Giving it all for love

chapter 6 yoke and bridle in the making

Fast forward to 6 months later. Joanna and Angela have integrated into Arjun's con scheme. With the girls' help, more men fell for Arjun's traps.

Its quite a boost of social status when a man has two fashion model looking girls as his side kicks.

Arjun rebuilt Jo's social media but she is a well known porn star now.

Angela wanted what Jo has. So of course she fucked Arjun. From day 1 she has been trying so hard to out perform Jo in every way and every hole.

Jo doesn't know they are fucking yet.

To undermine Jo, Angela tries to subtly plant ideas into Arjun's mind. She tries to outsmart Jo in every ways, such as helping Arjun in his con games, and bringing other girls to Arjun's harem.

With Arjun's passive permission, Angela slowly reveals her hostility against Jo.

This girl is too eager to participate. She tries to get her hand on every project. Too noisy. Too curious. Too manipulative. If given a chance, she will probably start a coup on Arjun.

This is why she will never outsmart Arjun. Too obvious. Too naive. She never lived through long night of darkness like Arjun did and therefore will never develop the mindset she needs to overthrow Arjun

One day, Angela and Arjun just gets naked and about to have a sweaty fuck session. This has become their routine.

"Can I have Jo?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want her to know we fucked and I want to fck her while you watch", said Angela in a voice she thinks is most sexy.

"This bitch is dumb. Anything she can do I do better. I brought so many girls to you. You can fuck any of them or use them for our plans. She is replaceable"

"What do you want? Like long term"

"Slave. Whether she likes it a lot. I want her to know she will always be below me. I have earned it Arjun. It doesn't hurt you. I can help you control her"

"No. She is special. I have a plan for her. You won't be below you"

An intense bout of jealousy hit Angela. This isn't the first time people looks out of Jo. Once again she decides to put on a mask.

"Haha just kidding. One of fantasy you know?", she winks at Arjun.

"If it is just a fantasy, I can let you have it. But only if it fits into my plan"

"what is it?"

"You can be her mistress, but only if only follow my plan and my plan only. You can fck her, order her around, make her fat, but you can't have her. She is mine"

Make her fat? She tried. Joanna has perfect metabolism and natural appetite for a fashion model. No matter how she tried to manipulate Jo to eat crappy and slob, it just won't work.

Under Jo's elegant model body is extremely toned muscle. Angela can't help but imagine Jo losing all her muscles, and becomes a submissive slave under her feet, and lick and suck it. She wants to be able to physically overpower her and puts her over the knee.

"You want to make her... what?"

"Fat. You hear me. I want her to consciously know she is doing it for me. To let go of all the bullshit. Vanity. Look. Appearance. I can fuck any model I want but I hate vain people", this is one of the few times Arjun let out his real thoughts, "but you, you have been serving me well so you will always be special, ummmm"

He makes out with Angela and the two get started.

To Arjun, conventional beauty is dime a dozen. The bullies from his younger years worshipped those school sluts. Those girls were the culprits. Joanna especially. Those boys did it to impress girls, but the girls were guilty because they rewarded the bullies by fucking them.

Soon, he will show Joanna how cruel she really was. She didn't fuck those bullies, but she didn't speak for him either. If anything, she remained a virgin because she is to proud. She laughed at him. She never accepted Arjun even as a friend in his bad years. Then she simply forgot Arjun even existed.

To ignore is contempt. It is worst than actively bully.

Arjun's feeling is mixed. On one hand, he wants to fatten Jo to humiliate and control her, because she thinks conventional beauty is the most important thing for her; if he takes that away from her that would be the ultimate revenge and domination. On the other hand, he genuinely hated hypocritical, shallow beauty.

Most girls who were nice to him were the chubby ones who were also bullied. Those girls know better. They have more dimension to their characters.

Arjun wants Jo to have this blessing. If she remains a shallow, sheltered, privileged white chick they can't be together for long.

Chubby girls are the ones Arjun finds attractive, if he isn't so bent on getting revenge with those cool guys and hot/vain girls, he might go for the chubby/fat ones instead already.

One such girl works at a cheap diner. Arjun often goes there for breakfast and think by himself. This girl's name is Amanda. Every time she sees Arjun she genuine chuckles. It shows she is actually happy to see him.

"I just can't lose weight no matter how much I diet. Its just not fair!"

"well, in that case I may need your help one day"

Arjun has a plan in mind to enslave Jo forever and Amanda might get to contribute to it.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pitything 4 years
@Karenjenk thanks!
Karenjenk 4 years
I wish i could like this twice
the face changing and asymmetrical fat distribution is a new angle. i love it.
Pitything 4 years
thanks for the comment. Please comment further as your feeling change and what not so I know.
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow. I like this and I'm not sure why.
I hope you continue and draw out the weight gain as much as you have drawn out the set up.
Theswordsman 4 years
Love it so far but im not so sure arjun is actually sane