The fattening hotel

chapter 3

Once both girls finished their last dessert Haley leaned back holding her bloated stomach exclaiming in great discomfort " it's gonna take me a week to work all of that fat and calories off!" Michelle patted her own belly them rubbing Haley's " oh come on we are here for three months you'll have time to work off being indulgent for one night." As Michelle sat there holding here bloated stomach thinking about how good it felt being completely stuffed. "I might just have to do this every day while we are here. It had now neared 10 o'clock and the dance party on the beach was just beginning. Michelle hoped up and pulled Haley to her feet "come in this is gonna be fun!" Haley groaned and reluctantly followed her excited friend while holding her very bloated belly. They got about to the dance floor and began dancing and drinking the night away. Haley rained seated at the bar holding her swollen stomach and drinking drink after drink different guys bought her. While Michelle spent her night on the dance floor twerking on Every guys that came by. As the night neared 2 am the girls decided it was time to turn in. They began walking up to the lobby from the beach when Michelle noticed there was a late night ice cream bar open with several softserve flavors. Michelle giggle and clapped "come on I know how much you love ice cream!" Haley held her still bloated stomach "Michelle I don't know I'm still pretty....." Michelle cut her and drug her over and the began filling up come after come just having to try all the flavors. Once the girls had all the Ice cream they could handle the drunkenly waddled back to the elevator and passed out in their beds. For the first week they repeated this process if stuffing them selves each time there was a new meal or snack option and laying out and drinking in between eating. At the beging of the second week Haley woke up hungover for the 5th day in a row and still feeling very bloated from the night before. She though to her self holding her now little potbelly that had begun to form from the endless eating. "If I try to keep pace with Michelle for this whole trip I'm gonna look like a beached whale by the time we go home." Michelle had already been up for a couple of hours drinking coffee and eating on a box of doughnuts she had gotten from the lobby. " I don't know what has come over me this trip but I just love feeling completely full and stuffed!" Michelle said to her self rubbing her strained boated stomach that wasn't as soft as Haley's but definitely wasn't flat and firm any more.
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Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder if they'll become more then friends