The metamorphosis

chapter 6

Captain Fantastic woke up in a hospital bed with an amazingly painful headache and blurry eyes, two things that reminded him of how he'd gotten here.
Obviously it had to be Meta. When they made love, or better yet, when she fucked him, Frank always temprarily lost his powers and was thus susceptible to ordinary mortal pains. However, it was the anoying and high pitched voice of his sidekick, "The Glamour's" voice that now most grated on him. Heather Bateman, or better known as "The Glamour" sereptiscously used her superpowers to enthrall the throng of reporters at his bed.

"One last question and then I must insist that you give Captain Fantastic some rest" she said, or rather strongly suggested through mental telepathy.

"Is Captain Fantastic going to make a full recovery", asked a young reporter towards the back of the crowd.

"Yes, he will fully recover. Now on you way now boys", she said, dispersing and scattering them to the wind. And it was just in time as Frank asked, "Heather, what's going on" a little too louldly for her liking.

Quickly her powerful hands discended down upon Frank's mouth with a force that almost made him cry. Now it all started coming back, Meta had kidnapped him, stripped him of his powers.

"It's Glamour Captain Fantastic", she said looking around the room to see if their were any perked up ears before releasing him.

"Okay, okay, but lets get out of here", said Frank in his Captain Fantastic super hero voice.

"I am", but you need to rest... and... well...", she paused nervously.

"And well what?", he asked rather impatiently.

"Well you need to rest and not freak out...", said "The Glamour" with the hint of evil in her tone and smile that Frank had grown accustomed to seeing right before she vanquished her foe.

"Freak out", parroted Frank, "Freak out about what?", he asked now trepidaceously.

"Well Frank, you've been out for a while and without your powers".

"How long?"

"Almost a month now"

"What the fuck. They're coming back though right?"

"Yeah... but really slowly"
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Her Revenge 1 year
Love where this is going, please continue
Growingsofter 2 years
Hope you liked 👍
BitchImAPig 4 years
Meta transfers all her fat over to Captain Fantastic, then gives him his powers back. He struggles to even stand as he is under so much pleasure and his extra weight is preventing him from being able to use his powers effectively.
Growingsofter 4 years
Archer 2 years
She makes him a chubby femboy and breeds him to bring back her lost race.
Growingsofter 2 years
Love it. I promise to use that idea. Thanks
Her Revenge 4 years
amazing start, I can't wait to see what happens to our hero!