Caught in the act

Chapter 6 - climax

“What’s taking so long tubby?” James yelled down the hall. “I thought you had plenty of clothes you could still contain all that lard in?”
Ana was indeed struggling. She’d feared for a while that she had outgrown all her jeans, but now was faced with that reality with no chance of escape. She’d tried on several pairs that she remembered having room to breathe in last time she put them on, but over the last few weeks of exclusive sweatpants and regular binges that breathing room had filled in and then some. She managed to get a pair of “relaxed fits” most of the way up, but her bulging ass proved to be insurmountable.
“Hurry up, I still got plans for you!” James called out again.
“I-I can’t… uh, f-fit into anything anymore…” Ana tried to call out but was choked with embarrassment. “Please James, just leave me alone!” Ana pleaded. “Why do you have to be so mean?”
“Mean? I’m just calling things what they are. You’re a pig, you’ve chosen to be a pig, so I’m just indulging you, honey. If you wanna be a pig, I’ll treat you like a pig. I’m doing it for you. Just come out and let me see what you’ve done to yourself.”
“Please James! You won! I’m humiliated and bloated and uncomfortable in too tight clothes. Just leave me alone, please!”
“Get out here and let me see!” James commanded. “I’m not done with you yet.”
Ana didn’t know what else to do, so she made the walk of shame back out to the living room.
As she wattled into view James just stared at her with wild eyes containing a strange mix of disgust and satisfaction. Ana wattled out into the middle of the room and just stood there looking down, unable to meet James’ eyes. Her chin was pressed against her chest multiplying the amount of chins in a most unflattering way. Six months ago she would be staring at the ground, but in her engorged state her belly nearly filled the entirety of her vision, toes nowhere to be seen. She still had on her “relaxed fit” pants. They were pulled up to the top of her thighs but ended at the base of her fat ass, exposing her pussy juice stained panties and propping up her massive dimpled ass making it look all the bigger.
“Ho-ly shit. Never in a million years would I have guessed I would have such an overfed slob for a wife. Did you look in the mirror before you came out here? Are you aware of what a shameful spectacle you are right now? You fucking hog. How disgusting.” He walked up to her and began circling her scanning her up and down, occasionally grabbing hold of a roll, maybe jiggling, always making a derisive comment to express his disgust. But despite his contemptuous comments, he outwardly displayed a smirk, betraying how much he was actually enjoying this whole thing.
*ding* Suddenly Ana noticed the scent of fudge wafting in from the kitchen.
“Well, well, well, it sounds like desert is ready.”
“Ha! Oh my god, even through all this humiliation, you can’t even contain yourself at the thought of more treats.”
“Uh, c’mon James. I’m done. You know I can’t eat anymore. And I don’t understand why you would want me to if you think I’m such a… a pig…” Ana said quietly, but once again James was right. Her insatiable tummy gurgled ever so slightly at the thought of rich gooey brownies.
Suddenly James stepped out directly in front of her, getting so close that his flat stomach pressed into her soft gut. He lifted her chins looking her straight into her eyes, still puffy from tears of humiliation. “Oh piggy, I know you can’t resist a sweet treat to top off the meal. This thing is still soft, tubby,” James said, pressing harder into her soft, protruding middle section. Suddenly his hand shot down and firmly grabbed her soft, juicy pussy.
“Ooooh,” Ana softly moaned.
“I know you can fit in another bite,” James whispered into her ear. Then he swiftly stepped out from in front of her and slapped her on the ass, sending ripples all the way up her love handles, “Go on at sit down at the kitchen table to await your treats.” Then he strolled into the kitchen.
Ana slowly waddled over to the kitchen table and flopped down into a chair, her full belly bouncing a couple times in her lap. She was overcome with desire. The last hour had been completely surreal, she wasn’t even sure this wasn’t some kind of strangely and overwhelmingly erotic dream.
James emerged from the kitchen with a plate of brownies and a carton of cream.
“Is this pleasing to you you, tubby?”
“Uh, I don’t know… I mean I’m pretty full,” she said patting her gut, “but uh, I guess you’re probably gonna like make me eat them anyway…” she said biting her lip gluttonous anticipation and reached for a brownie.
James quickly scooted the tray out of the reach of her pudgy fingers, “Oh, no. I mean you’re right that I’m gonna make you eat them, but a lazy hog like you shouldn’t have to expend the effort of shoveling food into your own fat face.” James picked up brownie from the tray. “Open up you pig.”
With the pleasurable burn of desire in anticipation brewing in her crotch, Ana opened her mouth and closed her eyes, and James shoved a full brownie into her eager, fat face.
“Mmmph, urrrm, ufffff!” Ana groaned and grunted with uncontainable pleasure, trying to chew all the rich food in her over-filled mouth. The brownie was so thick and gooey she could hardly breathe, but she didn’t care. She was immersed in the erotic gluttony.
“Ready for another?”
“Mmm Mmmf!” moaned Ana, shaking her head.
James thrusted another brownie in Ana’s direction. Despite her display of resistance, Ana’s brownie stained lips parted to allow another load of rich baked good to fill her salivating mouth. “Mmmmmm! Mffff, unph, ooooh!” Ana cried out with more muffled groans as another wave of pleasure passed over her. Then another brownie and more muffled grunts of gluttonous pleasure.
“You want some nice filling cream to wash those brownies with, piggy?”
“Mmmf, Mmmf”, Ana excitedly mumbled through a mouth still full of thick brownies.
James uncapped the jug of cream and shoved it into her mouth. It was so cool and thick and the ultimate compliment to the warm richness of the brownies. She chugged it down as fast as she could as it spilled out of her mouth, rinsing off some of the brownie crumbs and smudges from around her mouth. The cream flowed down her soft and ample chest and dribbled onto her now massive overstuffed belly. Ana could feel the thick fattening liquid further filling her already engorged gut. The pleasure was overwhelming. Completely caught up in the moment she grabbed her now firm gut with both hands and began grinding her stimulated pussy on the chair.
“Jesus, you can’t even control yourself you filthy pig! You’re only desire is just to eat and chug and fill your disgusting gut.” Then James pulled the jug away from her greedy. “Alright, piggy, time to get up.”
Ana gulped down the last mouth full of cream, panting to catch her breath. “No, daddy, please! I still have room for another brownie,” she whined with a pouty face, rubbing the circumference of her enormous belly.
“Oh you’ll get more food, miss piggy. I know it’s hard for you to stop stuffing your face for even a moment, but don’t worry, I’ll continue to fill you’re fat face soon enough, but now I need you to stand up.”
At this point Ana’s gut would barely allow her to sit up straight, let alone get up to her feet. She heaved once to no avail, her gut was too stuffed and heavy and she was still out of breath from chugging the cream. On her second attempt, she wrapped both arms around her heavy belly and lifted herself up by it, “Oommf”. As she slowly got up the weight of the thing pulled her forward, and she was so painfully full that she felt the need to continue to support it with both her arms. “Ooooowhh,” she groaned with painful pleasure. Her belly was an almost perfect ball, with the only softness left being the bottom pudge. It was the furthest point outward on her body, sticking out past her boobs, which were partially resting on it, but some inches. She was still covered in the remains of too many brownies and dripping with cream.
James spent a moment taking in the sight of his fat, overfed wife. She was an even fatter, sloppier pig than James ever imagined he would ever been so uncontrollably turned on by. He threw her onto the kitchen table, forcefully pulled down her soaked panties, and swiftly entered her.
With each of James’ thrusts her soft tits and solid mass of belly bounced back and forth. “Ooooooohhh,” Ana groaned loudly, still holding her aching belly. James then grabbed another brownie and forced it into her groaning mouth turning the groans into truly animalistic grunts and snorts as she both tried to breath through the thick brownie and express her overwhelming pleasure. She was so painfully full, which was hugely exacerbated ever time James thrusted himself into her, but gave her more pleasure than she had ever felt before. She wrapped her legs around James and squeezed his hips with her substantial thighs as she came harder than she ever had in her life, feeling James fill her up with his own cream at the same moment.
James fell back into a chair, completely spent. Ana remained lying on the table, continuing to softly moan, stroking her aching engorged tummy, stuffed far past its limit. Waves of residual pleasure continued to coarse through her body from that unreal and unprecedented session of stuffing and intense intercourse. James got up shortly to clean up, giving her tummy a proud pat on his way out.
Ana continued to lay there for some time, moaning to herself. She was too stuffed and exhausted to move and the weight of her gut pinned her down. Eventually she fell into a post-stuffing slumber, still lying on the table: naked, fat, and covered in brownies and cream.
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Karenjenk 4 years
YAY! i get to make the first comment.
I love how he is repulsed and then takes charge and is forceful. LOVE IT!
I hope you continue