The fence

chapter 7- the tight squeeze


ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz …


“Ahh! Huh?? Noah??” Alana snapped back into consciousness, as a loud noise perforated her eardrums. She was quick to take in her surroundings; she wasn’t at her ex-boyfriend’s apartment. She was poolside at her neighbor’s house and the sun had totally gone down! How long had she slept?? What time was it? Another noise coming from the house sent a spike of fear pulsing down her spine. Had Scott returned from the rehearsal dinner with his fiancée? She couldn’t let them see her! Not like this!

“Fuck-fuck-fuck..” Alana muttered to herself, as she frantically tried to stumble to her feet. She wanted to move as fast as possible, but her soft and fleshy body imposed strict limits on her physical abilities. By the time she wobbled to her feet, she could spy a light illuminating from her neighbor’s kitchen! That was right next to the front gate! She was trapped! They’d surly see her fattened form if she tried escape that way!

“Oh fuck.” Alana gulped, as it dawned on her that the only chance she had to get away undetected lay between the loose plank in the fence! Waddling desperately toward the loose plank, Alana decided her best bet was to arch herself onto her side and try to force her way through. It would be tight, but she’d have a chance at fitting. As she heard another noise from inside the house, she was quick to push the plank to the side and thrust her head through the gap.

So far so good. Alana poked her arm through next and used it as a prop to arch herself a bit more upward from the ground. If she didn’t maintain her tilted angle, her wide hips would never let her pass through the gap. Using her legs to force herself forward, her back brushed against the fence a little firmly as she tried to make space for her fat-engorged breasts to slip through the gap that she was wedging herself into. With one hand straining to hold her into position against the ground and the other pressing against her bust to flatten herself, Alana inched her way into the gap a bit more.

With her tits safely through, her free hand now rushed against her belly. Her doughy protruding midsection would be the true test of this gambit. She wasn’t even belly button deep into the gap of the fence and already her meaty tummy forced her progress to a halt. The arm she was using to prop herself into position was burning with pain. She couldn’t hold herself up much longer. She needed to get through now! Sucking in her fluffy tummy as best she could and pressing against her belly with her free hand, Alana forced herself further into the gap. Inch by inch, her belly button squeezed through, then she could feel her love handles brushing against the wooden fence.. With a bit more exertion, she was able to slowly mead her lower belly through the fence.

Alana let out a sigh of exhaustion. Surely the biggest hurdle was now complete. She was home free! Her belly had to be the girthiest part of her figure. Her butt was big, but it didn’t stick out as much as her belly. Summoning the last of her strength, Alana kicked herself against the gap and felt the thickness of her ass squeeze into the gap.

“Ouch!” Alana muttered to herself, as she felt herself getting a splinter right on the cheek of her fleshy booty. Wincing at the pain, Alana gave it one more forceful push to make it through.. But there was a problem. She wasn’t moving. Oh god! Her butt was wedged stuck!!

“Uh-oh.. Oww.. Come on.. Stupid. Fat. Ass.. Ah!” Alana grunted out of frustration, as the arm she was using to prop herself up finally gave way from stabilizing her great weight.

“Eep!” Alana squeaked, as she inadvertently tugged her substantial trunk outward just a bit and slid down the gap in the fence until she plopped against the ground.

“Aaah! Fuck!!” Alana spat, not only had she turned horizontal during her little fall, the foot and a half slide to the ground produced dozens of stinging splinters against her soft underbelly, hips and fleshy butt cheeks! Her wide frame now lay wedged firmly in the gap of the fence, her belly smushed against the ground and her love handles pinning her to the sides of the fence. With a frantic wiggle and a few desperate shakes, it slowly dawned on Alana that she wasn’t going anywhere.

“I’m stuck.. fuck.. I should have stopped eating so much weeks ago.. Aah!” Alana groaned, as she tried to pull herself back out from the fence, but her big round protruding belly objected to that. Her doughy love handles squished against the sides of the fence, holding her in place. Her gargantuan ass and chunky hips prevented her from passing forward through the gap, while her big belly stopped her from escaping back the way she came. This was it. This is how Scott would see her after all this time.. There was nothing she could do.. but wait to be found..

She resigned herself to her terrible fate. Right now, she only wanted to be free of this painful situation. However, her resignation did nothing to prevent the wave of embarrassment that erupted from the pit of her stomach as she heard the back door of her neighbor’s house slide open. She heard the click of the backyard lights turning on. She was caught.. The knowledge that her visible weight issue was a result of her own unchecked lust for food compounded her external embarrassment into internal humiliation. It was her own damn fault.. She deserved whatever ridicule was heading her way, but that didn’t mean she was happy about it.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
jimbo, I do have a few ideas for a sequel for this story, but I'm not sure the best way to gauge people's interest in a continuation. I might work on one in the future.

In the meantime, if people have ideas for a sequel, please let me know. It could
Jimbo021289 4 years
Please don't let this be the end
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