Caught in the act

Chapter 3 - ana

Ana was well aware she was getting fat. At first, just like James, she had tried to deny it to herself. She had always had a strange relationship with food. When left to her own devices she would eat and eat until she couldn’t eat anymore. Until now this strange compulsion had always been counteracted by an active lifestyle, but always in the back of her mind she wondered what it would be like to let herself go. Grow an ample gut, expand her thighs, just become a true glutton. Give herself to her desire. Then she married James and was able to be a stay at home wife and that’s when it all began. Things started out slow. Going out to get a burger or burrito for lunch once a week, then twice a week, then getting some donuts for breakfast, then making sure the freezer was stocked with ice cream. The food binges had always been a little bit sensual to her in a way she could never quite explain, and as she began to pack on a few pounds in her newly laid back life the sensuality of it increased.
Then a twist she never saw coming occured. As the stuffings increased and her dimensions expended, James clearly started noticing something was going on. He was a bit disgusted and she could tell. He looked at her differently and glanced at certain parts of her in ways that he had never before. At first she was ashamed, but there was something else happening that she didn’t understand. She was getting turned on by his disgust. She started, almost against her own will, experimenting with the concept. She would keep her tank top on even when (or especially when) there was some food stains on it. She would talk about some huge meal she had eaten earlier that day, always letting him know how stuffed she was, and then immediately ask what was for dinner. She would idly rubbed her belly while watching TV together especially if it was properly stuffed. She would dig bits of food out of her increasingly cavernous belly button when she knew he was looking. Whenever they would go out to eat together she would gorge herself, steal from his plate, and always demand he buy her desert.By the time the fart incident occurred she was a slave to it. She absolutely could not control herself. It was what she had become: a fat slob.
She was starting to feel like she was taking advantage of James, but then the strangest thing of all was that she could tell that in some odd way, James liked it. The sex was undeniably the best it had ever been. She got the idea that James was even more confused about the whole thing than she was, so much so that he probably was unable to admit it to himself. She never brought it up for fear of killing it, but everytime he caught her scratching the undersided of her exposed paunch, the sex was better than anything either of them had ever experienced.
Today James both picked up on the underlying pleasure of Ana’s moan and the moisture spreading out through those sweatpants beginning at the crotch. His face is contorted into a grimace of shock and disgust, but before he can say anything more he notices one last thing: he is rock hard.
James rushes out of the room in confused anger. Slamming the door on the way out.
Ana laid back down on the bed. With one arm she pulled back her still uncomfortable full belly and with the other reached into her now drenched pants and rubbed her soaking pussy to completion.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
YAY! i get to make the first comment.
I love how he is repulsed and then takes charge and is forceful. LOVE IT!
I hope you continue