Going to business with heaven peace

chapter 4

Chapter four
A week has pass since they came to America and Cecilia try to put her new tight dress size eleven that not fitting her. She looks down to see the pudge she got is appearing a little bigger than she can tell. As she went to check her wait to see that she gains at least fifteen pound in one week. Her face turns pale “HOW THE ***** CAN THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!”
Jackie is in another room put the new trash bag in the kitchen to hear her master cries for sadness and to know they think the opposite. She looks to her body to know that she fatter because when Cecilia doesn’t finish her food then she will force it down for her sake. Her weight is more to belly and butt that she loves. In some case that they often stay eat at Heaven place for at least two hours and Jackie often order take out with her. As she opens the fridge to see her breakfast is a pancake that is a size of a pizza with honey syrup sauce, hash brow covers with strip of bacon on top. As she grabs a slice the door slam open “Jackie we need to have eat schedule because can’t keep eating like this.” Jackie replies “But miss Gibson remember that you want to go to the restaurant and to see what the plan are on make the new one is running now.” Cecilia remember that she already pays the half already and decide to think of an idea “Jackie then let see Mr. Jones to know what the menu of the new restaurant will be serving.” Jackie call Daphne for an uber.
As they were on the car that Daphne speak to them “You know that thanks to you that I have enough money to bribe the bounce to enter Heaven Place. Now I need money to pay for the third serving.” “Yes, that we been going to you as our private driver lately. Have you considered to be our private chauffer if you like?” Daphne smile too the idea “Jackie can you please stop because I have enough problem as it is.” “What the matter girl, did the happy fairy didn’t visited you tonight” Jackie laugh “No it actually that my once perfect waist has in increase.” Jackie thought to say something to inspired hope but couldn’t thing of anything. Daphne look her mirror to say something that might help “Look blonde, some guy like girl with a little meat on their bone and they will pay to get girl fat. Beside you look better with a little weight.” Cecilia felt disgusted by the idea and Jackie felt curious too see this website. As they got to the new location, they got off with Jackie whispering to Daphne “Can you see me some of those website” Daphne turn and smile at her.
As they were in the elevator Cecilia is hoping that everything is going to plan that after this business deal that she can go for a year diet. The door open to the that it like dinning the queen palace in London, the where for room too have a great meeting of the untied nation or even have three convention. Cecilia look at the design and start to see that the bed for table is there “Well hello my British partner” They turn to see Mr. Jones coming with this two Ssbbw women of Asian and Hispanic. Cecilia face look disgusted “So what bring you here today.” “Well I want to see the classy food you are making for this restaurant.” The Hispanic girl gave him the menu and then to Cecilia.
The menu contain food from England and are very creatively design to a steak match England country to dessert that are big that is consider a meal. “I believe you should change the menu a little to face the that Britain by making the price a little over by twenty percent and make the dessert smaller by for people can enjoy slowly” her idea is considered good, but not what Alex want. “We can go over it tonight if you want to join Heaven Peace” “I’m afraid we will decline this time, but hope it go well.”
They left that Alex make an evil smile ‘well if I can’t get you too the food then let me bring the food too you.’
As diner came Jackie made Cecilia a salad and she have the left-over pancake pizza. Cecilia look to her and say, “You know that Daphne is wrong when men will be attracted to girl you gain weight.” “Well Mr. Jones have does big beautify women with him and they seem very happy” Cecilia gave her that win, but it very strange as she looks too that pizza that she wants it. Jackie took the bite, it is so soft and smooth that flavor give her a delicate taste to her.
‘ring’ The door bell ring “I’ll get it miss Gibson” as she stands up Cecilia look back to her food to and eat it. She then drops her fork, rush to one of the slices and roll it up to eat it quickly. As she eats it so fast that her taste bud wants more. Jackie return back to see her master eat her pizza and didn’t want spoil the moment. “Miss Gibson” Cecilia look to Jackie in shame “We got food delivery from Heaven Peace.”
Cecilia got up and look at the packages to see many foods coming of donuts and ice cream. Jackie replies “I’m happy dispose if you want miss Gibson “As she moves forward to the food. Cecilia put her arm on her shoulder and say, “This is a gift and shouldn’t got to waste.” Cecilia move forward and got the chocolate ice cream tub and start eating it.
An hour late, Cecilia face is cover in chocolate and it melt slowly that she put her entire face in the tub. Jackie eating donut in the coach quietly and her panties are wet from seeing her master eating like an animal. As she slow eating chocolate cover donut to see Cecilia eating like ice cream with her hand. She through a donut in an ice cream tub to Cecilia eat it.
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Theswordsman 4 years
Good story
Theswordsman 4 years