Losing contol

chapter 4 - stetching

I can’t remember how long I’ve been in here. I think there must be drugs in the food they give me because I can’t seem to stay awake after eating and I never know if I’m waking up to a new day or from a nap. All I know is that whenever I wake up there is food and whenever there is food I can’t stop eating it. The only clue I have for how long I’ve been here is my body because I keep getting bigger and bigger.

At first, I’d wake up in a panic and tried to find ways to exit out of here. They’d open the door and I thought I could make it out but then my attention would quickly turn to the food they brought in and I just had to eat it! Once I was done eating, they’d all left and I was locked in the room again drowsy and bloated.

Today is going to be different, I will close my eyes and exit past them. This way if I don’t see the food, I won’t be hypnotized by it. I woke up and got dressed with the sweat suit they always leave by the door. It always fits just right even though I know I went up a size or two. When they opened the door. I closed my eyes, plugged my nose and bolted through the door pushing anything in my way. I just heard them laughing as I hit right into a gate. The short man approached me with a cupcake “Ahhh you didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? Well come get it!” As he used the cupcake to lure me back to the room. I was helpless and crying as I was led back to my room like a dog chasing bacon. When we got to my room, he threw the cupcake on the floor. I ran after it and ate it licking the icing on the floor. Embarrassment reddened my cheeks and I couldn’t stop crying.

One of the guards, placed a long sandwich in front of me. It must have been 40 inches. I looked at it crying as I couldn’t help myself from picking it up and eating it. I was once again at their mercy, completely helpless. On the floor, with my legs outstretched in front of me, I was chowing down this huge sandwich. It was so delicious! The first part of it was tuna, next section was roast beef, then chicken, and the last was Philly cheese steak. By the time I got to the last section, I was in pain. My whole belly was outstretched and miserable. I was trying to calm it by rubbing it, but spasms of pain kept coming. I was also wet and turned on but I couldn’t let that part of me come out! That would be giving up and I can’t do that yet.

I closed my eyes and cradled myself when I took the last bite but when I opened them dessert was in front of me. There was a tray full of chocolate éclairs and 5 glasses of milk in front of me. I drank a whole glass of milk immediately and then started eating the éclairs. They were so delicious and my pain suddenly stopped which made me eat faster. I could feel my tummy suddenly touch my thighs. It felt so good! I was so turned on by the little pouch that formed just above my pussy and rested on my thickening thighs. Every time I started to feel full, I drank milk and the pain melted away. When all was eaten, I drifted off and fell asleep right on the floor.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Ifmusicbe3 3 years
This is fantastic
Theswordsman 4 years
Good story so far