Dating vincent's wife

Chapter 13 - bodies

Martin had been messing around with Jenny for almost eighteen months as the summer arrived in New York. In that time, he had swollen up from a puny 150lb guy, to a large-bellied, wide and heavy 300lb man. Jenny loved the fact that he had doubled his weight, delighting in every pound and bulge that had been added on to Martin’s frame. Now he could strut around New York feeling like the most attractive man alive, for how else could anyone explain how wildly aroused Jenny was around him?

“I’m so full!” Martin grumbled, lying in bed, having outdone himself yet again.

Jenny chuckled, heading off for a shower. But as Martin was rubbing his stomach, he thought hard about how he could make Jenny smile upon her return. Finishing off the last of the chicken wings in bed once she came out of the shower would be a good idea, he thought. How amazing he would look with his big belly out, gorging himself once again! Jenny would hardly be able to contain herself at a sight such as that.

Hearing Jenny turning the shower off, Martin moved quickly, finding his heavy body increasing alien. He fumbled and knocked his foot down hard onto the chest of drawers beside the bed, ripping the handle and damaging the front of the top drawer. “Oh, fuck!” he grumbled, trying to push it back, in the hope of it magically healing itself. But it was no use; he’d messed it up for sure. He pulled the drawer out, seeing a range of Vincent’s items inside and he sighed again; of course it would be Vincent’s drawer that he had broken!

Martin began emptying it, to see whether the base had cracked as well, pulling out t-shirts and placing them onto the bed. His brain caught it before he did, noticing that the shape of the t-shirts was all wrong. In fact, they weren’t t-shirts at all. Taking his hands slowly to the material, Martin picked them up, unfolding them with interest.

There, filling the space in front of him, were the largest men’s underwear he had ever seen.

“How come you have these?” Martin asked as Jenny came out of the shower seconds later, a little shocked to see the mess.

“Just put them down on the floor,” Jenny smiled, ignoring the questions and throwing off her towel, showing off her beautiful, shimmering body, clearly in the mood for another round.

“But why do you have underwear that large?” Martin persisted, unfolding more and more of them.

Jenny didn’t seem to be listening, clipping the handcuffs on and pushing Martin down with her usual sexy dominance, before attaching the handcuffs to the bedposts. “You know that I’m married!” Jenny simply replied when Martin was in place.

“Yeah,” Martin nodded. “To Vincent though. But those aren’t Vincent’s underwear."

“Are you sure about that?” Jenny smiled wickedly.

“Yes,” Martin replied, nodding towards one of the many shirtless beach photos of Vincent that were littered all over the apartment. “Vincent looks like that.”

Jenny hid her face behind the massive underwear in false guilt, leaving her twinkling eyes looking at Martin with mischief. “I might have… overfed him a little once the honeymoon was over,” she grinned pulling at the waistband and marvelling at the incredible width of what were now apparently Vincent’s underwear.

“Honey!” came a loud, deep voice from the entrance. “I’m home!”

Time appeared to stand still. Martin’s heart began to beat in his throat. Vincent was home and he was handcuffed to the bed! Their bed!

Jenny’ smile seemed to slowly grow wider and wider as she looked at the panicked face of Martin, unable to go anywhere. She looked directly into his eyes as she called out to her husband. “I’m in here!” she shouted. “Come and find me!”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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11fu22fu 4 years
This is one of your better stories imo
Jimbo021289 4 years
Great great story
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. Thank you to everyone who has liked and followed it.
Growing Bigger 4 years
I removed my spoiler comment. I enjoyed chapters 1-12 smiley 13 and 14 has a twist that some may like but not me. Will keep reading more.
Growingsofter 4 years
Great chapter more please
Feeder862 4 years
There's one final chapter to come. Please remember that this is a 'submission and domination' fiction and enjoy the eventual ending for what it is. Also, please don't reference later plot points in the comments. Let's keep it spolier-free! Thanks.
Iread247 4 years
Oh shit. What a twist. I am so excited
Hurgon 4 years
Brilliant! Martin better watch out though, or he'll be too fat to hide under the bed when Vincent comes home unexpectedly!
Mischnickde 4 years
Great start. Can't wait for more.
Built4com4t 4 years
Excellent start
Hurgon 4 years