The fence

chapter 10- getting reacquainted

“Where are they?” Trevor asked, as he showed Alana the pliers.

“Mostly my hips.” Alana explained, as she turned to her side and pointed. Trevor’s eyes scanned the side of Alana’s plump leg. She’d always been a bit of a lazy glutton, now her body finally reflected her vigorous appetite

“Looks like you have a few on your love handles too.” Trevor pointed out, as his hand brushed over Alana’s fatty sides.

“Yup.” Alana muttered, as Trevor’s authoritative touch caused a flock of butterflies to stir in her big belly. This was embarrassing. She wanted him to hurry so she could cover herself in something less revealing, “If you could get them out that would be great.”

“I’ll get them. Hold still.” Trevor ordered, as Alana obeyed. She could feel the pliers going to work. There was a bit of pain, but nothing too serious. She could hear her stomach churning. This embarrassment was giving her an upset tummy.. Great. Just as the silence was beginning to make her uncomfortably, Trevor broke it, “So, how’s life been?”

“Ha.. Terrible.” Alana stammered without thinking. Her body jiggled all over in response for a moment.

“What’s been going on?” Trevor asked, as he had to wait for the ripples of jiggling fat across Alana’s body to stop moving before he could continue with the pliers.

“You want the whole list? First, my boyfriend dumped me for his obese ex-girlfriend.” Alana ‘s voice roared louder while she continued, “I know I’m not skinny anymore, but she was so fat, she made me look skinny. Like, she’s gonna have problems later in life if she doesn’t watch herself.”

“Wow, that’s crazy.” Trevor commented, as Alana nodded. She felt Trevor pluck another splinter out from her side, and then he placed his hand on her back and turned her around so he could work on her other hip.

He hadn’t even asked her to move. He just moved her like it was nothing. She almost wanted to chastise him, but she felt reluctant. He was doing her a favor. She decided just to continue with the story, as Trevor got to work again with the pliers.

“Right. My boyfriend dumped me. I missed some work because of the breakup and.. I had to leave my position.” Alana vented, as Trevor shot her a curious look. She elaborated, “Basically, I got fired without technically being fired.”

“Where did you work?” Trevor asked, as he plucked another splinter.

“A small college in NYC, I was a councilor in residence life.” Alana explained.

“Dang. I’m sorry.” Trevor shrugged.

“Don’t be. For what I was paying to live there. I wasn’t making any money. I’m still in so much debt from college haha.” Alana honestly admitted despite the fact she was a bit ashamed of her financial situation. She was kind of embarrassed she’d just blurted it out to Trevor. It was the kind of think she would never mention on a first date. Not that this was a date..

“So, that’s why you moved home?” Trevor pieced together.

“Yeah.. I couldn’t afford it. I still haven’t found another job yet.” Alana reluctantly admitted. Fuck it. In for a penny in for a pound, right? If Trevor wanted to know just how much his former babysitter’s life had fucked up, she’d give it to him uncensored.

“You will.” Trevor responded encouragingly.

“I know. I have to.” Alana emphasized, “Can’t rely on a guy to bail me out. All the good men are taken.”

“What are you talking about?” Trevor questioned, as he worked on getting the last few splinters out.

“What age group in women do you think men find most attractive?” Alana bellowed with resentment on her tongue.

“Umm, is this a trick question.” Trevor quietly mumbled.

“Just be honest.” Alana grunted.

“Eighteen through twenty-four?” Trevor guessed.

“Bingo. The older I get the less guys are gonna be interested. It’s just facts. Time is not on my side.” Alana snobbishly elaborated, “And the pool of guys that are, like, marriage material and not total scumbags is so fucking small. Any girl that’s smart already has a good man on lock. Which makes me an idiot for or not being smarter before my metabolism screwed me over.”

“Don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a little bit? I think plenty of women over 24 are attractive.” Trevor countered, as he looked up at Alana’s face.

“No. I’m not exaggerating. How old is the girl your brother is marrying?” Alana knowingly asked, as she made eye contact with Trevor. She’d let that little comment about finding older women attractive go, but she couldn’t help but feel it was a subtle attempt by Trevor to flirt with her. She was both amused and a little flustered at the same time. Was it really appropriate for him to be flirting with her?

“Umm, twenty-four.” Trevor answered looking disappointed.

“See! I told you! And besides, if twenty-four-year olds are going for the likes of your brother, then all the good men have seriously been taken.” Alana snobbishly explained in a bitchy tone. There was still some resentment in her voice from the way she remembered things ending with Scott.

“Did you just classify my brother into the scumbag category?” Trevor raised his eyebrow.

“I sure did. No offense.” Alana apologized, although she didn’t sound like she meant it. In fact, as she spoke, she’d given Trevor a little pat on his head. She hadn’t meant to. It was something she used to do when she babysat him. Often to remind him that she was in charge of the short youngster.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
jimbo, I do have a few ideas for a sequel for this story, but I'm not sure the best way to gauge people's interest in a continuation. I might work on one in the future.

In the meantime, if people have ideas for a sequel, please let me know. It could
Jimbo021289 4 years
Please don't let this be the end
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