Inside the admirer

Chapter 8 - andy's frustration

“You absolute bastard!” Andy exclaimed as he stood at the bar with Bill a couple of weeks later. “I can’t believe how you get away with this shit, every time!”

Bill grinned and looked back at Anna; her new pants were really clinging to her chubby butt and her tight blouse was stretched across the blubbery fat roll that was forming, like a muffin top above. “She’s coming along nicely, isn’t she?” he laughed.

“What have you done to that beautiful ass of hers?” Andy grumbled, staring at the buttery mass that pushed against Anna’s pants as she walked away to the dance floor with the group. “You’ve ruined it!”

“There’s so much more for me to play with now though. Plenty to grab hold of… if you know what I mean,” Bill smiled. “Nice and soft…and round!”

Andy didn’t shoot back some smart comment. Instead, he shook his head in frustration and turned to order instead.

“Since when do you drink beer?” one of Bill’s friends asked Anna as she took a sip. “I thought you preferred your spirits.”

Sitting on Bill’s knee due to the lack of chairs, Anna nodded. “It’s something Bill has got me into,” she explained. “He’s made me try loads of different types and I’ve really developed a taste for it.”

“You know why he’s doing that though, don’t you?” Andy shot, clearly a little worse for wear from drink himself. “Beer is more fattening. He’s fattening you up like his own personal pig,” he grumbled.

The small group fell silent, with everyone looking around awkwardly; all except Bill who was grinning proudly.

“Come on!” Andy almost shouted. “We all know it’s true! We all know what happened to all of his other girlfriends!”

Bill couldn’t help himself and gave a little chuckle.

“What happened to the others?” Anna questioned curiously.

“Bill hasn’t told you?” Andy asked, as if getting one over on the large man.

“Not in any great detail,” Anna replied curiously.

“Well,” Andy began, as if caught off-guard having to explain himself. “Terri was his last girlfriend. She used to play tennis and won lots of tournaments locally.” He looked around at the others who nodded in agreement; Bill’s ex really did used to be a good tennis player, it seemed. “Then she met this bastard,” Andy pointed at Bill. “Next thing we all knew was, Terri stopped competing and was spending more time with Bill. She started getting this little gut on her, which just grew and grew and grew,” he stated, pushing his hands out to demonstrate a growing stomach. “By the time they broke up, I don’t think she would have managed more than two minutes on a tennis court!”

The rest of Bill’s friends looked down at the table awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with how confrontational Andy was being. Bill just grinned however, slipping his hand down onto Anna’s soft butt, sitting on his lap, and giving it a gentle caress since no one could see it.

“Alright, I’ll give you that one,” Bill laughed, daring Andy to continue. Willing him to tell Anna everything.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jktab 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
That's it. Chapter 14 marks the end of this story. Thanks so much for all of your supportive comments and likes.

Please feel free to check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wouldn't be surprised if anna ends up bigger then bill
Fatchance 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
Thank you to everyone who has been following this one. Looking at the material that I have left, I'm predicting another two (possibly three) chapters for this story.
Growingsofter 4 years
Well done
Pet Sounds 4 years
Well done! Your writing is among the best of the genre. Can't wait to see more!
Growingsofter 4 years
Great story
Growingsofter 4 years
So good. More please.
Chuborange 4 years
This is really hot!
Jazzman 4 years
Excellent as Usual!
Pageturner 4 years
This is incredible. Please continue!!
ThiccamonToa... 4 years
More please!