Dating vincent's wife

Chapter 11 - munchies

“Wow, slow down there, buddy!” Martin’s dad cautioned, watching his son going at his food with more speed than ever. “I don’t know how people eat in New York, but back here, we take our time and enjoy it.”

Martin rolled his eyes. That wasn’t how Jenny saw things. The faster he could eat, the more he could push into his swelling body. He’d trained himself to eat more and push himself, even when full; yet, now he couldn’t seem to stop.

The holidays were becoming his least favourite time of year. Three whole weeks back home, without Jenny! Bored out of his skull, his mind simply latched on to that date when Vincent would be gone again and he could head back around to the apartment and make Jenny fall all over him again. But this New Year, he really wanted to impress his secret lover; stuffing his face at every conceivable moment and pushing out his stomach. Maybe, if he tried really hard, he could gorge himself over the 260lb mark. He imagined Jenny's face as she would see him for the first time, undressing him in an instant to see what he had done for her.

Martin could feel fat encasing him all around, rippling as he walked and knocking things over as he failed to appreciate his new width. He had flown through multiple work pants this year as the expansion continued unabated, and even his strategy to wear loose shirts had not been entirely successful.

“Look at yourself!” he marvelled, sticking his belly out in the mirror the night before he left to head back to New York. “Look at how big and sexy you’ve become!” he teased himself, grabbing his hardness and thinking of the ways that Jenny would describe him. He pictured Jenny’ face clearly in his mind, for, recently, she had started calling him out for what he really was. Her words had changed. No longer did she describe him as her ‘soft’ and ‘cuddly’ man; now he was her ‘fat’ and ‘blubbery’ boy, growing exclusively for her pleasure. The change had been gradual, but now Martin longed for it. He wanted her to stare and him and tell him just how fat he was getting for her. He wanted her to point it out; grab his thick love-handle and marvel at just how much he had eaten for her.

Martin's hand traced the stretch marks at the side of his stomach as he tugged at his crotch with the other hand. He watched the fat in his chest bounce up and down as his speed increased, faster and faster. The he looked down at the floor and saw his discarded pants lying there. His eyes took in the size of them: a thirty-eight inch waist; how large he was getting! He’d been with the guys all evening and yet, none of them had said a word about his expanding size. “That’s how you’ll know…” Jenny had whispered into his ear before he had come home. “When your friends stop even mentioning your weight, you'll know you've done it. You'll know that you're just my fat boy instead...”

Martin’s arousal spiked even further as he replayed Jenny’s words in his head; picturing himself tied up to the bed posts with the beautiful girl on top of him. “I’m going to get so big and fat for you Jenny!” he promised to thin air. “I promise! You won’t ever be disappointed in me.”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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11fu22fu 4 years
This is one of your better stories imo
Jimbo021289 4 years
Great great story
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. Thank you to everyone who has liked and followed it.
Growing Bigger 4 years
I removed my spoiler comment. I enjoyed chapters 1-12 smiley 13 and 14 has a twist that some may like but not me. Will keep reading more.
Growingsofter 4 years
Great chapter more please
Feeder862 4 years
There's one final chapter to come. Please remember that this is a 'submission and domination' fiction and enjoy the eventual ending for what it is. Also, please don't reference later plot points in the comments. Let's keep it spolier-free! Thanks.
Iread247 4 years
Oh shit. What a twist. I am so excited
Hurgon 4 years
Brilliant! Martin better watch out though, or he'll be too fat to hide under the bed when Vincent comes home unexpectedly!
Mischnickde 4 years
Great start. Can't wait for more.
Built4com4t 4 years
Excellent start
Hurgon 4 years