Pumpkin spliced

chapter 4

As Cindy continued to gorge herself on the pumpkin themed feast it became apparent that her swelling was not entirely due to the mass of food in her stomach. A fact confirmed when her clothing began splitting at the very seams. Cindy was growing!

As her clothing fell away in tatters it was clear to anyone who looked that Cindy was becoming very fat, at least that’s how it looked. The doctor’s chemical cocktail had altered Cindy’s very DNA structure and her consumption of the trigger items was only speeding up the process.

Not a shred of clothing covered Cindy’s swelling form but she could scarcely care as she continued to eat. Her ass had rounded out quite nicely the doctor thought as he watched her transformation with glee. It sat atop two tremendous thighs that now seemed to jiggle as she moved her arms, grabbing whatever she could to feed her addiction. And what arms they were! Hanging flesh swayed as she continued her gourmandizing. The broad-backed young woman also appeared to be growing taller as she was lost in her gluttony.

“Looks like it’ll be a good harvest down at the pumpkin patch this year!” laughed the doctor as he surveyed his work. Moving around to the front he could see how her breasts had become heavy, swollen and pendulous but they were no match for her growing paunch. Her stomach was almost globular, pushing her back from the table somewhat. The doctor noted that while it was almost globular it was taking on the rounded form of one particular food item.

As Cindy neared the end of the mountain of food that Doctor Preigh had provided he noted that the final stages of her transformation were coming to the surface. Her dyed blonde hair started to look a little green as her skin slowly changed shade to something more akin to her favorite foodstuff. Once her skin was fully orange in color the trademark vertical ridges of the pumpkin began to form on her breasts and her belly, when the last scrap of food was consumed, she was finally ready.

She turned to the doctor, her now orange eyes filled with hunger and simply said “More!”

“Don’t worry my PumpQueen” said the doctor as he pierced her now shiny skin with another syringe full of sedative, “you will have all the pumpkin you want and the world will see what lengths you will go to in order to get your fix!”

Just a few hours later the doctor pulled up in the parking lot of a local Walmart and opened the back doors of his van. Out rolled his 8-foot, 500 pounds pumpkin monster, still unconscious from the sedative. He waved what he hoped would be an incriminating Starbucks cup under her nose to rouse her from her slumber, he put the cup in her hand, pointed her towards the doors of the grocery store and waited for everyone to start screaming.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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VanillaCream 4 years
Lmfao wow!! I'll never carve a pumpkin again, poor girl
PrincessBlurmy 4 years
I think you're safe Akwolfgrl13, the doctor only seems to hate pumpkins during fall but I don't know his feelings on peppermint during winter...
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
I don't care for pumpkin spice everything. I love peprmint though!!!