Perfect game

chapter 7

This was a different Ellen though, the Ellen that would have turned her nose up at ice cream didn’t weigh in excess of 290lbs, this Ellen had quite the fondness for sweets.

“Ice cream would be lovely” beamed Ellen. She was beginning to take a shine to Andrew, not only had he not made a fuss when her trousers inexplicably popped their button but he had bought her this lovely bowling shirt and was treating her so nicely with all the food he was buying her. Not to mention how nice he was to her at work, she was beginning to wonder how it was that Andrew didn’t have a girlfriend by now. “I’ll have a banana split if they have them.”

“Coming right up beautiful, just make sure you don’t get a 7-10 split on your next turn”

Ellen giggled like a schoolgirl at Andrew’s corny joke as she once again struggled with her ball, it definitely didn’t feel like something that had been made just for her anymore and she found it difficult to fit her fattened fingers into the holes.

When Andrew returned back from the snack bar it was obvious that Ellen had taken her turn, he didn’t even have to look at the scoreboard to see that she had indeed scored yet another strike. As she sat there, patiently awaiting his return, her hands clasped and resting on top of her massive belly that sat proudly on top of her enlarged thighs, it was easy to see that Ellen had surpassed that magic 300lbs benchmark. Her multiple chins creased as she noticed that Andrew had bought her treat.

“Oohh that looks delicious!” she enthused as he handed over the calorie laden bowl.

“Sweets for my sweet” he remarked cheerfully which caused Ellen to blush, her cheeks inflating as she took her first massive bite. “I see you scored another strike too!”, she nodded happily as she continued with her dessert, “I must be your good luck charm” he laughed.

“Something like that” she grinned through a mouthful of whipped cream, “it’s your turn.”

Of course, Andrew didn’t really care about adding another 8 points to his tally, he was much more concerned with how well his plan was going.

“By the end of the night she’ll be the size of a house and I’ll have a new girlfriend” he thought to himself with glee.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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LeDebonaire 4 years
Coming along indeed, wonder what other changes will come with the weight? I think a comparison at the end would really seal the deal. Good job!
Shammyboy 4 years
Hopefully at the end he'll ask for a rematch.
PrincessBlurmy 4 years
Glad you guys are enjoying it.
Not many frames left now 😉
LeDebonaire 4 years
The game needs to end! Enjoying the story.
Rimtech 4 years
This is such a creative (and effective) concept! I'll be watching for more chapters (and stories).
Theswordsman 4 years
At this rate she could end up doubling her weight before she's done
Champ 4 years
Great story! Looking forward to more!
PrincessBlurmy 4 years
😉 that's right.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
So what ever she scores is what she gains?