Going to business with heaven peace

chapter 2

Chapter two
As Cecilia left, the shower to check her weight that is 109 and see that her C cup chest have no soap on it. She decides to dress formal wear light blue dress and put a red autumn lipstick on her and choose to take her small purse. As she left her room to see her maid Jackie still wearing her uniform. “Miss Gibson, should I change for this occasion” Jackie ask her in a respectful tone. She replied snobby tone “No, you shouldn’t because the American doesn’t deserve two beauty British girl.” Cecilia and Jackie walk out to the front lobby to see a couple say “Man I need to upgrade my pants side for the next time we go to Heaven Place” “I know baby and my dress is about to pop from the third triple bacon burger and the hole Oreo cake.”
Cecilia keep walking to be disgusted from the fact that even people in high class will act like that. Jackie take her phone out to see that their uber came, it was a black sedan with a Hispanic woman as their drive and to see that the front seat is fill with empty bags of McDonald. As they got in Jackie ask the women “Excuse me, I don’t want to impost but what are the reason for keep your car” she tries to say it nicely “I little mess.” She reply with a Beverly hill accent “Well girl, their a contest in McDonald that they are offering a free meal for Heaven Peace and I try it for my birthday three month ago and I felt that I died and gone to heaven.” Jackie can see that she might at least two hundred and decide to ask a follow up question “Does Heaven Peace is consider a private restaurant” “Well girl it is for common people that need to wait at least five hour in line and the food is fair, but everyone want another meal.”
Cecilia can tell that this Heaven Peace will be consider a great place to increase revenue and for reason she feels scare to go in. “Hey listen girls, if you need a drive to Heaven Peace then call me Daphne Chavez” she gave them her number.
As they got to Heaven Peace to see a huge line, Cecilia got out and Jackie say goodbye to the drive. As they walk to see a they have a bouncer, “Excuse do you have a reservation here.” Cecilia replied “My assist made the reservation this morning” “Look lady it a week to wait for your reservation” She was angry that this place is have a waiting period for sell unhealthy food. Jackie step forward “Sir, in American movie they give money to the bouncer. So here five hundred dollars for a table.” The Bounce took the money let them in, Cecilia could check another point for America code of conduct for bouncer.
As they got in to see that the restaurant has three floors and the table were like beds. They got approach by a chubby waitress and ask, “Table for two ladies.” Cecilia replied in a harsh tone “Yes, I want to be in your top floor and with a real table.” “Sorry madam but we through our table out for customer to be happy” Jackie can tell that this place is consider strange, but still have money to expand after their first year.
As they got to the top floor Cecilia can see to their bed is a king side with White sheet and see other people already dirty their beds. Cecilia look at the menu to see that many of this food is high in calorie, cholesterol and fat. As Cecilia decide to try, they Garlic bread with five type of cheese and may get a chocolate milkshake for her and vanilla for Jackie because they don’t have iced tea or coffee. The waitress came and brought their food to it was a plate they got “would you like more time to pick your order miss” “Yes I would prefer.” Cecilia turn her face to Jackie “Jackie let leave this place now.”
She replies “But miss Gibson let me at least try the food” Jackie grab one and took a bite. Cecilia is disgusted until she sees Jackie face blush with the lust of the food. Cecilia took a bite and couldn’t believe that her taste buds tries something that superior.
The waitress brings their milkshake to see they finish their food and that their face is mess. “Well what would you like to order” Cecilia order their two-pound bacon burger and Jackie order their 2-foot-long meatball sub.
As their food came, they ate their food to see that they only have a quarter left of food and their belly is poking out, not to mention that their cloth is dirty. Cecilia lay down on the bed to see that her stomach hurt and rest for a little. Jackie decide to finish her and master food too. Jackie finish the food with pain in her stomach and call the waitress for the bill and ask if they can stay a little. “Well miss you are renting the bed for ten dollar and hour and you finish your food in half an hour so it will twenty dollars until you can leave.” Jackie understood the restaurant and can tell they will return to the restaurant soon.
An hour has pass, Jackie wake up Cecilia “Miss Gibson we should leave now.” Cecilia didn’t complain and just follow Jackie to the exist of the restaurant “Let come back her tomorrow ok” she nods her head for agreement.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Good story
Theswordsman 4 years