The partners dilemma

chapter 2

Elizabeth could hear the phone ringing in the hallway, she rolled over in her bed looking for the clock. Had she over slept? 2:05a.m. she closed her eyes again a put a pillow over her face. "Are you kidding me? It's two in the morning..." Groggy and at this point angry, she sits up in the bed her phone still ringing. She finally gets up and makes her way to the phone.

"Hello?" Her eyes open as she hears her partner on the line. "Wait hold up, say that again.. you have a what? I swear if this is some kind of prank I will deck you as hard as I can. No,no just wait, I'm getting ready I'll be there in a few." She hangs up the receiver and walks back to her bedroom. "The first chance at a good night's rest gone..., damnit Jim you're buying breakfast for this."

Quickly she gets herself ready, just as if it were any other day as a detective. Within the hour she had made her way to Jim's house. To think of him as a father..she shook her head clearing the thought as quickly as she created it. Her partner was a great cop, he handled business but from the year and a half they worked together a father figure she could never imagine. He still went to "choir practice" at Rita's Bar after work from time to time with the guys. Or was working with her on stakeouts. He always tended to avoid conversations about family. "Well whatever is going on it's definitely about to get interesting." She whispered to herself as she pulled up into the driveway of his house.

She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She'd treat this like any other case, except from the way Jim was talking this isn't going to be just any other case... Elizabeth made her way to the front door listening to the cold dark surroundings. Everyone else was asleep, the only sign of life was from warm glow of light coming from Jim's living room. She knocked on the door hearing the familiar footsteps of her partner walking towards her. She hears the door unlock and sees him, that same mug she's been looking at for the past year and a half. Only this time his eyes were different, not the cold steely eyes she was used to, these were the eyes of someone who wasn't sure....and this coming from her partner actually worried her.

"Well, I'm here....let's take a look at that basket you called me about. Like I said if this is a damn prank I might just shoot you." She winked as she walked by. "Oh by the way, since it was you who woke me up, you owe me breakfast." Jim grinned as he closed the door behind her. She made her way to the island in the kitchen seeing the basket from down the hall.

"Have you called a Patrol Officer to start a report yet?" She looked back at him as he walked to her right. He sighed quietly. "No....There isn't going to be a report this time." She froze. "Wait...what the hell Jim. What do you mean there isn't going to be a report? If this gets out you could be done for, no review board could save you from improper procedures... you're a damn Detective so you better start acting like it and get someone over here." "I can't...look something is going on and....just look in the basket and then we will talk okay..."

Quietly she made her way to the basket and saw her. She couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. She was wearing a little blue dress and white socks that covered her legs. She was sleeping peacefully. A small heart shaped locket with the name Jessica was tied at the handle with an envelope.

"Jim I..." She was actually speechless, "Is she yours?" Jim looked at her as if she was crazy. He could swear there was a slight blush on her face when she asked. "Well as of now she is, I'm not letting her go to some orphanage that's for damn sure, Listen this is why I need to keep her off the record." He hands her the envelope. In it was a letter along with a few photos.

Please forgive me for doing this but I know this is what must be done. My beautiful Jessica and I are in grave danger from her father. I know you are a detective and have seen your work. I've been thinking of what would be the best way to protect my daughter and believe that the two of you are my best bet. Her father is a horrible individual and until recently he was able to hide it. She deserves to be in a home with love and happiness and unfortunately she will not find that here. Please take this money and use it to help her. And if some day you figure out who her father is you must swear that she is never returned to that evil man, he has men on his payroll in businesses all over the city to include cops you can't trust them. God bless you both. P.S. You don't know who I am but I will be keeping tabs on you from time to time.

Jim handed her the photos as she gently put down the letter. In each one was a picture of them on various crime scenes except for one. That one was from the street showing them sitting in the diner with Jim's arm around her as she leaned on him. She could see her eyes were closed as he had his head on hers embracing her.
"Hey partner, you okay over there?" Jim's voice bringing her back to reality. "Yeah...I was just thinking." Her soft voice seemed to make the sleeping babe stir. "Well what do we do from here?" His look as one of genuine concern. "Woah there Jim, You can't seriously be thinking about taking care of this baby can you? I mean yes your place looks like it's ready for a military inspection but No Way are you ready for this." She says as her arms move towards the sleeping child.

"Well then I guess we can keep her at your place then." He grinned. " Damnit Jim this is serious." He spoke up and stood up in front of her holding her hands. "I'm being serious, every call we've been on, if kids were there you were there. I've seen you in action, you're a natural. Elizabeth please...I need your help with this." She looked at him and back at the sleeping baby. Her thoughts racing. "Jim... Before I commit to anything I want to know what is going through that thick skull of yours." Her index finger poking his forehead. "I just want to make sure she's taken care of until we can find her mother and figure out how to help them both.." he let out a sigh. "It's been years since I've dealt with kids, especially babies but I'm not going to let her get lost in the system. If she stays with us it will make me that much more determined to find her mom and help them both.." Jim ran his fingers through his hair. Looking at Elizabeth. She was silent.

"Jim what do you mean by stay with us?" her eyes focused on the baby as she made her way to her. She took a deep breath and carefully picked her up. She was feeling the same way that Jim was but he always tended to the level headed one, cold and unfeeling his decision was always based on evidence and truths, but not this time. She could see it was all heart on this call, way off character for him.

"Well I guess we will have to figure that out together. But I think you already have made your choice." He glanced down as she was carefully rocking the sleeping baby in her arms, Elizabeth wasn't even paying attention as she realized what she was doing.

"What about the Department? You know relationships are off limits with partners, you think you can keep work and home separated so easily? Jim this is a huge responsibility, and what if we can't find her mother? Are you really thinking this through?" He walked behind her and gently embraced her. They had been getting closer in the past few months going out casually as co-workers she was curious about their relationship but this is surreal his lips were close to her ear. "Elizabeth Adams you're my partner. I trust you with my life, we've been there for each other day and night for months any time I've needed you you've been there to help, can you find it in your heart to help me with this baby?"
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Escape60 4 years
I'm curious to see where this is headed. Please continue!