Fat cow slut

chapter 4

The next day, Molly wore another dress to work. This one was longer, reaching her knees, but made up for that with the amount of cleavage it revealed—feeling mischievous, she decided to forego a bra as well…a decision she quickly regretted. So bloated from the three bacon egg McMuffins, 4 hash brown breakfast she grabbed on the go, Molly spent most of the day trying to hide her ever-erect nipples, and making sure that she didn’t lean over too far and expose an entire breast.

She felt so voluptuous with her bloated belly and massive breasts striving to bust through her dress – like Venus herself.

It was difficult to resist the temptation, however—on an average work-day, Molly would get maybe two, three people coming by her office to request an update on whatever images she was working on, or to see if she could help out with a new project that was being launched. Today, however, she barely got anything done—she was too busy accommodating the non-stop rush of people who needed help with the simplest tasks.
Ben from accounting stopped by on three separate occasions, just to ask Molly’s advice on which font he should use on the quarterly budget. By the second visit, she was starting to suspect that her expertise wasn’t really what he was after…and once the idea of her walking over to the vending machines on the other side of the office to show him her assets came into her head, it was hard to get rid of.

She managed to work the thought out of her mind with a series of internal compromises—when Luke, the intern, came by to show her some basic comps he was designing, she made a point of admiring his tie, leaning forward to inspect it until her bulging breasts were right on the verge of popping out. When her boss came by to make sure she was on-target for the new website launch next week, she spent half an hour discussing his newborn child—specifically, the details of his wife’s breastfeeding.

Molly tried to make sure that every man who left her area would be thinking about her generous growing curves for the rest of the day…the visible erections that they sported as they left was a good indication that she was doing well. She talked abstractly about sex and breasts in every way she could, and had never been so happy to go a whole day without a single male making eye contact with her.

Five o’clock came and went; somehow, Molly had talked Luke into letting her show him the ins and outs of InDesign, but the conversation kept changing subject and so far all she’d managed to do was open the program up and teach him how to turn off ‘hyphenate’. She’d been learning a lot about Luke, as he willingly mumbled answers to her questions, staring at her cleavage all the while. He was 19, had just finished high-school, and was currently single.

Inevitably, the conversation had turned from this to sex. Molly tried to act casual taking a last bite of her Hershey’s bar. She found herself growing increasingly wet as details of Luke’s inexperience tumbled from his mouth. He told her of the first awkward fumblings he’d had in the back seat of his Dad’s car, the first time he’d undone a bra, the first time he’d seen a girl topless, the first time he’d sucked on a nipple…Molly was fidgeting in her chair and losing track of the conversation as the images flashed through her mind of being on the receiving end of all of Luke’s administrations.

She was remembering her own teenage years, what a young harlot she’d been. Her boobs had grown in early, and she hadn’t been shy about using them to get what she wanted. As a teenager, she’d had a type…

tall, thin boys with glasses, who would seduce her with their words and their eyes, who would convince her to do naughty things far beyond what she’d intended, who would be fucking her on the first date, if not within a few minutes of when she got in the car...Luke was still talking, and his words suddenly brought her back to reality.

“What!?” she cried loudly. Fortunately by this point, it was getting close to six, and the office had long been emptied.
“I just said that I’ve never…y’know, done that with a girl.”
“No…no girl has wanted to.”

For some reason that she couldn’t quite explain, the fact that Luke had never put his cock between a girl’s tits before was doing all sorts of things to Molly’s brain. She forgot the fact that she’d only done it herself once or twice (and never even particularly liked it)—in her head, it was an unforgivable travesty, and one that she wanted—no, needed—to fix.

Her pussy was dripping at the idea.

Luke, too, was mostly thinking with his genitals at this point. He had no idea why the usually friendly-but-professional graphic design girl had arrived at work in rocking outfits for the last two days, and spent most of today talking with him about boobs, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Her shock and seeming outrage when he’d mentioned titty-fucking had caused him to worry that he’d stepped over the line, but her next actions just solidified his decision not to mess with a good thing…

Molly leaned forward, until her face was only a few inches from Luke’s. For the first time in the last few hours, he tore his eyes away from her magnificent bosom (even though her pose gave him a good chance of seeing one of her nipples) and looked her in the eye. She looked concerned.

“Luke,” she said simply. “would you like to try it with me?”
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Xandercroft 4 years
Sometimes the wrong choices are the best choices. Perhaps not to this extent but true enough.
Jack-Elray 4 years
Wow glad I could inspire that! A very cool ending to a very cool story!
Bicepsual 4 years
Jack-Elray, your comment inspired me to add a final epilogue.
Jack-Elray 4 years
Lucky girl. I don’t doubt she’ll be happier fat and dumb.
Bicepsual 4 years
Don't know why that was - fixed nonetheless! Thanks!
Sutherngent96 4 years
is it meant to start at chapter 19 or 1 or is it just a typo/conversion issue?
Bicepsual 4 years
This is based on an adaptation of an old Pan story I read many years ago.