Losing contol

chapter 1 - understanding chloe

Having been with no one that really knew me well enough to make me happy, I knew I had to think outside the box. I went with all types of guys but none of them made me happy. I was attracted enough but when it came to sex, I just couldn’t get myself there. None of them really brought me pleasure. I stuck it out and faked my happiness, but all of my relationships were doomed from the start. The guys I dated never really knew how to make me happy and I wasn’t about to reveal my deepest darkest secret in the hopes that he would understand. I live in a small town, so a fetish like mine would spread fast if the guy I was with betrayed my trust. My best hope was to keep dating in the hopes of finding a guy I could trust enough to spill the beans to.

The thing is, I’m a feedee. There it is, I’m into the sort of thing that most men would find revolting or dangerous. I can’t reveal that to anyone except the dark web on secret mode. It’s definitely a problem because I’m not willing to be honest with guys and I am barely honest with myself. I dream of being forced fed and become immobile. It’s been a reoccurring fantasy of mine since hormones started coming in. Of course, the reality of that sort of life is not ideal for me but I like imagining it. It’ll never go further than a fantasy in my head because I have a career and my life to think about. I like traveling, adventure, and I like moving in general. Being immobile is just something that I imagine while trying to get myself off. Just the thought of it makes me wet instantaneously. Ultimately, I am still in control of my own body. But, in my mind I dream of gaining weight and being fed.

Even though my sex life is quite uninteresting and hasn’t given me much joy. I have other things that make me happy. My job is amazing. I am a flight attendant which keeps me busy and gets me all over the world. I absolutely love traveling and making people happy on my flights. I have amazing friends that I love spending time with. I guess I can live a full life without ever really being fully sexually satisfied, right?
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Ifmusicbe3 3 years
This is fantastic
Theswordsman 4 years
Good story so far