Grandma's weight gain

chapter 3

Karolina let her eyes close and gave a long sigh. Marlena spoke, "Mom, I have a large "meat lovers" in the oven, and it will be yours in a few minutes. Right now, I have that chocolate pie I promised you. Kare will you feed grandma her pie?" Kare sat on the bed beside grandma, pushed forkful after forkful of pie into grandma's waiting mouth, and rubbed her belly occasionally while feeding her. Grandma had the look of someone in a dream, with moans of pleasure coming from her, while being stuffed with pie. She could smell the pizza baking in the oven. Her hunger grew, and even though she had stuffed a little over an hour ago, she was feeling very hungry. Her life was an endless cycle, of feeding, and adding more fat to her ever growing body. Kare saw grandma as a goddess on her throne. "Thankyou, Kare and Marlena, I just want to eat and then sleep. I am so tired from my busy day." Marlena came into the bedroom with the pizza on a tray. It was already cut into pieces. Kare began feeding grandma piece after piece. Karolina was moaning again, rubbing and jiggling her own belly. "Kare honey, grandma will never stop eating and never stop getting fatter. Thank you for helping me." As she said this, she was trying to keep her eyes open.
Being so heavy, and stuffing the way she did, it was getting harder to move at all, and harder to stay awake anytime. " Please Kare, rub my tummy slowly and gently, I don't think I can eat another bite! " Grandma is such a piggy." Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep. Marlena raised the back of her bed just a little, so Karolina could breathe more easily. "Goodnight mom, and Marlena kissed her goodnight. Kare snuggled beside her, sharing the softness and warmth of grandma's massive body. Moaning gently Kare drifted off to sleep.
A short time later Kare awoke kneeding grandma's fat, enjoying the softness of it. Karolina never budged, just moaned a little and with a slight smile on her face.
"Ok you two, if we're going to make the buffet today, we'll have to start getting ready." Marelena knew it would be a slow process to get Karolina up and cleaned, and dressed before leaving. She didn't want to rush her and wanted to enjoy the day. It would take both her and Kare to do this, and also to assist Karolina in walking into the buffet.
Karolina knew it would probably be her last time, walking any great distance, but wanted so badly for all in the restaurant to see how fat she was, and then stuff herself, for all to see her gluttonous life style. These thoughts are what kept her eating and growing, never wanting to stop!
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Makes me wonder what marelena does for a living if she can support both her mom and daughter like that