Inside the admirer

Chapter 10 - the race home

Anna and Bill rolled in an hour later; but Anna’s arousal was uncontainable. “So, I never knew you were such a wicked boy!” she teased, finally able to speak about things now that they were back in their own space. She had only just managed to contain herself in the cab by slyly feeling Bill up the entire way back.

Bill smirked and tore off his t shirt casually, letting his huge stomach out and find freedom. He inhaled and puffed out his chest, making himself appear as large as he could so that he could turn Anna on even more. “I have my ways…” he laughed, unbuttoning Anna’s blouse and keen to see the damage that all of the beer and take-out had had on his girlfriend that evening.

“I love the way you look at me,” Anna sighed, lust dripping from her voice. “…The way you look at my body,” she moaned, sliding her hand down from her ample breasts to her chubby waist and into her groin as Bill undressed her.

Nodding and grunting with appreciation from the spectacle, Bill pulled off Anna’s blouse and gazed down appreciatively. Fifty-five pounds had completely destroyed this shorter girl’s physique. Anna’s well-proportioned breasts had now swollen and puffed out enormously, whilst a buttery and flabby little belly had begun to form below them. Full and bountiful hips had developed too, widening her figure to an almost pear-shape and thickening her middle. “I’m just checking to see that you’re still on schedule,” he teased, taking a handful of Anna’s belly softness between his fingers and jiggling it playfully.

“And am I?” Anna asked, consumed by her own lust.

“I have no complaints so far,” Bill smiled, lifting his hand so that he stroked Anna’s jaw and tickled the emerging flesh that would soon become a much more developed double chin; one that she would never be rid of.

“Am I becoming like your other girlfriends?” Anna asked, unzipping her own skirt and letting it fall down to the floor. Then she took her hands to Bill's thick belt, slipping her fingers under his monstrous gut and unbuckling him. He breathed in to let her pull the tight button apart and then finally unzip his fly to allow his pants to fall effortlessly to the floor. “Am I becoming like the ones that Andy was talking about?” Anna added, as if to clarify, cheekily pulling Bill’s underwear down at long last and standing there naked herself, victorious.

“Hmm…” Bill pretended to consider, taking his girlfriend’s hand and leading her into the bedroom, “…Let’s take a look and see, shall we?”
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jktab 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
That's it. Chapter 14 marks the end of this story. Thanks so much for all of your supportive comments and likes.

Please feel free to check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Theswordsman 4 years
I wouldn't be surprised if anna ends up bigger then bill
Fatchance 4 years
Feeder862 4 years
Thank you to everyone who has been following this one. Looking at the material that I have left, I'm predicting another two (possibly three) chapters for this story.
Growingsofter 4 years
Well done
Pet Sounds 4 years
Well done! Your writing is among the best of the genre. Can't wait to see more!
Growingsofter 4 years
Great story
Growingsofter 4 years
So good. More please.
Chuborange 4 years
This is really hot!
Jazzman 4 years
Excellent as Usual!
Pageturner 4 years
This is incredible. Please continue!!
ThiccamonToa... 4 years
More please!