Inside the admirer

Chapter 12 - alternative methods

Anna flip-flopped on her resolve during the following weeks, as anyone would, having decided to grow for Bill during the height of her arousal. Although she had been slowly expanding for months, making it official was a harder change than the young girl might have expected. The trick was to keep her horny, Bill knew. A quick glance of Bill’s enormous gut was usually enough to do that. When out for food, the large man would take his girlfriend’s hand and place it underneath his shirt discretely so that she could feel the huge expanse of it stretching; that always helped to make both of them overeat.

Stepping on the scales, Bill sighed in frustration. “Four hundred and twenty-two pounds”, he grumbled quietly to himself. He hated reaching a plateau. He hadn’t grown all that much in months. But this was the side of himself that he didn’t like to show to Anna. As far as that chubby girl was concerned, Bill had never had any problems in gaining. He never told her about the long months he had had without putting on a single pound, or the immense amount of fattening shakes he had pushed into his gut in order to make it grow; shakes he would now have to return to making if he was ever going to pop another button on his clothes.

“What’s this in the refrigerator?” Anna asked curiously, seeing the massive jugs at the back.

“Don’t be nosey!” Bill shouted back, suddenly getting an idea. He stood up from his wide chair and pulled off his t shirt, strutting into the kitchen with his arms a little bit further out to the sides, so that he appeared even larger to his kinky girlfriend. “Were you looking for a snack or something, Fat girl?” he asked wickedly, knowing that Anna’s eyes would be studying his huge gut with awe. “Come with me…” he smiled, taking Anna’s hand and sitting her in the massive chair he had been beached in himself only moments earlier. “It’s about time I showed you something,” he explained, putting his hand on Anna’s gut and jiggling it roughly before patting it twice with satisfaction. “Now that I’ve put the first eighty pounds on you…” he began, pausing to allow Anna the time to take that fact in, “…I wanted to show you other ways that you can grow for me...”

Bill grinned, looking at Anna’s expression and pushing his large gut into it so that it slid across the horny girl’s face.

Right on cue, Anna lifted her hands and held the large belly, inhaling deeply through her nose and kissing it with extreme appreciation.

“You do want to grow for me, don’t you?” Bill asked, smirking with how easily he could play this girl.

Anna moaned in pleasure. “I’d do anything for you,” she sighed, kissing the large, fat gut in her face.

“Good,” Bill exclaimed, suddenly springing into action and walking back to the kitchen. “Take that blouse off then!” he called back as he rummaged through the cupboards and pulled out a large jug. When he returned, Anna was sat back in the chair with her soft, doughy midsection and puffy breasts on full display. “See this,” Bill began, hiding the jug behind the chair so that Anna couldn’t see it just yet. “This is a funnel.”

“Wait…” Anna piped up, knowing full well how gainers deployed funnels. “You use that?”

“Not me,” Bill lied. “I bought it for my last ex, Terri,” he chuckled, looking at it, as if nostalgically. “She was just like you: eager to please me.”

“You fed her through a funnel?” Anna asked, finding the thought as erotic as Bill knew she would.

“I certainly did!” Bill laughed, without a word of a lie. “Look here,” he pointed. “You can see the marks where her teeth bit down on it. Poor fatty!”

Anna took the funnel from Bill, seeing the marks for herself. “That’s awesome!” she breathed; getting excited. “Did it work as well? Did she grow really fast after it?”

Bill nodded, sliding his hand onto Anna belly and grabbing a thick handful of pure blubber as he spoke. “You wouldn’t believe how quickly it worked,” he smiled. “The extra fat was just spreading all over her body in no time. It was hilarious to watch it happening to her!”

Taking the funnel out of Anna’s hands and starting to head back to the kitchen to put it away, Bill heard the younger woman suddenly speak out. “Wait!” she cried. “...Maybe we could do it to me one day?”
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jktab 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
That's it. Chapter 14 marks the end of this story. Thanks so much for all of your supportive comments and likes.

Please feel free to check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wouldn't be surprised if anna ends up bigger then bill
Fatchance 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
Thank you to everyone who has been following this one. Looking at the material that I have left, I'm predicting another two (possibly three) chapters for this story.
Growingsofter 4 years
Well done
Pet Sounds 4 years
Well done! Your writing is among the best of the genre. Can't wait to see more!
Growingsofter 4 years
Great story
Growingsofter 4 years
So good. More please.
Chuborange 4 years
This is really hot!
Jazzman 4 years
Excellent as Usual!
Pageturner 4 years
This is incredible. Please continue!!
ThiccamonToa... 4 years
More please!