Giving it all for love

chapter 7 shackled

Joanna is well trained.

She has come to accept there will always be other women in Arjun's life.

It is not her place to demand marriage.

She thinks she has given it all.

Not quite there yet.

One day, Arjun makes her stand naked in the living room of his mansion. Its not sexual at all. She stands there because of a command.

Arjun sits on sofa in a suit looking stern.

She is slim but the fibers of her muscle is showing. She is a strong girl. Her streamlined and toned body due to years of physical conditioning makes her the female version of King David sculpture. If Arjun's taste wasn't so different, any average person would look at her body and be completely in awe.


She obeys and kneels, but feel like something is off today.

The interrogation begins.

Arjun lists every instance when Jo was contemptuous and vain when they were in the same class back in elementary and junior high school.

Similar dialogues have repeatedly taken place before but Joanna never really got it. She always talked back and came up with illogical excuses.

"You remember everything now?"

"I am sorry" Jo is sobbing, "but everyone has problems. You scam people"

"You are too good for me then. You can leave anytime. We have talked about this many times but you never really understand how deep you have hurt me. You are one of those people who made me who I am. You are just like those garbage. Get the fuck out of my house"

"NOoooo please please I am sorry." sobbing turns into wailing.

"Then show me you love me"


"Show me you can live in my shoe. Show me you can live for me"

"Yes I can." Jo cried out in protest, indignant that he would even doubt her devotion.

"Thats not what you said to Angela. You sound like you have doubts about this relationship" Arjun barks at her.

"Angela? How..."

She thought to herself, "No way. This can't be happening. Angela told him what! I am going to fck her up"

"Shut the fuck up. I hate you are two faced" Arjun yells, "Angela comes here"

The Irish beauty walks into the living room and sits beside Arjun.

Shocked. Joanna wants to hide. Her best friend is seeing her naked and on her knee before this small, ugly man. She loves Arjun no doubt. But he is an ugly, embarrassing secret she tries to hide from her real friends.

Immediately, she tries to get up and cover her breast and vagina.

Even though she is a public porn star who has sex with pixelized Arjun in videos, she insistshe was just an actor she fucked for views.

Arjun knows this and is determined to humble her.

"if you want to stay here stay on your knee and stop covering. Hands down. You are not too good for this are you?"

In tears, Jo obeys.

"Your best friend can't deal with your two faced hypocritical bullshit. Calling me ugly and shit behind my back? She tells me because she can't stand it"

Angela wants to smug but has to pretend she is disappointed in Jo.

"How can you be so evil to such a good man? Arjun is our boss now so I can't be disloyal to him. Sorry I gotta tell him the truth"

Jo stares at her, as if she wants to kill this bitch.

"So you are not sorry. I can see that in your eyes" Arjun barks.

"I am sorry. I really am" Jo is shocked at what is happening.

Angela is her friend. Now she betrays her and sits beside Jo like she is above her. She feels so little and ashamed.

"If you are sorry, then submit yourself under Angela's supervision"

"What do you mean?"

"It means you listen to whatever she tells you, until I am satisfied. You can still be my main girl. But in the mean time, Angela has been doing a good job and I need you to listen and learn. You need to earn everything back. I have spoiled you. It was a mistake"

"No I am sorry I am really sorry please give me a chance"

" 'No'? I swear if I hear 'No' One more time!"

"Pleaseeee huhuuuuuhhhh", she wails.

"Now get on my lap Jo. I don't want to do it but I have to spank you", said Angela with a solemn face, as if she is really sad to do this.

Arjun stares at Jo. His glare is telling her she better obeys, or else.

Jo stands up and slowly walks toward Angela.

She wishes time slow down a thousand time.

Finally she gets on Angela's lap, like a toddler in trouble, ready to be spanked.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pitything 4 years
@Karenjenk thanks!
Karenjenk 4 years
I wish i could like this twice
the face changing and asymmetrical fat distribution is a new angle. i love it.
Pitything 4 years
thanks for the comment. Please comment further as your feeling change and what not so I know.
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow. I like this and I'm not sure why.
I hope you continue and draw out the weight gain as much as you have drawn out the set up.
Theswordsman 4 years
Love it so far but im not so sure arjun is actually sane