Caught in the act

Chapter 7 - conclusion

When she finally awoke it was quite late. Her belly was still bloated, but not painfully full. With a substantial amount of effort she slid off the table onto her feet, ass jiggly and belly bouncing as she landed. Not wanting it to go to waste, she grabbed the last brownie off the table and began munching on it as she walked back to the bedroom. She was still chewing the thick pastry as she crawled into bed. “Awe geeze, piggy, how can you still be eating?” James sleepily teased as he pressed himself into her soft body, tenderly rubbing her now doughy belly as they both drifted back to sleep.
By the time Ana awoke James was already at work, and her belly had settled back down to a blubbery mound. She was still in a daze from the night before, but a rumbling in her tummy snapped her out of her reverie. She rolled out of bed and hiked up her trusty food stained pair of sweatpants, thanking god that they didn’t finally rip, and put on James’ hoody. Today seemed like a good day to buy some appropriately sized clothing. She had officially taken on the life of pig and she needed some clothes to grow into. But first breakfast.
She figured donuts were the appropriate breakfast for the occasion, so she hopped in the car and drove to her favorite donut shop. As she surveyed her options she unconsciously fondled her soft round belly. The guy behind the counter definitely noticed, but piggys tended to be good customers at a donut shop so he let it slide without comment. When she got into her car she immediately tore into the dozen. As always she was lost in the frenzy and didn’t slow down when custard and jelly splattered on her shirt. After the 10th donut she realized she had over done it, but couldn’t let a maple log and chocolate w/ rainbow sprinkles go to waste. She lifted up the front of her hoody and kneaded her stuffed but still pretty soft belly, slightly moaning with discomfort, then shoved the maple bar into her face.
When she was finished with the final donut she was so uncomfortably full but almost completely satisfied. So to complete breakfast she used one arm to lift her gut off her lap and used the other to reach down the front of her pants and rub her wet pussy until fully satisfied. She came thinking about what James would do to her when he got home.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
YAY! i get to make the first comment.
I love how he is repulsed and then takes charge and is forceful. LOVE IT!
I hope you continue