Baby fat

chapter 2: the feeding

The arrival of the next morning was signaled by the lights returning to their original brightness, and the sound of birds chirping. As I opened my eyes, a child's song came on. The singer sang, "Wake up baby boy, wake up baby boy, wake up, it's time for breakfast!" With the song finished, a sound effect of children cheering played over the intercom.

"Jeremy, I bet you're hungry!" said my kidnapper over the intercom. "I've made you a special treat that I think you'll like a lot!" With that, a large baby bottle descended from the ceiling. My stomach began to rumble. It was giant, roughly 6'2", the same size as me. As I sat up in the crib, the bottle descended to be at a downward angle to my mouth. "Go on." Said the kidnapper. "Dig in!"

"So you want me to... suck this? Like a baby sucks a bottle?" I said, upset.

"Yes, Jeremy, it's feeding time. And you certainly are dressed the part!" I questioned that last bit before taking a look at my body. I just realized I was wearing a diaper! Me! An adult, wearing a diaper. I tried to reach and take it off but a harsh shock went through my body. "You've better get to eating." The voice said, aggressively.

As I pensively put my mouth around the rubber top of the bottle, I began to suck at it. A thick, creamy, and sweet liquid poured out of it and into my mouth. I noticed that the LED screen flickered to light, showing 161.4 lbs. I guess that was my current weight. I continued to drink the liquid until my stomach was full. But I realized that I couldn't stop myself. I kept drinking, even though I knew that I should stop.

"Me and the team at the corporation put this together. It's supposed to be a pill for people who have experienced famine or starvation to help them quickly gain back weight. It's called ReGain. It failed in testing because it has a tendency to be quite addictive and... infantilizing. You see, once you start drinking, you just can't stop!" The voice gleefully said. I recoiled in horror, but it was true. I simply couldn't stop sucking on the tube. I continued until it emptied.

"Alright baby... you've had a rough day! I think it's time for a nap," The voice said. I tried to protest, but I was very tired. I had worked quite hard this morning. I think I deserve a nap. As I crawled over to lay my head down, I felt a trickle of urine leave my body. A warm feeling went through my diaper, and I began to cry. It seems that this pill begins its work fairly quickly. As if my cries signaled it, a machine lifted me up, through the force-field, and restrained me as it removed my diaper and replaced it. I cried at the thought of my family. The machine dropped a pacifier into my mouth. I sucked on it, and it brought back memory of the bottle. The thought of food calmed me down, and I settled into a deep sleep.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Princess Bub... 4 years
Could you please add a scene where the feedee gets a tummy ache from being really gassy and has to be burped? I've been trying so hard to find a story like that.
Fatlilboy 4 years
Sooo loving this. I can't believe it's your first one. Please continue - love where I think this is going. There are VERY FEW true weight gain ABDL stories - and this is one that I'm sure to enjoy.
BTW - 6'2" and 135 ish pounds? That would be an em
M305878 4 years
Interesting so far, can’t wait to see what happens to our big baby next!