The fence

chapter 8- reunion

“Alana??” The deep voice she was dreading hearing muttered out, “Is that.. YOU??”

“Look Scott.” Alana preemptively took a nasty tone, “I’m a thick bitch now and I like it so if you don’t like it you can just look the other way! Just help me out of here and I swear you’ll never see me again!”

“I’m not Scott.” The deep voice clarified in a concerned tone.

“Trevor?” Alana gasped, as she attempted to turn her head to the side and get a look at him, but the fence was blocking her view.

“Yeah.” His new voice confirmed. Alana couldn’t believe it was him. His voice sounded so much like his brothers! The last time she’d really seen him was before puberty hit.. She wondered what he looked like. He had to be at least 19? or 20 years old by now?

“Oh thank god! I really thought you were your brother haha..” Alana blurted, as elation overtook her temporary embarrassment. It was just little Trevor who’d found her in this compromising situation. Sounding more comfortable, Alana admitted, “I’m kinda stuck.. Can you help me out of this? My freaking ass… *Ahem* I think I stuck myself with splinters.. so if you could hurry that’d be great.”

“Wow, you really wedged yourself in there. What were you thinking?” Trevor exclaimed, as Alana bit her lip. What had she been thinking? This wasn’t a good idea at all.

“I thought you were your brother.. I didn’t want Scott to see me like this..” Alana admitted, as she lay helpless for Trevor to start helping.

“Stuck in a fence?” Trevor’s voice curiously wondered.

“No. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve really let myself go recently okay!” Alana grunted, as she impatiently shook her wedged booty and felt the fat jiggle and ripple side to side.

“I picked up on that.” Trevor frankly mentioned, as Alana felt a pang of embarrassment in the pit of her stomach. Of course Trevor had noticed, why wouldn’t he? He wasn’t blind. He was just too polite to call her out for it until she rubbed it in his face. As Alana rationalized Trevor’s response, the embarrassment in the pit of her stomach began to subside. That was until she heard what Trevor asked next, “How much do you weigh?”

“Ah-Ummm…” Alana stammered, as she felt that coursing embarrassment flow out from the pit of her stomach once again. She didn’t want to talk about this. If he could see the size of her ass cheeks, he could tell that she’d gotten huge! Clearing her throat and bursting in an impatient tone, Alana bellowed, “Too damn much. Now help me!”

“Tell me first, then I’ll help you.” Trevor reasoned, as Alana could feel her face begin to blush. She couldn’t tell him. A girl’s weight was a private matter. Even if it was obviously the source of her current problem. Then again, she needed his help. And fast. There was no telling when everyone else would get home. Besides, it was just little Trevor.

“I’ll tell you. Just promise not to tell your brother. Okay?” Alana bargained with the young man she used to babysit nearly a decade ago. Despite his voice sounding different, curious little Trevor was acting the same as he always did. If she gave him some attention, he’d help her out of this.

“I promise.” Trevor swore.

“The last time I weighed myself I was 242 pounds.. That was a couple weeks ago.. So.. It’s probably more now..” Alana managed to utter, as she couldn’t help but find this whole situation so painfully awkward.

“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding. You really have let yourself go huh?” Trevor commented. Alana sensed no negative judgment from Trevor’s words. Just a frank observation.

“Ha. Ha. I’ve been a porker lately, okay? Just get me out of this and quit fooling around.” Alana demanded in a sarcastic tone.

“Alright, how do you want me too.. Uhh..” Trevor began to ask, as his eyes locked on to his former babysitter’s massive rear end.

“Just grab anywhere and pull me.” Alana ordered, as she wiggled her butt slightly, “No comments about the size of my butt, okay!?”

“Okay.” Trevor agreed, while he stepped over Alana’s plump legs and he bent over to place his hands against the sides of her soft hips.

Alana shivered. His hands felt.. big. Maybe it was the fact that it had been months since a guy had touched her, but the back of her neck was tingling all over as she felt Trevor’s hands against her smooth skin. She felt nervous.. but why? It was just Trevor.

“Ugh!” Trevor grunted, as he forcefully pulled at Alana’s chunky waist and she let out a quick yell.

“Ow ow ow!! OUCH! Not so hard you idiot!” Alana roared, as Trevor let her go.

“I have to pull you if I’m gunna get you out of this.” Trevor reminded her, as he tried to forgive her mean outburst. He knew she didn’t mean it.

“Not that hard though! I have splinters!” Alana pouted in response.

“I’ll just break the fence a bit more. That will be easier.” Trevor reasoned, as Alana turned her head and heard the sound of Trevor kicking the plank next to her. The fence was old, but it was pretty big. He’d never be strong enough to..


Alana’s jaw dropped as she felt the beam on her left side suddenly loosen its force against her plump hips. It only took a moment more, but she saw the plank, which had been trapping her, fall to the side of the lawn. She was free!

“There, now you can fit through.” Trevor explained, as Alana slowly arched herself upward and crawled backwards through the now spacious gap. Trevor stepped to her side and offered his hand to help her up, but she wasn’t looking.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Captzae 1 year
Still gains unintentionally so when it goes to marriage he’s got more than enough reasons under his belt to why she loves him so much they get married, I’m not author I just really like that idea 😅
Captzae 1 year
The idea of her being different from most characters and not become accepting of the weight so easily so that way it gives room for Trevor to really make her feel loved even while she still gains,
Captzae 1 year
I’ve read all of your stories and I don’t know why but this one really is my favorite and I can’t wait for the sequel to the fence. I fee that Alana should continue to gain weight but I like the idea,
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@shesgonnnabehuge It might get a sequel one day!

@Yuri33 I am still thinking about it, one day I will probably write the sequel
Ellegirl 3 years
Why did it endddd smiley
Yuri33 4 years
It passed 3 months from this story, have you thought about a continious?
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 no worries in that regard, Trevor is not a feeder and Alana is not a feedee
Yuri33 4 years
You got right! But if you continious with this masterpiece please dont fall in the usual story in which he is a feeder and she is a feede
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 I think that would be the perfect ending to their relationship, but they aren't quite there yet. Their relationship is still a secret, so first that bridge will have to be crossed.

Thanks for the feedback!
Yuri33 4 years
Se he love her and continious to spoil her!
What you say?
Its long time i dont read an amazing story like this on ff so thankyou!
Yuri33 4 years
You can go on with a marriage! After wedding alana can get more lazy and spoiled, trevor do little trying to motivate alana going into gym or going out for a run or a walk but alana is too lazy for this and continious grow fatter. Trevor accept this becou
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I won't rule out a longform rewrite eventually, it does sound like a fun challenge.

Thanks for the support! And thanks for the feedback! it means a lot to me!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I think the story would work very well in the longform, the only issue for me is the large time investment it would take to do it justice. I have other unfinished stories I want to finish before I do any more rewrites. I won't rule out a lon
Saidence42 4 years
I really loved 'Paul's Dilemma' so having this story with similar length arc would be amazing.

You're an amazing author with a true mastery over romance, pacing, and tension. I'll definitely be closely following your work.
Saidence42 4 years
I'd love to see a re-do of this story as an extended version that starts the same except instead of confessing/ falling in love straight away they slowly gravitate towards each other while Alana gets bigger.
FattyBoyy 4 years
Hey, I'm trying to write another chapter to my story. How do I do that I don't see an option for it.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Rstlne, Thank you! Those are great ideas!
Rstlne 4 years
*Maybe Trevor tries to change that?
Rstlne 4 years
Yeah, I think you should continue.

- Telling the other side of the story with Noah and Stephanie
- Continuing the current story.
- Maybe Alana starts to lose weight for a while because she is no longer stressed. And maybe Trevor tries to ch
Rstlne 4 years
Still reading but enjoying it so far (:
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