Next seat

chapter 4

What was I getting myself into, I thought to myself, as the plane was rapidly descending.

I can't deny myself that I was completely smitten by her. Her style, her cheerfulness, her demeanor, I kept telling myself, not only her looks. I would want her even if she was thinner. And I would want her, even if she was fatter. Strangely, the latter one feels so alluring. Why? She is impractically fat even now. She has a very cute and beautiful face, smooth skin from what I could see, but I had to remind myself that although she looks nice and round contained in her clothes, without them she must look horribly out of shape, full of folds and flabby protrusions, covered by cellulite. This thought should have turned me off, but it didn't.

Even that 150 kilograms she said she was a few years ago, even that must be horribly much. Yes, I liked chubby girls, even those who were fat and obese, but they were by far not as heavy. That 150 was something hypothetically huge for me, I doubt I've even met someone who was that big. That number was something of a reference point, for big girls, that there's not much to worry, they are not that fat, that if they weighted 150 kilos that would be truly excessive, but they are far below it so it's not a problem, and so on.

And she freaking gained another freaking person on top of that! And from her attitude she probably won't be losing any weight, might even happen to gain some more. And she was feeling so nice and in good spirits during our journey, sitting on her butt the entire time, but in how much anguish she must be when she does anything else besides sitting or lounging. She must then be panting, groaning, out of breath, sweating, would I find her cute then as well? On the other hand, she's so cheerful right now despite being hungry and crammed in an uncomfortable seat, how much more joyful she must be after a good meal?

She seemed to be lost in her thoughts too, so I had the time and attention to think alone. Her stomach growled again, loudly, that wasn't helping my thoughts at all. We then hit some light turbulence, it didn't bother me at all, but she wasn't taking it well. We only exchanged a few token words during the remainder of the descent, as she was slightly unwell due to it.

The jerking of the plane sent ripples through her body, and my mind went on autopilot again, I don't even remember what sort of half sentences I answered her. I was daydreaming again, imagining her seated at a huge table fully packed with the richest, most fattening food available, where she is stuffing her face as fast as her hands can manage it. She keeps moaning softly, but constantly, in pleasure, while her body slowly but visibly expands. Her widening hips are crawling outwards to conquer the bench she was seated on, straining the clothes she is confined in, and her belly starts poking out more and more. I help her unbutton her shorts as she can barely reach the buttons, and a huge wave of fat suddenly surges outwards, making her look much bigger than she seemed before. She keeps on devouring everything on front of her, with her body continuing to expand, her belly pushes her clothes further and further up until her top is reduced to being nothing more than a bra.
After enough food to feed an entire banquet vanished inside her insatiable stomach, she moans that she is so full she cannot eat a single bite, but she still wants more. I embrace her from behind, massaging her tummy, my hands sinking deep into her fat. Having some pressure relieved, she continues eating at a surreal pace, while I keep fondling her belly as it continues to expand, her rolls flowing out of my hands. Her butt is so huge now, that I have to lean forward to be able to keep her in my embrace. I press my body onto her back, her smooth hair tingling my face, but her belly flows out of my hands, I can no longer reach its front. As I feel her skin stretch under my fingers, her belly proceeds to press more and more into the table, being split in two by it, the lower half pushing her legs apart and sinking deep below, while the upper half crawls forward on the top of the table, pushing the plates farther and farther away from her reach. But she still wants more, as if nothing could satiate her voracious appetite! I let go of her belly, walk around her to get to the table, and start feeding her pastries. The first few she takes from me with her hand, pushing them eagerly into her mouth, then she lets her tired hands drop and I continue feeding the pastries directly into her mouth. She chews, swallows, and then devours the next one so fast that I have to struggle to keep grabbing and feeding her the next one. Instead of getting satiated, the more she eats the hungrier she becomes. I hear the table creaking, so I take a step backwards. She begs me to not stop feeding her, so I give her a whole jug of milkshake to gulp down while I pull back the table. Now I have full view of her bulging form from the front, each of her breasts swollen bigger than the size of her head, but they look still small, being dwarfed by the giant blobs formed by the other parts of her body. Her hips, her thighs, they now hang down from both sides of the bench, while the two parts of her belly, previously being kept apart by the table, finally join each other with a wobble which sends ripples through her entire body. This relieves pressure from her stomach, which can now accept even more food. And she wants more, much more!

What is happening to me?

Glancing at her, sitting next to me, she now doesn't even seem to be that obese, after I imagined her at a much larger size. This confused my view of her size even more, just like the tricks her bottom-heavy weight distribution played on my perception at the beginning.

The wheels hit the ground, and the cabin was filled with a loud rumbling noise as the plane rolled on the asphalt, trembling and shedding its speed, engines and brakes shrieking. Soon another murmur joined the cacophony of noises as we were taxiing to the terminal, passengers getting restless, some even standing up in their impatience. The same pointless scenes again and again, the crew demanding the unruly passengers to sit down until we stopped. Then the seatbelt signs go out with a loud ping, signaling many to start acting stupid, standing up and crowding the aisle instantly, despite the doors not opening for quite some time, most of them not able to go even one step further. I always wait patiently in my seat until the doors open and the crowd begins to clear, and even then I can get off the plane without much delay. Now I couldn't even have the choice, with a woman weighting more than three or four others practically plugging my way out. She didn't even try getting up before everyone else was out of the way, so we were left as the last two passengers on the plane.

She then shimmied to the edge of her seat, and with a swift rocking motion she stood up, stepping back to let me through towards the front door. I was about to say "ladies first", which I would have offered to anyone else as well, out of courtesy. Still, in her case there was an additional temptation to be able to look at how she walked, from behind. The narrow aisle would make her waddle even more pronounced, with her gigantic butt smashing into the sides of the seats at every step. However, I had another plane to catch, so I quickly took my bag from the overhead compartment, and turned to her to say a short goodbye. It was so strange to realize after talking with her with our eyes on the same level, that she was almost a head shorter than me.

"We'll see each other in two weeks, then", I told as a farewell, while gently patting her arm.

"So be it," she beamed, and as I was starting to turn away, she added, "in the meantime, could you please think of some ideas how I could best spend my allowance of forty kilos?", smirking playfully.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Mdy73 4 years
When I was traveling a lot, I was hoping to meet such beauty :-) Very nice story...
Curiousv 4 years
(Actually, even my "parental expectations" story features at the end a woman who started very similarly)
Curiousv 4 years
I consider the story finished as it was planned. I doubt an epilogue would make any sense.

However, I have an idea for the characters for a completely different story.
SvenskFA 4 years
I still want more of this wonderful story!
Curiousv 4 years
Thank you. English is not my native language, I hope I'm not making too many mistakes.
Karlosfy 4 years
wow ! its really lovely the way you write! Im really enjoying it . keep in doing as well as now . thanks
Theswordsman 4 years
I hope this becomes a longterm relationship and not a random fling
SvenskFA 4 years
I really like this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!