Good at what he does

chapter 2

“Keep chugging, you ***ing cow. Keep getting fatter for me. Maybe I’ll fuck you if you break 700 this month.”

The current feedee was newer, being a small 678 pounds, but fast on her way to a massive heart attack before she turns 30. Probably 26, if we are being honest. She hasn’t moved in months, and the only remotely healthy thing she’s had shoved down her throat is water. Everything else is clogging her arteries by the day. She’s being funnel fed right now, with the feeder standing above her, stroking himself to her ruined body as he pours more slop into the funnel.

“Look at you, 24 years old and almost too fat to move. Too fat to get up, too fat to wash yourself, and too fat to masturbate. That’s okay, pig. Keep gaining for me and I’ll take care of you. I’ll have you cumming every hour you’re here until that weak little heart gives out.” It wasn’t hard for him to finish with this useless blob beneath him, guzzling down everything he feeds her. He came hard into the funnel, watching her greedily suck his seed down along with the melted butter and ice cream.

She came here of her own free will, hearing about him in the darkest depths of the web. She was a feedee, but never could find someone to take her as far as she wanted to go. Being here was nirvana for her, and she understood that being with him almost guarantees she won’t make it to 30, the likelihood of her body killing her making her wet underneath the near 700 pounds. She’d seen the others suffer heart attacks while he fucked them, and every time she wished it was her. She only hopes that she can survive the first one so her pleasure can continue on. He hasn’t let her come since she got here, and the thought of simply having an orgasm and what damage it could do to her made her eager for it.

The ones who were unwillingly here has committed great sins in the feeders eyes. 400 pound women going to the gym angered him. So he would always remind them that they’re committing an affront to true beauty. A few months after kidnapping them, they’d be too obese to do anything about it.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
wowsers.... this was dark... but a really good short read
Jess41 4 years
Nesthicc 4 years
Super dark but I love it