Giving it all for love

chapter 15 return of the queen

At this point Joanna has become Reek almost 98%. If this goes on a few more years, she might forget how to speak proper English.

She has a mom bod and her saggy boobs lactates. She is ready to become a mom.

At 10 months mark, when Joanna reached 230 lbs, Arjun brought her back to his mansion, to the surprise of the girls.

"Reek. You have done well. Now do you understand how it feel to be bullied? To be ugly? To have people trying to keep you stuck at the low level?", Arjun asks with an empathetic voice.

"Yes master, Reek understand."

"You have graduated. If you continue to be under Angela, I am sure she will erase everything in your brain. Then how can you be the mother of my child?", Arjun smiles.

"Reek? mother for Master?", Joanna's voice is timid and weak.

"Yes and I want Joanna back. I want you to integrate Reek with your old self, and become the new you. I want you to remember everything you have learned as Reek. Understand?"

"Reek will try"

In the weeks that follows, Arjun arranges to have caregivers to take care of Joanna, helping her with hygiene, diet (with a lot of healthy proteins), and sleep.

After two months, Joanna remembers how it was to be her old self, while adding the humbling lessons she learned as Reek to the mix.

She is ready to be the mother of Arjun's children.

"I am going to breed you good", Arjun smiles.

"I am so happy! I can't wait to have your child"

And just like that Joanna gets pregnant every 12 months for the many years to come.

One day, Arjun brings a good news to Joanna.

"Guess what. Something happens. You might like it"

"Hm, something to do with Angela?", Joanna becomes smart again, after Arjun rehabilitated her.

"Smart girl. She tried to start a coup on me, and failed. She ran away but got herself in big trouble. She thinks she can do what I do." Arjun smirks and scoffs, "They almost got her, and I am the only one who can keep her away from those sharks"

"Come here" Arjun barks.

"Yes sir", Angela walks in, naked. She kneels before Arjun and Joanna, bowing before them, with both palms touching the floor before her.

"What do you want to do to her?", Arjun asks.

"She'd given me a lot of pleasure, but her intention was to destroy me. I can't afford to have someone in this house plotting against me and my children"

"Very well then. Off she goes", Arjun doesn't give a fuck about Angela. She can go to hell if Joanna wants her to.

"Please. Joanna please. If they get me it will be worst than death. Please do anything to me. Don't send me to them. As long as you let me stays here I can be your slave." In tears, Angela screams.

A few seconds of silence later.

"Are you willing to subject yourself to a new identity and wipe your brain clean for me? Like what you tried to do to me?", Joanna says with a mysterious smile.

These words fill Angela with unsettling feeling of chill through her spine. Shaking and stuttering, she looks up, hesitated, and finally, with struggles, she trembles and say, "ok"

"Louder", Joanna can get used to this.

"Yes Madam", and this is how Angela seals her fate for the rest of her life.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pitything 4 years
@Karenjenk thanks!
Karenjenk 4 years
I wish i could like this twice
the face changing and asymmetrical fat distribution is a new angle. i love it.
Pitything 4 years
thanks for the comment. Please comment further as your feeling change and what not so I know.
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow. I like this and I'm not sure why.
I hope you continue and draw out the weight gain as much as you have drawn out the set up.
Theswordsman 4 years
Love it so far but im not so sure arjun is actually sane