The secretary's spread

Chapter 2

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Finn nodded and started to leave. Meanwhile, Hillary looked around for an alternative shirt. The floor was littered with her clothes, discarded from her previous week of work. Hillary had had all weekend to clean up this mess and do the laundry, but she had been far too lazy. Sitting on her ass watching tv and eating pizza and take-out seemed much more appealing. Even if she wanted to try to wear one of her previously used shirts, she knew they all had food stains on them. To say Hillary had become a lazy slob since moving in with Finn was an understatement. His terrible habits quickly imprinted on her.

Sighing again, Hillary knew she needed to find something to put on.

"Hey, Finn..." Hillary halfheartedly yelled.

She heard him stop in the other room before reaching the front door. "Yea, babe. What's up?"

"Could I borrow one of your button ups again?" Hillary bit into her knuckle lightly. She couldn't believe she had to resort to this.

"Again? Why?" She could hear a little exasperation in his voice. It wasn't unwarranted. Two weeks ago, she had borrowed one of his shirts for work and had gotten ketchup and mustard stains all over it during one of her typical post-work binges. Hillary was a much messier eater than her boyfriend, who at least knew how to eat with some semblance of civility. In Hillary's efforts to put on weight, she unintentionally gained some terrible eating manors. Just like her weight, it seemed like Hillary was powerless to get rid of these habits.

"I uh.. I think the dryer has been shrinking my outfits again." Hillary said, voice shaky.

She knew it was a lie. And she was pretty sure Finn knew too. It was just too embarrassing to admit she'd outgrown nearly every work-appropriate outfit in her closet. Hillary was already dreading the inevitable return trip to Lane Bryant. A store she was still having a hard time accepting as a store she needed to go to.

"Oh." There was a long pause. It seemed as if Finn was weighing if it was worth it to have this fight over one of his shirts. He was already acutely aware of how increasingly insecure his girlfriend was over her weight. When they had first met, Hillary had been so confident and bubbly that Finn couldn't help himself from being drawn into her aura. He had to admit, her body had been banging back in her prime.. but Finn wasn't that particular about looks. He had fallen for Hillary, not her body. The only time she truly reflected her old bubbly fun personality was when the two of them spent time together on the couch, eating and watching tv. Finn did everything he could to make sure that was what their relationship revolved around.

After a noticeably long pause, Finn answered. "Yea, sure. That's fine."

Within seconds, Hillary was riffling through Finn's shirts. Finding what appeared to be the biggest one, she slid the white shirt on and started to button it up. There was a problem right off the bat. The sleeves felt tight, and there was resistance around her chest. Her hands were trembling slightly as she buttoned, not expecting her boyfriend's shirt to give her this much trouble. By the time the bottom button was fastened, Hillary could already feel the material tightly clinging to her rolls and fat. Even though she was worried about how it looked, Hillary avoided the mirror and grabbed a red skirt from her drawer. Pulling and tugging it up her flabby legs, Hillary finally managed to get it past her thighs and around her hips. She had to lay on her back and suck in to fasten the buckle and zip it up at the front, but she managed. Ultimately, Hillary felt like a sausage crammed into this outfit. Grabbing a business jacket draped over a desk chair, Hillary slid her chunky arms into the sleeves and walked out towards the front door, knowing Finn was waiting for her in the car.

Out of the corner of her eye, Hillary saw the refrigerator and paused. All of a sudden, her stomach complained loudly. Inside of the fridge, Hillary knew there were two slices of pizza left from the three large pizzas she and her boyfriend had split the previous night. If Hilary didn't eat them now, she knew that there would be a risk that Finn would eat them when they got home from work. This risk was a justifiable enough reason for her to walk over to the fridge, open it, grab both slices, and cram them into her mouth. In 50 seconds flat, both slices disappeared.

Before moving in with Finn, Hillary had slowly been getting greedier and greedier as her weight climbed. Now, with Finn's influence, she had become extremely greedy. To be in direct competition with another fat person over food drove Hillary to think she needed and deserved food when she seriously didn't. If she didn't get exactly as much food as Finn or more, she felt like she was cheated and got cranky. Lately, she had gotten into the habit of hiding or hoarding a personal stash of snacks. Her relationship with food had gotten a little out of control.

Not only was Hillary's greed out of control, but also her gluttony. There was no impulse control telling her to stop when she was full. Since Hillary had been trying to gain intentionally, she knew that she needed to push herself past her limit to pack on pounds. It had been fun to overindulge at first. Hillary had always counted calories, so being able to let loose and enjoy herself was delightful. However, as the weight became more and more noticeable, Hillary no longer saw the act as amusing. It was a means to an end. It was all about getting as much into her as possible, eating until it hurt, and then eating more. When her dating and sex life fell apart, food was the only thing there for her to make her feel good. She couldn't deny how easy it was to stuff herself full until she fell asleep. It helped her slip into bliss and not think about what she was doing to her body on a daily basis. Now that Hillary wasn't trying to gain weight, it was difficult for her to stop being the gluttonous pig she had turned herself into. She had grown her appetite to an unquenchable level.

After wiping her mouth with her sleeve, Hillary let out a burp and headed for the car. On the drive to the office, Hillary and Finn talked about the latest Netflix show they were watching, as well as some office gossip.

The latest gossip was all about Tony and Jenna. Jenna, the new intern, had been seen flirting. Finn was having a good time chatting about the 'will they won't they' dynamics of the office's two most attractive individuals. Hillary, on the other hand, was a little uncomfortable with the conversation. For one, Hillary had some history with Tony when she first came to the office. He had flirted with her hard, leading to the two of them going on three dates and even making out a few times. However, Hillary was very guarded when it came to casual sex, pulling back whenever Tony had tried to push things too far. She was very classical when it came to romance and liked the slow and steady aspect of courting. However, at a certain point in that courtship, Tony lost interest and stopped asking her out. Hillary secretly wondered if it had been because she was getting chubby. The thicker Hillary got, the more Tony ignored Hillary until he just stopped talking to her altogether. It was pretty cold, but it just made Hillary's crush on him grow even more. Sometimes, when Finn crawled on top of her and started doing his thing, Hillary closed her eyes and thought about Tony.

Another sore spot was this new intern, Jenna. Just about every guy in the office couldn't keep their eyes off of her. She was the freshest piece of ass that everyone wanted to take a run at. It reminded Hillary just how much she had lost, having witnessed the same treatment when she had first started working at the law firm. Jenna was a little minx. Tight little body, bitchy face, blonde hair, pretentious glasses, pompous attitude. Hillary hated her behind her back but was excessively kind to her face. The worst part of Jenna was the few times Hillary had caught her boyfriend gawking at her little body. Yet another thing that fed further into Hillary's body image issues. She wondered if Finn thought of Jenna while they had sex.
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Noback 5 days
Please finish this amazing story bro.
Brope 2 years
I love this kick you're on, both of these stories feel alive with energy and the characters are such lovable pigs. Truly top tier writing.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! These characters have been fun to develop, so it's good to hear they're being enjoyed.
AndiFive 2 years
so both stories are in the same universe, what a fantastic thing. I hope to see more of this universe in future stories.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! I plan on writing all my stories in the same universe. Expect more crossovers.
Fatowl 2 years
Great Story!! Hope Hillary gets off the mat and fattens Jenna while she loses weight and becomes hot again with a winning idea and promotion! Hillary is a secret feeder. And goes to the gym.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! I like where your head is at. I'm keeping the scope of this story to only take place in one day (just to temper expectations), but good ideas.
Eathamburgers 3 years
I really like where this is going!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks so much!!
Champ 3 years
Incredible story. I love your writing style and content. It’s right up my alley. Please continue!!
ConJohn 2 years
A year late on my reply, but thank you!
NocturnalDev... 4 years
You are an incredible writer!!! Please continue! I can't wait for more chapters on Haley's Gain!!!
ConJohn 2 years
Oh wow! Thanks! I realize I'm replying a year later, but this means a lot smiley
ConJohn 4 years
Davidewol - Thank you!! Yes, I plan on divulging that information throughout the story, while still keeping it in the present tense. Stay tuned!
Davidewol 4 years
Excellent start so far!! I'm guessing this will tell the story of how she gained the weight in the first place?