Dating vincent's wife

Chapter 14 - armies

Martin heard the loud footsteps of Vincent coming towards the room. His eyes wide and heart pounding for freedom from his chest, he stood up on his feet on the bed, still crouched as his hands were cuffed to the bedposts at either side. He could cover his exposed crotch with his legs, but he was still utterly defenceless. “Get the key for these handcuffs!” he whispered in panic to Jenny. “He can’t catch me in here like this!”

Jenny simply smiled and slowly shook her head, enjoying every second of this. It was already too late for Martin.

The door slowly opened. “Hey sexy boy!” Jenny grinned, sat in a position where she could see Vincent in the doorway. Martin however, only saw the massive protrusion of a monstrous gut at first, until an extremely large and overweight man came strutting into the bedroom. Dressed in a work suit and tie, the broad man carried a considerable amount of fat to his easily 500lb body. A ginormous gut spilled out and even sagged a little over his belt; whilst thick, blubbery legs carried him about and a vast, wide rear pushed out behind him. The man’s face was round and clean-shaven, displaying full, puffy cheeks and an incredibly developed double chin that hid all of his neck. Large, fat-swollen arms filled the man’s shirt, whilst a humungous chest, stuffed with fat was spreading under his arms and distorting the shape of his back.

Jenny went up to him and kissed him passionately, removing the man’s jacket and tie straight away. Then the man finally turned and looked at Martin in the face, cowering on top of the bed. Even in this state, Martin knew his face. This really was Jenny’ husband, Vincent.

“What’s he doing there?” Vincent muttered to Jenny casually. “I thought you just wanted me make him panic again? So that you could see whether he can still fit under the bed, like last time?”

Jenny laughed. “I did, but… plans change,” she sniggered, unbuttoning Vincent’s shirt from top to bottom and letting the man’s giant stomach fall out. “Oh, how I have missed you!” she sighed, patting the extreme belly in appreciation.

“But… but… he’s a marine!” Martin spluttered nervously; his world turned upside down in a matter of minutes.

Vincent laughed at that; a large, heavy, big man’s laugh, as Jenny’ hands slipped under his belly and unbuckled his belt for him, letting the huge pants fall to the floor. “I’ve not been a marine for quite some time!”

“Vincent has been working in sales for some years now,” Jenny explained. “That’s why he’s away so often.”

Vincent looked at Martin appraisingly. “You’ve done a great job with this one, Jenny!” he marvelled, looking directly at the large stomach that just couldn’t be hidden as Martin continued to crouch awkwardly.

“Yeah,” Jenny nodded, pleased with herself as she looked over Martin. “You can’t really see it from here, but his ass is pure fat as well. It’s certainly very wide and heavy!” she chuckled.

“What is this?” Martin asked; his mind unable to latch onto what was happening around him.

Vincent picked up Martin’s work pants, thrown casually over the chair in the corner. He held them up and whistled in appreciation at their size. “Forty-four inch waist on these!” he noted with another chuckle. Then he turned to Jenny and kissed her with appreciation. “You’re such a naughty girl!”

Martin sat back down again, getting cramp in his calves trying to hold his heavy body up like this. He watched Jenny’ hands as they fell all over the fat man in her arms, noting with jealousy as he saw Vincent’s large, puffy hands and bloated fingers slide all over Jenny’ perfect physique.

“Don’t be mad,” Jenny smiled; turning and seeing Martin’s face. “This was the way things were always going to go.” She sat herself down on the bed, next to the handcuffed lover. Then, she placed a hand on Martin’s chubby thigh and pushed until he was back in the position he had been in before Vincent had come in; his groin fully exposed. “You’re my sexy boy too!” she whispered, kissing Martin on the lips, making him even more conscious, as his arousal spiked a little, even with Jenny’s husband standing right there. He stared nervously at Vincent, his heart still pounding.

“Relax!” Jenny whispered, kissing Martin a little deeper and clasping her fingers around his new, sizeable belly fat and jiggling it gently.

Not listening to a word his brain was screaming at it, Martin’s hardness grew with Jenny’s gentle caresses of his freshly fattened body.

“I think he likes that!” Vincent laughed, watching the spectacle in front of him.

“Honey, go and get me the ice cream and a spoon,” Jenny smiled up to her massive husband.

As soon as Martin heard it, he immediately started to panic again. Not the ice cream, he thought to himself. Not now; not in front of Vincent! He looked at Jenny, not saying a word, but pleading with his eyes. However, the wicked girl simply smiled back at him in anticipation of what was about to come.

Vincent returned, handing over the tub and spoon to Jenny, who smiled broadly and ripped off the lid, plunging the spoon in deeply. “Open up, fat boy!” she teased, holding the spoon up to Martin’s mouth; both she and her husband watching eagerly to see whether he would do it for her. “Come on there Martin…” Jenny whispered, holding the spoon and grabbing her perfect breast with her other hand, to showcase it for him. “You know you want to. Just open up…”

Captivated by Jenny's body, Martin opened his mouth obediently. In any case, it would stop them looking at how pathetically easy he was to arouse. Then he turned to Vincent, almost as if asking him for help.

“She’s so good at this, isn’t she?” Vincent laughed, speaking directly to Martin. He looked down at his own monstrous gut and rubbed it with awe. “You hardly even realise what she’s doing to you, until it’s too late.”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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11fu22fu 4 years
This is one of your better stories imo
Jimbo021289 4 years
Great great story
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. Thank you to everyone who has liked and followed it.
Growing Bigger 4 years
I removed my spoiler comment. I enjoyed chapters 1-12 smiley 13 and 14 has a twist that some may like but not me. Will keep reading more.
Growingsofter 4 years
Great chapter more please
Feeder862 4 years
There's one final chapter to come. Please remember that this is a 'submission and domination' fiction and enjoy the eventual ending for what it is. Also, please don't reference later plot points in the comments. Let's keep it spolier-free! Thanks.
Iread247 4 years
Oh shit. What a twist. I am so excited
Hurgon 4 years
Brilliant! Martin better watch out though, or he'll be too fat to hide under the bed when Vincent comes home unexpectedly!
Mischnickde 4 years
Great start. Can't wait for more.
Built4com4t 4 years
Excellent start
Hurgon 4 years