes and putting her hand on his cheek, “And I’m here because I wanna give it another shot Noah.”

“You do?” Noah muttered in amazement. It was like so many dreams he’d had over the past year..

“I do.” Steph assured him, as Alana grabbed Noah.

“Are you crazy? Get her out of here!” Alana ordered, as she pointed for Steph to leave.

“Alana, can you give us a minute?” Noah requested.

“No! Why don't you send this bitch away? Noah, I'm your girlfriend!!!! Do it!!” Alana yelled, as her anger boiled over.

“Steph doesn’t need to leave.” Noah countered, as he stood firm. “You do.”

“Excuse me??” Alana gasped.

“You need to leave.” Noah reiterated.

“Are you seriously picking that obese bimbo over me?” Alana burst in astonishment.

“Stop pretending like not being as fat as her makes you better than her or something!” Noah fired back with an authoritative firmness in his voice that Alana had never heard from him before. “Nobody’s ever treated me better than Steph. Not even you.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this. You are such a freaking moron!” Alana spat, as she slapped Noah right in his face. To Noah’s credit, he hardly batted an eye.

“We are not right for each other. I’m sorry it had to happen like this, but it’s over.” Noah sternly explained, as Alana’s face went blank.

“I’ll be back for my shit tomorrow. My friends are gunna fucking hear about this!” Alana angrily spat, as she nudged herself past Steph and hurried away before the tears started. Of course, she couldn’t help herself from leveling one last mean comment in Steph’s direction before she slammed the door closed with all her might, “Watch it wide load!”

18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
jimbo, I do have a few ideas for a sequel for this story, but I'm not sure the best way to gauge people's interest in a continuation. I might work on one in the future.

In the meantime, if people have ideas for a sequel, please let me know. It could
Jimbo021289 4 years
Please don't let this be the end
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