The heorine of gluttony

chapter 4 captured

"The time has come. Execute order Tame the Lion", said King Louis when sitting on his throne. Beautiful maids who dressed very little were serving him with foods, massages, and entertainment.

The maids were noble women from the noble houses. Since they were moved to the king's palace, they had become slaves.

"As you wish, my king!", the captain of king's guard replied firmly.

That night, the trained prostitutes sleeping with Jasmin's men ambushed the men and most of the men were captured.

The iron maiden were overran by the king's army and knights of the Temple of Light.

Jasmin was alone in a room in the palace. She loved sleeping naked. When the order was executed, she sensed something was wrong, and at that very moment, a portal was formed in the room. Alfreddor and several team members, including Trevor, walked out of the portal.

"what the fuck? Told you guys many time I am not going to have sex with any one of you", Jasmin yelled, "Alfreddor you old pervv go away"

"Jasmin! we were attacked by the king. We must act now to save our friends", said Alfreddor, and he barely wore anything, "We just killed several assassins (the prostitutes) sent by the king. Others were not so lucky"

Boom! Boom! Some men were sieging the door from the outside.

"The king?!", Jasmin stood up and instantly accessed the whole situation. Years of experience allowed her to think very quickly.

Her men were watching as she stood up, naked, in her perfect figure. This was the first time they saw her naked. This gave the men a secret boner.

She quickly put on some clothes, but they had no armors on because they were in the king's palace for the celebration.

"We must teleport to the King and confront him about this. Something very bad is going on", said Jasmin, she blushed at her nakedness, but this was a time of emergency so she has no time to worry about the exposure of her naked body.

"Yes, my lady", said Victoria, a beautiful sorcerer who specialized in teleportation, healing, and invisibility.

Victoria was not as other worldly beautiful as Jasmin, but still supernaturally gifted, as the magic was in her blood, and her bloodline was elite. Victoria had voluminous, dark hair, milky, silk like skin, and a curvy body.

Zoom! Victoria casted a teleportation spell and the group space jumped.

The group appeared before the throne after many teleportation spells. They had evaded many ambushes from the King's army along the way.

Finally they appeared in the king's chamber. The king was not surprised to see them.

"Why?", Jasmin roared.

The king smiled. He was collected and at ease. It took a couple seconds before the king calmly replied, "Treason"

"You have been corrupted by darkness.", said the King.

Just as the king finished the last word, multiple portals were forming, and knights and mages of the Temple of Light walked out of the portals. They surrounded Jasmin and her group.

"Surrender, or I will execute all your accomplices", the king stared at Jasmin. The gentleness in the king's eyes were gone. There was only cruelty and lust.

More portals opened, and the king's army brought with them their captives---Jasmin's men and person guards, the iron maidens.

"Kneel before me. Or I will execute one of your accomplices every 3 seconds, starting now", said the king

Jasmin's remaining crew looked at Jasmin and each other, unsure what to do.

Jasmin wanted to fight. Time was running out. If they surrendered, everything would be over. There would be no democracy, no freedom, no enlightenment---with the knowledge from the Spirits, the king would accomplish much more as a dictator.

Jasmin sprinted at the king. This was her last chance. If she failed to do it, the outcome would be very bad.

Boom. Gas bombs were thrown at her and magic spells she had never seen before were casted at her.

When the gas touched Jasmin's skin, she felt dizzy and her movement was slowed.

This reminded her of her battle with Belphegor. The gas was synthesized with Belphegor's blood, which was a powerful numbing agent.

"This is... !! Belphegor. Louis! What have you done?" howled Jasmin.

"AAAAHhhhhhhh", Alfreddor moaned, as a sword pierced through his body from behind.

"Trevor!! Ahh. You...", Alfreddor struggled to look behind him and saw it was Trevor.

"You rebelled against the king. I have to do it", said Trevor, with no emotion, as if it wasn't a comrade he just betrayed and lethally wounded, but some animal.

"Nooooo!!!" howled Jasmin. Alfreddor had been like a grandpa to her. Her heart broke when she saw what just happened.

Jasmin's remaining crew were buried in curses, spells, arrows, and various projectiles, and the damages were quickly adding up.

Victoria's ability to cast spells was suppressed by the priests of the Temple.

"Victoria RUNS! Save yourself. Find the others and help Jasmin", Alfreddor shouted and casted a spell to free Victoria and replenished some of her magic.

Zoom! Victoria, in tears, casted a teleportation spell and got away. The others were entangled by anti-teleportation curses and could not be saved.

Jasmin's men fell one by one. The king's men brought their families and children before them as they fought, which distracted them and eventually, only Jasmin remained standing.

With no weapon, armor, and potions to restore her health and magic, Jasmin was overwhelmed. Her bare hands couldn't break the full amors and shields of the king's army. Soon she was wrestled to the floor and the soldiers buried her with their bodies.

Jasmin threw them out and their bodies flew in the air, but they kept coming at her. As soon as Jasmin threw a body away, a few warriors would grab her and try to drag her down.

"Bring the chains and nets", the captain yelled.

The soldiers brought enchanted metal chains and nets and entangled Jasmin with them.

A special team of men with poles that had noose at the tip (think dog catcher), placed the nooses on Jasmin's limbs and neck.

Finally, they restrained Jasmin, the chains and nooses were crafted with magical materials that were used to forge legendary weapons and armors, so they were nil-indestructible.

They removed Jasmin's clothing, and put her in restraining harness that fitted her figure precisely, but covered almost nothing, and certainly not her most intimate parts.

"Does your new dress feel familiar?", King Louis said wryly.

"Rimeheart?", Jasmin gasped. There was mist in her eyes.

"Hahaha. Smart girl, not only that. I have them reforge your armor in the form of chain and balls. That would keep our people safe from you, traitor"
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Tobbyrea 2 years
I would just love to read the rest of the story so how ever long. But I am loving the story a how you have set it up.
Tobbyrea 4 years
Please continue i have enjoyed this story and would like to read more
Pitything 2 years
will do. I am working on things for now. How long do you want it to be?
Waxer 4 years
Please more!
Theswordsman 4 years
As long as Victoria is out there they still have hope
Pitything 2 years
she will be caught by... probably get bred