Giving it all for love

chapter 3 sabotage her dream

It amazed Arjun how easy it was to make money. It equally amazed him how easy it was to sabotage someone once you have enough money.

Through hacking computers, stealing trade secrets, collecting blackmail materials, he took over businesses and removed anyone who posed a threat.

Still a small man, 5'7, and no matter how hard it tried he couldn't develop the kind of muscle he saw in the jocks.

Every time he looked at the mirror, however, he envisioned himself fucking Joanna in all sort of ways with this body. This fueled his motivation.

The fact that he was a small man only made this fantasy even more lustful.

By age 20, he had become a millionaire. During this time, he hadn't lost sight of Joanna and the others.

He hacked into her agent's computer and collected some criminalizing materials. Through bribe and blackmail, he made her agent sabotages her career in secret.

Every employer who wanted to hire Joanna always ended up canceling. At the same time, her agent would imply she wasn't as beautiful as she thought she was.

Even her personal trainer was compromised. She would scold her and criticize her for not working hard enough. Soon, Joanna would associate modelling and exercise with defeats, and pains---feelings that Arjun was all too familiar with.

If it wasn't for Arjun, Joanna would be a full time top model by now. In modelling, winners take all. You couldn't afford to be anything less than the top, otherwise you would have to work retails to support your dream. Either you were a working model with frame, and surrounded by rich men, or a starving model.

By then, Arjun had already reinvented himself. He was slick, charming, and successful. Still wasn't a good looking man, but nice clothes, money, and fast cars tended to make a man at least easy to talk to.

He was now part of a group of secret, underground pick up artists, and expert manipulators.

They travelled the world, experimenting with female psychology, and many of them had their own businesses they ran remotely. It was a group of mavericks.

"What you see on TV or YouTube is already outdated", said Herbal, nickname of one of Arjun's mentors.

"The best hypnosis is something you never heard"

"Like best con is con you never heard", Arjun


"S o how do you hypnotize someone without them knowing? I mean covert hypnosis"

Mentor such as Herbal had taught Arjun many things. He had came across them through deliberate planning. It helped when you were a world traveling con-artist/businessman like Arjun.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pitything 4 years
@Karenjenk thanks!
Karenjenk 4 years
I wish i could like this twice
the face changing and asymmetrical fat distribution is a new angle. i love it.
Pitything 4 years
thanks for the comment. Please comment further as your feeling change and what not so I know.
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow. I like this and I'm not sure why.
I hope you continue and draw out the weight gain as much as you have drawn out the set up.
Theswordsman 4 years
Love it so far but im not so sure arjun is actually sane