The fence

chapter 9- all grown up

“Thank you so much. I was having trouble breathing..” Alana sighed in relief, as she finished crawling backwards. Once she stopped, she spotted the hand that had just firmly held her thick waist only a few moments ago, extended and inviting her to grab it. She graciously placed her hand in Trevor’s and was astonished by how small her hand was compared to his. She was going to say thank you, but as Trevor pulled her to her feet and she turned to do so, the Trevor she saw broke her train of thought.

“What?” Trevor asked, as Alana stared at him with wide curious eyes and a dropped jaw.

She’d been expecting the same little chubby munchkin she used to babysit, but it was obvious Trevor wasn’t a kid anymore. For one thing, he was tall! Not just taller than her, but probably taller than Scott! He had to be 6’2! At least! Her parents had told her that he’d joined the track and field team in high school, but damn did he look like an all-star athlete! His body was lean like a runner but had some manly muscle around his chest, shoulders and arms. He looked.. kinda hot. Way hotter than Scott had ever been. Holy shit.. When had Trevor become a man?

“Gosh.. You’ve grown..” Alana gulped, as she narrowly avoided swallowing her tongue.

“So have you.” Trevor grinned, as he scanned the body of his former babysitter.

In high school, Alana was without a doubt the hottest girl he’d ever seen. When she was stuck in the fence, he’d noted that her ass had widened and thickened to at least three times the size it had been in high school. He’d also eyed how plump Alana’s legs had become. And now, standing in front of her, he could see that Alana’s belly looked like someone stuck a hose in her mouth and left it running on high. Alana had gotten fat, and not just chubby, she was actually a purebred fatty now. Even her once firm and tastefully sized breasts had engorged into jiggly fattened boobs worthy of a 250-pound former high school hottie.

She always teased him about his baby weight growing up. She’d spent her whole life acting like she was out of his league. Now she was the one sporting the excess poundage! He was the one out of her league! The reversal of fortunes made him smile for some reason. It was like he’d won something. It was a fairly quick realization, but no less satisfying.

“Yeah, sideways..” Alana joked in a self-deprecating manner, as she broke eye contact with Trevor mid-blush. Suddenly, standing in front of him in a bikini felt inappropriate. It was too tight.. Well.. She was too big to wear something so revealing.. And he was looking at her hips! Gosh, why did her hips have to fatten up so much?? Alana’s hands drifted to her problem area absentmindedly, she didn’t realize it until she nicked a splinter, “Ouch!”

“Those splinters look bad. Come inside, I’ll get the pliers.” Trevor offered, as Alana paused. She wanted to into change into something less revealing, but she knew that she’d have to get the splinters out first… Trevor was already seeing her at her worst.. Might as well do as he said.

“Thank you.” Alana accepted, as she followed the young man into his family’s house. Against her better judgement, her eyes creeped to Trevor’s butt. He was wearing some form fitting athletic sweats, so she had a good look. Trevor filled his pants nicely. He clearly did squats.

While Alana stole some glimpses of the favor’s puberty did for Trevor, he was focused on grabbing the pliers from the bathroom. It didn’t take him long and Alana was waiting for him in the kitchen when he got back.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Captzae 1 year
Still gains unintentionally so when it goes to marriage he’s got more than enough reasons under his belt to why she loves him so much they get married, I’m not author I just really like that idea 😅
Captzae 1 year
The idea of her being different from most characters and not become accepting of the weight so easily so that way it gives room for Trevor to really make her feel loved even while she still gains,
Captzae 1 year
I’ve read all of your stories and I don’t know why but this one really is my favorite and I can’t wait for the sequel to the fence. I fee that Alana should continue to gain weight but I like the idea,
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@shesgonnnabehuge It might get a sequel one day!

@Yuri33 I am still thinking about it, one day I will probably write the sequel
Ellegirl 3 years
Why did it endddd smiley
Yuri33 4 years
It passed 3 months from this story, have you thought about a continious?
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 no worries in that regard, Trevor is not a feeder and Alana is not a feedee
Yuri33 4 years
You got right! But if you continious with this masterpiece please dont fall in the usual story in which he is a feeder and she is a feede
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yuri33 I think that would be the perfect ending to their relationship, but they aren't quite there yet. Their relationship is still a secret, so first that bridge will have to be crossed.

Thanks for the feedback!
Yuri33 4 years
Se he love her and continious to spoil her!
What you say?
Its long time i dont read an amazing story like this on ff so thankyou!
Yuri33 4 years
You can go on with a marriage! After wedding alana can get more lazy and spoiled, trevor do little trying to motivate alana going into gym or going out for a run or a walk but alana is too lazy for this and continious grow fatter. Trevor accept this becou
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I won't rule out a longform rewrite eventually, it does sound like a fun challenge.

Thanks for the support! And thanks for the feedback! it means a lot to me!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@saidence42 I think the story would work very well in the longform, the only issue for me is the large time investment it would take to do it justice. I have other unfinished stories I want to finish before I do any more rewrites. I won't rule out a lon
Saidence42 4 years
I really loved 'Paul's Dilemma' so having this story with similar length arc would be amazing.

You're an amazing author with a true mastery over romance, pacing, and tension. I'll definitely be closely following your work.
Saidence42 4 years
I'd love to see a re-do of this story as an extended version that starts the same except instead of confessing/ falling in love straight away they slowly gravitate towards each other while Alana gets bigger.
FattyBoyy 4 years
Hey, I'm trying to write another chapter to my story. How do I do that I don't see an option for it.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Rstlne, Thank you! Those are great ideas!
Rstlne 4 years
*Maybe Trevor tries to change that?
Rstlne 4 years
Yeah, I think you should continue.

- Telling the other side of the story with Noah and Stephanie
- Continuing the current story.
- Maybe Alana starts to lose weight for a while because she is no longer stressed. And maybe Trevor tries to ch
Rstlne 4 years
Still reading but enjoying it so far (:
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