Going to business with heaven peace

chapter 3

Chapter 3
The next day came and Cecilia is in the shower to see that she has a small pudge on her midsection. Her face blush for the urge to touch it, but she shakes her head off. She got out to check her weight to see that “How can I possibly gain four pounds on just night eating.” Cecilia wrap body on a sky-blue bath towel coat with her family G logo on the left.
Cecilia went to the kitchen to see Jackie cleaning the kitchen counter “Jackie can you please give me a healthy breakfast.” Jackie look to her and replied “Miss Gibson, then I’ll go grocery shop and buy some kitchen utensil for any other food you which me too cook.” As Jackie left their apartment to look for an uber and decide to call Daphne. She waits for her, but she has something that can’t escape her mind was how delicious the food is and how being stuff felt. “Hey Girl” Jackie look up to see Daphne in her car. Jackie went in and try to forget that night.
In the meantime, Cecilia put on her yoga cloth and try to do some exercise. As she got into Bow Pose to that she thought of the two pound burger ‘The was the best food I have taken in my life, how grease it was to that it felt like rubbing baby oil around my body’ Cecilia open her eyes. She screams out “What am I thinking about that unhealth food.” Cecilia stop her Yoga exercise and decide to look for another business to become partner with because Heaven Peace is like an addiction that she need to cut off. She searches google to see that she got email and open to see that it from Heaven Peace
She open it and said “Too all viable customer today is going to dessert day, the restaurant will opening at 4 p.m. close until 1 a.m.” Cecilia got up walk around in circle that could be a good business idea, if you would consider talking to the owner face to face for this a partnership. She hates to admit that it was the best food she ever has, and it was fair price that many people willing go for a second if they expanded. Cecilia took her phone and call Heaven Place to speak to the owner for a meeting.
Jackie is getting down the utensil and healthy food that miss Gibson will love. As they load up on Daphne car, she asks her “So did you and your boss just move in too town.” Daphne close the car “Yes, we did for expanding her family fortune and thinking of being business partner with Heaven Peace.” They got in the car “Wait really” Daphne reply with a surprise tone “So you boss going to partner up with the business that have more customer then they can handle.” “Yes, I do” Jackie try to control her own opinion that she wants to go back and to feel the sensation again. Daphne look to her and ask, “Do want to get breakfast with me” Jackie look too Daphne “No, I can’t because my master is waiting for her breakfast.” “I can pay for four three hot cake” Jackie doesn’t want to impose “I would like that but why four.” “Well one for you, your boss, me and” she slaps her belly “This girl.” Jackie found Daphne funny and a person to talk too beside her boss Gibson.
Cecilia enter the restaurant to see the boss in his table finishing their plan event. As she sat that in their Italy style business office. He was like in his early twenty, from Italy and look have an average build. “My name is Alex Jones, what you like to talk about my lady” said with a charismatic tone. Cecilia replied, “I’m Cecilia Gibson and I want to become a business partner with your restaurant ‘Heaven Place’ and I’m sure that we can come up with a plan.” He looks to her as a poker game and reply “Well then, the Gibson family is a respectful family in the manufacture business and it strange for being in the restaurant business.” “We are seeking new opportunity away from our home country.” “Look if I’ll consider it then I want you help me build a high classed version of my restaurant in the sky tower if you can fit the half the bill.” Cecilia look to him and said, “If you may this is an agreement then let sign the paper worker here.” “Ok, but first” He stand and up and pick a tray “Let give you a taste of our new food” He open the lid to see a stuff crepe with chocolate, brown and fudge in it. Cecilia try to control her urge but decide that one bite couldn’t hurt. She took a piece with it and her eyes open wide to couldn’t believe the taste. Alex reply “You and any guest you choose can come today for our desert event ok” Cecilia face is focus on the crepe.
Jackie at the apartment cooking a fruit salad to see that her master is still not at home. She took her cell phone out to call, but the door open. Jackie walk to Cecilia dress cover in chocolate “Jackie draw me a bath and get my cloth ready because we are going to Heaven Peace.
Jackie and Cecilia got everything done and got into Heaven Peace “Miss Gibson so what you and the owner decide to make a partnership that quickly” “Of course Jackie because my business dealing is excellent for British people.” Jackie is concern for this quick deal, but as she got in to see people stuffing to heart desire that she decide to stop caring. They got into their table and order. Cecilia know that this will help her become family heir and Jackie can feel that sensation again.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Good story
Theswordsman 4 years