Going to business with heaven peace

chapter 5

Chapter five
One month have pass since Cecilia binge eating. Jackie finishing taking a shower to see her mirror that her body started devolving. Her second appearing her breast almost to another cup size, her belly started to stick out a more that it hangs, thigh touch each other and the body she loves is a big ass. She turns around to see that he butts is close to a brazilin butt lift, the jiggle it causes from shaking it and the soft touch it gives by sitting. Jackie dry herself off, out her maid uniform that she needs a bigger one.
Jackie goes to Cecilia room, to see she naked on the bed. She sees her master have transform to new version that she loves. Her weight is 198, she now a d cup, her hip wider, face look softer and now she a belly type of girl, Jackie remember see girl like Softiebabe and bbw Jodie that their belly grows more. Jackie look to her master that she ate a new meal on the menu that is hotdog with twinkie bun, meat that fill with chocolate and caviar sauce. Jackie lick it off her check and kiss her forehead.
Cecilia wake up to see Jackie in front of her. As she try to lay on her “You know I have become addict” Cecilia look to her belly “The food is so good that it hard for me stop.” He eyes where about to tear.
“Gibson you are wrong” she look to Jackie “I know that anyone will be in love with you and their nothing wrong by eating the food you like.” Those work help Cecilia with her self-esteem that she got up and hug Jackie. “Thank you, my dear maid” Cecilia look to Jackie eye.
Later that night Cecilia and Jackie order Pizza Hut. Jackie brought the six Pizza, three boxes of chicken wing, and chocolate cover cinnamon bun. As Jackie give Cecilia the plate, “Jackie” she reacts to Cecilia shy tone. “Would you like to come to my room and eat it in the bed.” Jackie surprise and remember the website Daphne sent that they have a scene like this one. She grab the food and go to her master room.
As they were on the bed Jackie need to ask her master something “Miss Gibson could you give your thought of partnering with Heaven Peace?” “Since the beginning of the partnership I have lust for food that it hard for me stop think about it and worry that my family will be disgusted by me, when I come home. Still I’m that I have a friend like who always around me.”
Jackie face blush red to see that her master love has feel for her. As her master took her sixth slice of pizza Jackie decide that it go time. Jackie grab her master shoulder rush for her kiss, their lips touch rough that she did tongue. Cecilia move her want to stop and when Jackie stop the kiss. Cecilia grab her face to kiss again. Cecilia didn’t why she is having this feel, but she know that it is the feel she wants to continue.
That moment is the beginning. Jackie took her Cecilia dress off and to her black bra not fitting her. Cecilia face remove her bra and said with a shy tone “Their no going back, and I want you too start making bigger and you need to bigger than me.” Jackie taking her uniform off and said that “I understand master and I will do as you command” with a sexy tone.
The sexy was wonderful that every minute of lick her master pussy and Cecilia kissing the belly that her lips are cover in pizza sauce. Cecilia kiss Jackie breast and sucking it for her milk.
The next day came and it is the grand open of Heaven Peace new classy restaurant. Cecilia put a short black dress that tight and Jackie is wearing her master old white dress and is revealing little bit of her chest. As they see camera flashing all around them that they felt like walking the red carpet. Alex jones gave his speech about this business expanding.
“I can’t believe it been a year since I open Heaven Peace and now, we are expanding the business. Back then people say that my business will not make it after our first and I guess those people can eat their work. Beside that I want to talk about my new business partner that help to develop this new classy theme of the Britain. My partner Cecilia Gibson” Cecilia stand up for the applause. “Now let up the door for the new Heaven Peace the Classy Version.” The door open and Cecilia know that their first bite will destroy their outfit. She looks to Jackie and smile to her.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Good story
Theswordsman 4 years