A weight has lifted

chapter 5

The next morning Nancy started her diet. For the first couple of days, she was diligent with her new regime. Too quickly, though, Kevin seemed satisfied - as if his little scene with Nancy that one night had achieved its desired effect. She was under control and he was pleased.

Waking up one morning near the end of her first week on her new diet, Nancy felt Kevin take her hand and guide it to his crotch where she found his stiff cock. Obliging, she climbed up on top of him and slid into position - his cock slipping neatly into her cunny. As she worked her regular rhythm, Kevin asked, "Are you still taking the pill?" The question startled Nancy and she stopped in mid-stroke.

"Did you think I had gone off the pill?"

"I was just wondering where we stand on the issue," Kevin answered.

"I'm still on the pill." Nancy quickened her pace and concentrated on the muscles in her cunny. She slid her hands under Kevin and grabbed his ass. Squeezing tight, she literally forced Kevin to cum. As soon as he was done, Nancy rolled off leaving Kevin prostrate on his back in the bed. She headed quickly into the bathroom and turned on the shower. "I have a meeting this morning and I don't want to be late," she lied.

Nancy really didn't feel like she had caught her breath until she was out of the apartment. Somehow Kevin's question had unhinged her. It wasn't even as if he was trying to make a point. Just suggesting the issue had been enough to upset Nancy. As she walked into the office, her secretary, Melanie, sensed she was upset. Melanie followed Nancy into her office and shut the door behind her. "What's up Boss? You look hot and bothered."

Nancy told Melanie most of the story. "You’ve got to stay true to yourself," Melanie responded. "Kevin can be overbearing. Don't let him push you where you don't want to go. What good does it do him for you to get pregnant if you don't feel ready to raise a kid."

Nancy knew Melanie was speaking from experience and appreciated having someone to listen to her spill her guts. This helped clear her head and they both got to work.

After a busy morning, Melanie ducked into Nancy's office. "You want to head out for some lunch?"

"I ate my diet ration at around 11:30," Nancy replied.

"Come on. You could use some TLC. Join me for lunch and we can talk" Melanie cajoled Nancy.

Nancy begged off and, to strengthen her resolve, placed a call to Kevin. Kevin's secretary came on the line, "He's out to lunch with Lisa, Nancy. Any message?"

Nancy thought for a moment about her commitment to the new regime and the way that Eric seemed to have so little understanding of her real feelings. "I'll be with you in a minute," she called to Melanie.

Nancy and Melanie got a table at the pub across the street. Nancy had figured to order a salad but changed her mind after Melanie had ordered the cheeseburger deluxe platter and a beer and order, “Same for me.” Melanie smiled the smile of a co-conspirator.

"Is this diet your idea too or just Kevin's?" asked Melanie.

"Kevin's the impetus but I have to admit that I am feeling pretty porky. I didn't let Kevin know it but I split the crotch in my jeans last Saturday and that leaves me with only one pair which are physically painful to wear."

"Nancy, fuck Kevin. Your jeans are too tight? You buy new jeans," was Melanie's reply. Nancy knew that Melanie believed this. While Melanie was attractive, she had a figure that demonstrated self-indulgence.

When they got back to the office, there was a message that Kevin had returned Nancy's call. She called Kevin back. "I don't understand. You were out to lunch?" grilled Kevin.

"I don't understand. You were out to lunch with Lisa?" countered Nancy.

"Don't get silly. That was business. I thought you brought your lunch. Did you eat?"

"Not really," Nancy lied. "I just had a small salad."

"Well keep up the good work. You looked better this morning. Less puffy." Nancy didn't like the smug tone in Kevin's voice.

"Don't forget. I won't be home until late tonight," Nancy reminded Kevin. "I have a late meeting and then I'm going to dinner with the Ziffs."

"Why do you think I jumped your bones this morning. Call me if you're going to later than 10:30," he asked.
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Karenjenk 4 years
I like Dark.
And this was wonderful.
I like how she was easy to identify with... well for those of us who have had a jerk for a Boy Friend.
Thank you!!!
This was a great read right before bed
Arch329 4 years
This is a bit darker than the other things that I have written. It explores a woman gaining weight as a way to drive her husband away from her. She gets some support but is in a kind of rediscovery of herself.