Fit to fat to fatter

chapter 2 the back story

In high school Trish and Julie were teammates and great friends. Not anything close to rivals.Possesed with beauty and athletic ability they were nearly equal in popularity. The saying "different strokes for different folks " suited this pair to a tee.Both just above average height at 5'6".One(Julie) slender but proportioned at around 120 lbs.Trish was "stacked". Busty with a nice booty and thickish thighs at 150.Julie the blonde and Trish the brunette.
They played the same three sports. Field Hockey in the fall Julie the speedy left wing.Trish the sturdy and strong Sweeper on defense. In the spring? Softball. Julie in center field with incredible speed and the leadoff batter.Trish on 3rd base and the best hitter on the team batting 3rd in the order.
In the winter they were on the Competition Cheerleading team. Julie was a Flyer and Tumbler.An acrobat. Trish was at the base of the pyramids and could even do the strength moves with the smallest Freshman girls when they didn't have enough guys one year.
Trish and Julie even tied for Homecoming Queen and reveled in the event. They had been the two most desirable and accomplished girls in the class and had equal amounts of admiration from the student body.
Julie ran and did cardio as well as some power box jumps every summer and planking to be quick and ripped.Trish loved lifting weights and being very strong. Occasionally both would go on loan to the Track team for conference and states when their softball team was eliminated Julie would step in to the 4×200 relay.Trish threw the discus .
When they both left for different colleges the friendship was strong.Never broken.Just a pause that would be put on play right after college graduation.And how both young women had changed in those years would be perfect for the A&E reality series Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit.
Trish had taken summer jobs every year since age 14 Jobs that were physical. Vegetable stands.Life Guard.Until the summer before college.A restaurant owner saw the the personable and striking young woman at dinner with her family and asked if she would consider replacing the hostess who was leaving shortly. And so it was that while the more affluent Julie was running in 5K's that summer and working out.Trish was in a relatively quiet job with heavily discounted delicious meals.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Jazzman 7 months
Thank you for the comments! All of my stories get away from me eventually. Lol. I hope you continue to read this though.
Mikeboi1994 7 months
First chapter is very promising. 😆 I feel like I'm gonna enjoy this. 🙂
Makeme300 2 years
I enjoyed reading this. Thanks