Giving it all for love

chapter 13 fat sculpting

Angela reports the progress of Joanna transformation to Arjun.

"Boss. Are you happy with what we have been doing so far?"

"Not bad. I can see how Joanna is going to turn out in the next few months."

"I am going to surprise you", Angela thinks to herself, "Wait till you see what I am going to do to your darling piggy"

As far as she concerns, she should be the boss and that she deserves more credits. Arjun simply chills out behind the front line. She and his associates are the one doing the dirty work.

"Whats your plan for Joanna?"

"Boss do you want to see her grow proportionally at this pace, or do you want to make her an art, like Picasso? She calls you ugly I think she deserves some punishments", Angela is about to share her evil plan.

"Shoot it"

"Its like Japanese's tree sculpting. Reek is growing faster and faster now, if you want to shape her growth now is the time", Angela whispers, testing the water, and is nervous about it. If Arjun allows her to do what she has in mind, Joanna's fate will permanently seal.

"I see." Right away Arjun can see where she is going.

"If we give her fat sculpting cloth, bra, and elastic bands to wear, but instead of sculpting her into an hour glass figure, we can do the opposite. That would humble her before you."

"She would develop bra bluges, muffin top, fat rolls, wherever you want it, the way you want it. Even makes her asymmetrical!", Angela's heart is beating fast. She is afraid Arjun might say no.

The thought that Joanna is going to let it happens to her, because of him, turns him on.

He knows he will not un-hear what Angela just said. He will be unable to sleep, imagining Joanna doing this for him, that she would let her enemy, Angela the evil witch, sculpt her body for him.

To him thats the true beauty. He can't wait to make love to the bulged, fat rolled, cellulite filled body of Joanna, as Reek.

"if she agrees to this, then go ahead"

Angela is ecstatic. Finally, she gets to fatten AND shape Joanna in the form of her choosing.

She hopes Joanna cries about it. This gives her more pleasure.

Again, Joanna the Reek finds herself kneeling before Angela and the girls, naked, with her ugly glasses on as the only piece of clothing.

"I am giving you a new order. We are going to direct the growth of your body."

Reek is nervous. She has a bad feeling about this.

Angela shows her a photo of Japanese tree sculptures to Joanna.

"We are going to control where your fat rolls, bulges, and muffin top will appear and how they will appear. You don't get to be the voluptuous queen. How do you feel about that?", Angela smugs.

"How is that possible?" Joanna murmurs. At this point her voice has become timid.

"I have ordered fat sculpting clothes for you. They are custom made. You will wear them 24 hours 7 like you wear your invisalign. This is an order. Understand?"

"Yes mistress", eyes on the ground, head bowed down, Joanna is in tears, but she is at the same time aroused. More humiliation please. She knows this is going to be permanent, but it is too sexy to think logically about it.

Where will she go without Angela and the girls? She can never be the old Joanna anymore.

"When I am done with you, your boobs will sag unevenly. Did you hear me? Your perky, symmetric breasts will sag and they will look different, your cellulite will show, and your body will look like Picasso painting", Angela feels like she has Joanna in total control, nothing she says to her is going to be over the line.

The girls break into huge laugh. They laugh so hard that Joanna's face turns red. Now she knows how Arjun felt when she laughed with his bullies.

From the day on, Joanna starts wearing fat sculpt clothing designed to push her fat into forming bra bulges, armpit fat, muffin top, overhang fat at odd places, square butt, outter fat lumps around butt and breasts.

The tight fitting clothes are not symmetric, which means when these fats take shape, Joanna will look asymmetric.

Angela wraps Joanna's breasts in elastic bands to stretch the alignments out, when Joanna's breast grow, the fat will grow into the mold as well.

Joanna hasn't worn a bra for months now, but at her current pace, it would take a couple years before her breast sags. Intervention is required.

Joanna is at a rapid gaining phrase, so as the fat expand into the mold, she will quickly transform.

Next is cellulite growth. To induce cellulite growth, Angela gives Reek carbs only diets, with a lot of sugar. She orders Joanna to take hormone pills to induce lactation, because that would make cellulite more prominent, and stimulate her body to turn into a mom body.

Angela also makes her takes birth control and antidepressant, which further induce weight gain.

Just like that, Joanna breaks through the 150 lbs plateau and quickly move toward 180 lbs!
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pitything 4 years
@Karenjenk thanks!
Karenjenk 4 years
I wish i could like this twice
the face changing and asymmetrical fat distribution is a new angle. i love it.
Pitything 4 years
thanks for the comment. Please comment further as your feeling change and what not so I know.
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow. I like this and I'm not sure why.
I hope you continue and draw out the weight gain as much as you have drawn out the set up.
Theswordsman 4 years
Love it so far but im not so sure arjun is actually sane