Inside the admirer

Chapter 9 - andy's testimony

“Then his girlfriend before that was Harriet,” Andy soldiered on, taking up the challenge. “She was a chef at…” he paused, trying to think of the name of the restaurant and failing. He tried looking at the others to help him, but everyone else was silent, not wanting to be a part of it anymore. “Anyway, she was another that he did it to. He got her cooking up all these fattening foods and then he somehow got HER to eat them all,” Andy complained bitterly. “The poor girl just blew up in a matter of months! It was like he’d hypnotised her!”

Sitting on his knee, Bill knew that Anna was getting more and more aroused from the stories. Andy may have been trying to save Anna from him, but at this point, the man was actually having the opposite effect. He continued to rub and even pinch Anna’s blubbery butt in appreciation, heightening her senses.

“We met her during the holidays and then, by the following Thanksgiving, she was twice the size. Literally…” he emphasised, drunkenly throwing out his hands into a wide position and getting cross-eyed just looking at it, “…TWICE THE SIZE!”

The friends all looked around at each other and one even tried to shush Andy and calm him down. “Don’t get yourself worked up man,” they whispered.

Bill meanwhile, was rather enjoying the commotion he had created and looked around proudly. Then he turned his head towards Anna and slyly whispered into her ear. “I saw her on the subway a couple of months ago,” he began, stopping to give a little chuckle. “She’s almost as big as me now!” he laughed quietly, tapping Anna’s butt and sliding a strong hand over her massive hip. “Huge, chubby, fat girl, she is these days!”

Anna couldn’t help but smile and give a little laugh back. Bill knew that the longer Anna had been going out with him, the more she was attracted to this wicked, devious side to his personality. Bill always got what he wanted.

“Fine, don’t believe me!” Andy shouted, misinterpreting Anna’s laugh and drunkenly standing up to leave. He wobbled, a little off-balance, his eyes slightly out of focus. “See if I care!”

“Sit down Andy!” Bill laughed. “We’ll get you some water!” he offered, as if he couldn’t have cared less that his best friend had just tried to sabotage his whole relationship. “We’re heading home now anyway,” he smiled, standing up and handing Anna her jacket that he knew was a little too small. “I promised Anna some take-out on the way home,” he explained without a hint of irony. “Best get there before the best places close.”
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jktab 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
That's it. Chapter 14 marks the end of this story. Thanks so much for all of your supportive comments and likes.

Please feel free to check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wouldn't be surprised if anna ends up bigger then bill
Fatchance 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
Thank you to everyone who has been following this one. Looking at the material that I have left, I'm predicting another two (possibly three) chapters for this story.
Growingsofter 4 years
Well done
Pet Sounds 4 years
Well done! Your writing is among the best of the genre. Can't wait to see more!
Growingsofter 4 years
Great story
Growingsofter 4 years
So good. More please.
Chuborange 4 years
This is really hot!
Jazzman 4 years
Excellent as Usual!
Pageturner 4 years
This is incredible. Please continue!!
ThiccamonToa... 4 years
More please!