Caught in the act

Chapter 5 - the trap

As she entered the hall she immediately was hit with the enticing scent of tomatoes, cheese, and garlic. Her tummy erupted in an audible growl. She gave it a pat to shut it up.
As she entered the kitchen, James was bent down in front of the oven pulling out a tray lasagna nearly overflowing with gooey cheese. “Uhh, hey babe, you been cooking”, Ana muttered nervously.
“Yeah, ya know not everyone’s eaten their share fill yet today,” teased James.
Ana’s round cheeks instantly flared beet red and just shared at James in shock. Utterly speechless. James had never talked to her like that before.
James looked up from the steaming lasagna with a smirk, “Awe c’mon, I was just teasing. Come grab a plate. You’re just in time.”
Ana’s tummy growled and she silently prayed James didn’t hear it. “Um, no thanks. I’m, uh, not really hungry right now,” she lied. “I just came in here to get a, uh, glass of water,” Ana said looking at the floor, still blushing.
“Are you positive? I know you’ve been looking forward to lasagna all day… or at least all afternoon,” added James, shooting a subtle and almost unnoticed glance down to Ana’s abdomen. “Plus there’s garlic bread!”
Ana’s face reddened even more. She tried crossing her arms over her belly, but it only served to kill the intended illusion of the oversized hoodie by exposing how far her gut truly extended. What was going on? Just a couple hours ago he was berating her for being a “fat slob” and “overstuffed mess”, and now he was ploying her to eat a fairly high calorie meal. Was all that actually a dream? Maybe she hadn’t become as fat as she thought she had? Was this a game? As she stood there in shock, contemplating the strange reversal that had seemed to occur, her stomach continued to rumble from under its newly formed insulating layers, and Ana’s soft, pudgy will broke.
“Uh alright,” Ana muttered quietly and self-consciously, “I’ll have a couple bites.” She served herself a sliver, but quickly justified a full serving (and maybe a little extra) and sat down at the table with James.
James gave her a smug side-eye which she didn’t notice, now fully bewitched by the enrapturing combination of tomatoes, carbs, and thick layers of cheese. So engrossed was she by the richness of the lasagna, she hardly noticed when she had taken the last bite, and when she glanced over to see that James’s had barely poked at his, she yet again flared in a full-faced blush, embarrassed by the speed in which she’d dispatched that heavy plate of carbs and fat.
“Wow, uh, thanks James that was really good… I’m so full”, Ana said unconvincingly as she slowly and laboriously began to get up from the table.
“What? The Ana I know has never settled for just one serving of lasagna? Plus, you haven’t even tried the garlic bread I made for you.” James lept up from the table much faster than Ana could, grabbed the tray of lasagna and a loaf of garlic bread.
“No, James, seriously. I shouldn’t- I mean couldn’t eat another bite.” But she had forgotten about the garlic bread and it was always better fresh out of the oven and like James was the one telling her to eat and she was trying to deny herself for him. And despite sher words, her mouth was watering and she was no longer attempting to get up from the table. She seemed resigned to her fate as James served her another full plate of lasagna and a huge chunk of garlic bread.
“Jeeze, James, this is a lot,” she said without inflection and almost unconsciously right before digging in.
“Oh I think you can handle it,” James said with that same enigmatic smug and teasing tone he’s been using since she entered the kitchen, and poked her in her soft side.
‘What the hell was going on?!’ she thought. All the little sly remarks alluding to her gluttony, but also the coercion into more and more food. None of this was making any sense, but that last poke set her crotch of fire, and the food was so fucking good. The lasagna was so heavy with the thickest, gooiest cheese and the garlic bread was practically dripping with butter and also had a healthy layer of salty parmesan on it. She had the bread in her left and the fork in her right and both were taking turns forcing for and more carbs and fats into her face. And as she ate, bent over her plate, her gut got heavier and heavier against her thighs, making her pussy wetter and wetter. She was lost in it now. Her gut had won the day for the second time.
“Mmmm, wow, James this is sooo,” fork full of lasagna, *grunt*, “Hmmph, good! Mmm, you’ve really,” *grunt* fist full of bread *grunt*, “Ooooph, out done yourself!,” *grunt* fork full of lasagna, “Mmmmm, Oh god! Mmmm”.
“Here let me get you another slice.”
“Oh no I couldn- Oh fine, just one,” *grunt* fist full of bread *grunt* “Hmmf, more. But like I said before,” *grunt* fist full of bread *grunt*, “Mmmmmff, I’m for real gonna,” fork full of lasagna *grunt*, “MMMMMM! Gonna like start,” fist full of bread *grunt*, “Oh my god that shit is dank!” fork full of lasagna *grunt*, “Mmmhh hitting the-”
“Hey is that my hoodie?”
Fork full of lasagna, “Hhhmmm, what?” *grunt*
James walked over and stood over Ana, “Why are you wearing my hoodie?”
Ana shoveled in the last bite of lasagna from her plate and looked up at James a little bit dazed from the trance of a huge meal and confused by his sudden change in tone. “Hmmf, I, uh, all my hoodies were dirty..”
“Well, yeah of course, look at the number you did on this one, piggy!” he said pointing down at Ana’s chest, which was indeed covered in tomato sauce from sloppy forkfuls of lasagna and grease stains from dripping butter.
Ana became redder than ever. “Well I’m sorry about the hoodie, but you shouldn’t call me that. It’s not very ni-.”
“Take it off!” James began to raise his voice.
“No! Wha-”
“Take it off! It’s my hoodie!”
“I’m not gonna take off the-”
“You’re gonna take off that hoodie you slob!” James reached down and yanked up the hoodie. Ana tried to fight it but she was still too dazed from the rapid stuffing that she couldn’t but up much of a fight. James tossed the hoodie to the ground and there was a moment of silence as James looked her up and down with cold condescending eyes. “Oh my god, just look at you!”
Ana’s eyes began to well up with tears. She was so ashamed and embarrassed that she didn’t even bother to try and cover herself. She just sat there with her swelling, exposed tits, her once again engorged gut weighing on her wide lap, ass spilling off the edge of the chair and love handles pouring over the size of her waistband.
“You’re disgusting. You’re a ***ing slob with no self control. When’s the last time you looked in the mirror? Were you proud of what you saw? That fat gut and those disgusting rolls on your side. Jesus christ, when you came out here you were basically wattling. Wattling your fat ass to the kitchen to fill back up that huge, greedy, gluttonous fucking gut.
“You know, I don’t think you put on my hoodie because yours was dirty. I think you did it cause yours don’t even fit any more. Your hoodie! The biggest piece of clothing in your arsenal and it won’t even cover this fucking thing up” James reached down and pinch a large roll on Ana’ stomach, and although she was now silently crying from humiliation, did give her a not-insignificant tingle down below. “God knows those pants don’t fit! Fucking sweatpants! Do you have any pants that fit? Huh?”
“Y-yes”, Ana mumbled, trying to defend herself between tears, even though she was pretty sure it was a lie.
“Ha! Oh yeah? Go put them on!
“I-I don’t w-want to..”
“Oh you’re gonna do it you pig. I can’t stand the sight of you in those disgusting over-stretched sweatpants any longer.”
Ana didn’t know what else to do, so she got up and went to her bedroom to follow James’ orders. She was utterly humiliated and felt tricked and betrayed, but still somewhere down deep the part of her that was a total glutton for food was turning out to be a glutton for punishment.
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Karenjenk 4 years
YAY! i get to make the first comment.
I love how he is repulsed and then takes charge and is forceful. LOVE IT!
I hope you continue