The rise of emily

chapter 82


Although it was getting pretty late, Emily wasn’t tired at all probably because she slept for 10 hours during the day and a 40 minute nap a few hours ago. Emily was currently watching family guy on tv whilst I was struggling to keep my eyes open, if it wasn’t for her belly shaking me awake whenever she laughs I’d probably be asleep by now.

The episode finished and after the commercials bobs burgers came on

‘Ems maybe you shouldn’t watch that’ I say groggily

‘Shh! It’s funny, go back to sleep’ Emily snapped

‘Why don’t you turn the tv off and go to sleep?’ I ask still groggy

‘I’m not tired! Hey remember that time where I wasn’t sure if I could eat 6 burgers, how pathetic was I’ Emily chuckled to herself

‘To be fair Ems you was like 600 pound lighter’ I reply

‘Still pathetic! I ate 7 and a half earlier and was still starving after!’ Emily said smugly ‘I do love burgers though’ She followed up

‘I know you do, you eat over a 100 burgers a week!’ I chuckle

‘They’re just like the perfect snack!’ Emily continued praising burgers

‘Yeah they’re alright’ I shrug

‘Alright?! They’re so fucking good! Remember when I ate 30 in one sitting, I could easily do more then that now, I’m 160 pound heavier’ Emily continues

‘Well to be honest Ems, I haven’t had one for years’ I tell Emily casually

‘Years?! What the fuck tom how is that even possible?!’ Emily snaps with shock

‘Because you wouldn’t let me, the last time I got a burger you ended up eating it!’ I laugh

‘I don’t remember that’ Emily shrugs

‘It was June 2014 in think, about a month after you decided not to diet anymore and eat whatever you wanted, you must’ve been at least 500 pound’ I tell Emily

‘So I was still skinny’ Emily interrupts with a cocky smile as she lightly pats her belly before her arm heavily collapses to her side, almost like she didn’t even have the energy to lift her own arm for more then a few seconds

‘Anyway as I was saying’ I continue ‘you asked me to get you a large kebab and large fries’

‘Only 1?!’ Emily once again interrupted

‘Yes only 1 kebabs and fries...I decided to get myself a burger and fries, nothing fancy just a standard cheese burger. When I arrived home I obviously served your food first, you instantly started devouring your kebab by the time I sat down to eat the burger you were already half way through your kebab, that’s when you finally noticed I had a burger, being the greedy jealous piggy you are you asked for a bite, unable to say no to you I held the burger to your lips, your mouth instantly dropped open and you took an almighty bite, followed by a second, then third, fourth and finally the last mouthful’ I tell Emily

‘Oh shit I do remember that! I just thought the burger was for me though I didn’t realise it was yours! Why didn’t you say anything?!’ Emily huffed

‘Because of what you did next’ I say with a chuckle

‘What did I do?’ Emily alluringly asks

‘You simply burped, turned back to your kebab, polished that off, devoured your fries, then my fries and then asked me to grab you a box of Krispy Kreme’s. That was the day I realised you truly had let go, you truly did live to eat.’ I tell Emily giving her belly an affectionate squeeze

‘Who knows maybe if you didn’t let me eat your burger and fries I still might be a skinny little 500 pounder, that burger could have flipped a switch in my body that made me gain another 500 pound, that burger could’ve been the key!’ Emily jokes


‘ Ohhh nooo’ Emily says quietly

‘You want a burger now don’t you’ I ask

‘No....I want a tray of burgers! Hehehe’ Emily laughs greedily

‘I knew you shouldn’t have watched that program!’ I sigh as I get out of bed a put some clothes on ‘I’ll be back as quickly as I can’ I huff trying to wake myself up more

‘Wait a sec Tommy!’ Emily interrupts


‘I’m hungry...’ Emily says biting her lip and rubbing her finger up and down her belly

‘You want something now?’ I ask

‘Yes please, I won’t be able to wait until you get back!’ Emily replies

‘Here’ I say placing another 2 red velvet cakes on her belly shelf

‘Baby my arms are so tired, can you feed me?’ Emily asks licking her lips as she eyes up both cakes

‘I thought you wanted me to get you burgers?’

‘I do!’ Emily snaps

‘I can’t do both Ems, if you want burgers you’re gunna have to feed yourself! I tell Emily sternly

‘Oh fuck I really don’t have the energy to lift them! Can you ask grace?’ Emily begs not even attempting to lift her own arms

‘It’s late Ems they might be asleep’


†˜Wake them up I don’t care! Please baby!listen to my belly rumbling!’ Emily begs

I do as I’m told and head for grace and zacks room, I gently knock on their door and Zack steps out the bedroom and quietly shuts the door

‘What’s up dude?’ Zack asks

‘I’ve gotta go get Emily burgers but she’s hungry and can’t wait for me to get back, I’ve given her 2 cakes but she hasn’t got the energy to feed herself, so she asked if grace could feed her?’ I explain

‘Grace is out for the count man’ he replies with a shrug

‘Fuck’ I sigh

‘I can do it man’ Zack counteroffers enthusiastically

‘Yeah bet you’d love to’ I reply sarcastically

‘Hurry up tommy I’m starving! I can’t wait any longer!’ Emily shouts from our bedroom

‘Fuck sake, come on then Zack!’ I huff leading Zack to our bedroom

‘Grace is asleep but Zack said he doesn’t mind’ I explain walking into our bedroom


‘I don’t care who’s feeding me just fucking hurry up!’ Emily snaps. Zack quickly runs towards Emily and picks up the first cake and holds it to her lips, Emily instantly latches on and begins devouring the cake at record breaking speed, I leave them to it as I grab my keys and head towards McDonald’s
92 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 weeks
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Fluffylove 2 weeks
Omg more chapters!
Wafflel554 1 year
Please make a spinoff to Grace becoming obese and immobile like Emily and live together but in the same house
Fluffylove 2 years
LOVE IT..keep it cuming
Aengland2 2 years
Please add more I beg you
WhiteWalker69 2 years
We need more!!!!!!
Ove-B219 3 years
one of them must be sterile, after all no one mentions any condoms or pills. Nice work, once again But I feel no build up to a plot twist or any goal here. It feels like the story is too... much the same as before.
Fluffylove 3 years
Great new chapters. Please keep them coming
Fluffylove 3 years
Hope you continue
Fluffylove 3 years
Great additions
Punchy 4 years
I really hope Daisy eats something with formula on it and gets really big unintentionally.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how daisy's boyfriend feels about her spending so much time there
Fluffylove 4 years
Great additions, you should have the brother in law steal a bunch of the formula. So the two sisters can have a race to see who can get the fattest
Passionfat 4 years
In my eyes the most beautiful story on this site! I can't wait for the future !! Congratulations to the author
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder if she'll end up learning about the appetite enhancer
Fluffylove 4 years
Please add more
Karenjenk 4 years
Still like this and love that you intorduced Grace to the story
Mommika 4 years
Hey it's nice to see your on here to, not just on deaviantart
Fluffylove 4 years
Please continue. Really nice start. I'd love to see more body descriptions. And to hear about how hungry she's getting and struggles to move around
Karenjenk 4 years
I loved this. comfortably paced fantasy. Nice!
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before she becomes immobile because at the rate she's gaining her muscles don't have time to adjust