Inside the admirer

Chapter 11 - the inevitable

Standing Anna in front of the mirror, Bill pulled up a strong stool and sat himself down, as if to fully inspect her body from a new, lower perspective. He could see Anna’s excitement, but he decided to ignore it for now.

“A nice fat belly on its way…” Bill appraised, tapping the rounded shape. “Considerably larger hips, breasts…” he continued, touching each in turn. “I’ve never seen this before though…” Bill commented, pointing into the mirror at Anna’s reflection, which the newly chubbed-up girl had her back to.

“Seen what?” Anna asked, thrilled and concerned at the same time.

“This!” Bill roared, sliding his hands over Anna’s hips until they slipped onto her ass. “Look at this thing!” He gently stroked the soft flesh until the two, large and plumped up ass cheeks plopped into his large hands. “None of my girlfriends have ever developed a fat ass as big as this, so soon!” he enthused.

Bill slipped his hands lower, underneath the oversized glutes, so that his palms were touching the very tops of Anna’s thighs. Then, without a word of warning, he began to gently jiggle the area. He watched as the new blubber in Anna’s ass wobbled and bounced up and down. The jiggling travelled down Anna’s butt, into her new, thicker thighs, until the entire blubbery area was rocking in sync. “Look at all this fat!” Bill ordered, seeing Anna trying to crane her neck in order to see her large rear in the mirror.

Bill saw the lust in his girlfriend’s eyes as well as the sudden surge of excitement as her ass and thighs were being handled so roughly. “Is this what you wanted all along?” she asked with longing, desperate for him to say 'yes'.

Bill laughed at the simplicity of the question. “Of course I did,” he stated. “Just look at this doughy ass!” he marvelled, continuing to shake it. “Why do you think Andy was so pissed at me tonight? I’d told him months ago how I was going to set to work on turning you into my fat, little porker!”

Anna’s thrill surged again and she slipped her hand into her crotch, almost as if it was the only way to control it.

“I warned you this would happen, didn’t I?” Bill asked, stretching the blubbery butt cheeks as wide as he could and then up and down. “I told you that if you let this fat boy have you, the same thing would slowly start to happen to you! Well…” he smiled, looking up at Anna, whose mouth had slackened with the pleasure she was giving herself; fingers sliding in and out “…look at you now!”

“Am I going to end up like the other girls?” Anna asked. “Will I grow as fat as they did?” But Bill was lucky to hear her with how much the she was panting, pleasuring herself so furiously.

“Oh, you’re going to be my masterpiece!” Bill laughed. “No one is even going to recognise you in a few months’ time…”

Bill’s words seemed to be sending Anna into a frenzy. Her head fell back and her eyelids closed; a moan of pleasure escaping from her gaping mouth. “I want to get bigger for you!” she whispered. “I want to grow fat, just for you!” she promised, picking up her head and looking directly at Bill.

Bill smirked. Once again, Anna was right on schedule. This day had always been inevitable; the day when Anna would finally accept and wish for everything Bill was doing to her. “You promise?” he asked, wickedly.

“I promise!” Anna nodded. “I’m going to get so fat for you baby!” she moaned.

Bill pushed out his belly and placed it directly underneath Anna’s groin. “Come on my belly then,” he urged her, getting down onto his knees. “Sign it! Make it our contract. Show me that you’re serious!”

Anna’s mouth slackened ever more and her eyes almost popped out of her head as Bill placed his monstrous gut between her chubby legs. She widened her stance, almost sitting on the massive shelf, whilst her fingers finished her off.

“That’s it fat girl!” Bill coaxed as Anna lost herself more and more. “Keep it coming porker! Sign away!”
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jktab 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
That's it. Chapter 14 marks the end of this story. Thanks so much for all of your supportive comments and likes.

Please feel free to check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wouldn't be surprised if anna ends up bigger then bill
Fatchance 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
Thank you to everyone who has been following this one. Looking at the material that I have left, I'm predicting another two (possibly three) chapters for this story.
Growingsofter 4 years
Well done
Pet Sounds 4 years
Well done! Your writing is among the best of the genre. Can't wait to see more!
Growingsofter 4 years
Great story
Growingsofter 4 years
So good. More please.
Chuborange 4 years
This is really hot!
Jazzman 4 years
Excellent as Usual!
Pageturner 4 years
This is incredible. Please continue!!
ThiccamonToa... 4 years
More please!