The metamorphosis

chapter 4

"Kill you? No, Im gonna marry your fat ,ass", chuckled Meta with her dick at least four inches deep into Captain Fantastic's still strong and muscular ass. The mere giggle sent waves of fat flesh wobbling into Frank's groin as well as feeling likewise the pleasurable sensation of Meta's cock sliding in and out.

Inadvertantly Frank let out a lustful groan and tried to reach up and tug on his nipples as was customary in their past hoik ups. His hands however were stopped in their exploration of his own flesh as the heavy chain's and shackles kept his fingers just millimeters from his goal. Where his hands had failed to accomolish their mission, Captain Fantastic's moan came out audibly, and much to the pleasure of the fat and grinning sexy alien.

Slowly beginning to pump her cock and big belly into her helpless captive, Meta asked, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You like this don't you?"

At first Frank only weakly moaned. "Listen up! And speak when you're spoken to!
You ***ing bitch", commanded Meta in the blan monotone that she knew drove her "fat bitch" crazy.

"Yes, yes, yessssssssss!", he screamed out in the sweet agony of his first cosmically intense orgasm in years. Sex with anyone else was mundane compared to Meta, especially when she made her cosmic cock do that thing he loved to his prostate. It always managed to bring him to immediate orgasm and today was no different, at least in that regard.

Stripped of his superpowers and with no possible hope for escapewithout them, Captain Fantastic just gave in and enjoyed the moment. He could be dead at any moment if Meta willed it, so he just gave in a came all over himself again, again, and again yelling out "Im your fat bitch", over and over again.

"One more time and you're my fat bich forever", said Meta looking down at the much smaller and weaker Frank beneath her. "One more time and you'll be mine forever", she whispered again in his ear as she smuchshed her fat belly around his throbbing cock.

"Now say, Im going to be your fat bitch forever, commanded Meta pulling out til only a half an inch was still inside him.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Her Revenge 1 year
Love where this is going, please continue
Growingsofter 2 years
Hope you liked 👍
BitchImAPig 4 years
Meta transfers all her fat over to Captain Fantastic, then gives him his powers back. He struggles to even stand as he is under so much pleasure and his extra weight is preventing him from being able to use his powers effectively.
Growingsofter 4 years
Archer 2 years
She makes him a chubby femboy and breeds him to bring back her lost race.
Growingsofter 2 years
Love it. I promise to use that idea. Thanks
Her Revenge 4 years
amazing start, I can't wait to see what happens to our hero!