The rise of emily

chapter 6

February 1st 2013

Emily's appetite really began to flourish over the holidays. She pretty much laid around all day eating anything and everything put infront of her! Most people tend to throw out all the leftover over food from Christmas, we had our very own human dustbin that disposed of all the leftovers...Emily! She ate all of my family's leftovers, her family's leftovers and even 2 of our neighbor's leftovers! She polished off 4 turkeys, countless cakes and desserts, about 30 boxes of chocolates, dozens of candies and potato chips and so much more! Worst part is it only took her 2 days! Even after she devoured everything she demanded pizza because she 'hadn't had it for 4 day'!

Her holiday season started December the 1st and didn't stop until 31st of January! February was no better though, unemployed and to lazy to leave the house but to be fair to her she was eating AS much as she did in December and January but still enough to keep her gaining!

So to sum up, November, December, January and February, she was eating like a pig and as you can imagine, piling on the weight! We decided to weigh her this morning and the results were shocking...

'What does it say?' She begged 'You know i can see over my belly!' She followed up

'wow' I say standing up to face her '406 pounds babe...' I continue

'WHAT THE FUCK! No you're lying! I cant be that heavy!' She screamed

'That's what it says Em, I'm not lying' I reassure her

'This is to much now! I can accept the fact that I'm always going to be a big girl now but 400 is to much! Please Tommy help me get back down to 360, I'm begging you!' She cried wrapping her arms around me

I thought for a minute. I haven't felt jealous and insecure in months now, she's was big enough at 300 pound now she wants to be 360....That's fine by me!

'Of course I'll help you ems! I'll do anything for you! You know I love you know matter what!'

And the was it, the first day of her diet. She lost the first 15 pounds just from cutting back, only having 1 dessert instead of 3, having fruit as a snack instead chocolate, little things like that. Eventually though she had to start excising, the pounds were melting away! She got so into it that she continued to diet past 360! She was now 335 and seemingly wanting to loose more.

It was around that time my jealousy kicked in night I was laying in bed watching TV, Emily had fallen asleep about an hour ago, that's when I notice her phone go off, unable to ignore it I discovered a guy by the name of 'Jack Smith' had messaged her on Facebook saying 'Hi, I notice you're looking so hot recently! How about we meet up??? xxx' I got very angry, how dare he have the guts to message my girlfriend like that! I messaged him back saying '***' then deleted and blocked him.

I needed to nip this in the bud now, I needed my 400 pound girlfriend back! There was only one way I could get her back....the formula! The next morning I made a fresh batch and begun adding it to all her 'healthy' foods, all I needed to do now was play the waiting game
92 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 weeks
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Fluffylove 2 weeks
Omg more chapters!
Wafflel554 1 year
Please make a spinoff to Grace becoming obese and immobile like Emily and live together but in the same house
Fluffylove 2 years
LOVE IT..keep it cuming
Aengland2 2 years
Please add more I beg you
WhiteWalker69 2 years
We need more!!!!!!
Ove-B219 3 years
one of them must be sterile, after all no one mentions any condoms or pills. Nice work, once again But I feel no build up to a plot twist or any goal here. It feels like the story is too... much the same as before.
Fluffylove 3 years
Great new chapters. Please keep them coming
Fluffylove 3 years
Hope you continue
Fluffylove 3 years
Great additions
Punchy 4 years
I really hope Daisy eats something with formula on it and gets really big unintentionally.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how daisy's boyfriend feels about her spending so much time there
Fluffylove 4 years
Great additions, you should have the brother in law steal a bunch of the formula. So the two sisters can have a race to see who can get the fattest
Passionfat 4 years
In my eyes the most beautiful story on this site! I can't wait for the future !! Congratulations to the author
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder if she'll end up learning about the appetite enhancer
Fluffylove 4 years
Please add more
Karenjenk 4 years
Still like this and love that you intorduced Grace to the story
Mommika 4 years
Hey it's nice to see your on here to, not just on deaviantart
Fluffylove 4 years
Please continue. Really nice start. I'd love to see more body descriptions. And to hear about how hungry she's getting and struggles to move around
Karenjenk 4 years
I loved this. comfortably paced fantasy. Nice!
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before she becomes immobile because at the rate she's gaining her muscles don't have time to adjust