The secretary's spread

Chapter 3

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The gossiping couple pulled into a McDonald's drive-through for their daily breakfast as if it was par for the course. Finn ordered two breakfast sandwiches, two hash browns, and a Sprite. Hillary ordered four breakfast sandwiches (2 for the other two secretaries at work), A dozen doughnut sticks (for the office), two hash browns, a large diet coke, and a salad (for lunch later). Every little thing needed to be justified for her in both her own head and to Finn. It seemed every single week, the amount of food Hillary ordered increased, and the list of justifications and excuses for that excessive order increased. Even though Finn knew Hillary ate like a pig, it always made her self conscious to order so much more than him. He didn't question it though, and the worst Hillary got was a raised eyebrow.

As usual, the two would finish their meal in the car on the way into the office. They both worked at a legal consulting firm. Finn was a legal assistant for Driscal Barnes, and Hillary was a secretary for Adam Hess. Both of them worked on opposite corners of the office, so they said their farewells and started for their desks. Hillary was a little jealous of her boyfriend. Not only did he have the job that she wanted, but he had a much more relaxed boss. Mr. Barnes seemed to have a fun legal team, and Hillary wished she could be his secretary over Mr. Hess.

Hindsight is 20/20. When Hillary first pressured her temp agency to get her into a legal firm, she had done plenty of research as to who the best of the best were in the area. Low and behold, Adam Hess topped the list as the most skilled and most renowned legal practitioner in the state. Hillary was fresh out of college with a criminal justice degree and a lot to prove. However, the job market was competitive, and Hillary hadn't made the connections she needed during college to get her what she wanted. Hillary had spent a lot of time focusing on her cheerleading team, her sorority, and her boyfriends (Captain of the basketball team freshman year through her sophomore year & a top-scoring wide receiver her junior and senior year). Hillary had had the quintessential college experience, but unfortunately, she squeaked by with grades that made even the most entry-level law school flinch. She had spent four years of her life after college being underemployed while looking for work. Not finding anything close to her career aspirations while getting thoroughly distracted with a few short-term boyfriends. Hillary knew the longer she futzed around, doing nothing with her degree, the less valuable she'd be.

Quite frankly, Hillary just needed some on the job experience before making a run at law school, and on paper, Adam Hess seemed like the best man to give her that experience she craved. Even though she wouldn't have a job contributing directly to the legal work, she'd be right near the action, observing and soaking it all in. It seemed like a significant step in the right direction. Hillary just didn't realize how wrong she had been. Her boss, Adam Hess, had turned her life upside down.

Hillary plunked down at her desk and booted up her computer. The armrests of her chair had been digging into her sides lately. Though Hillary knew she should ask her boss for a more spacious chair, she knew it would just be more trouble than it was worth. She wouldn't let her boss hold something like that over her.

"Good Morning, Hillary."

"Hey, Maria. Good Morning."

Maria was one of the other two secretaries that worked in the office. She was a year younger than Hillary and one of the sweetest people in the office. Of the three secretaries, Maria was the smallest, though that hadn't always been the case. Maria was short, like Hillary, yet relatively bottom heavy. Despite her being the smallest of the three secretaries, she was still quite plump, carrying a lot of the weight in her hips and ass.

"So, I was thinking.. Rachael, you and I could go out for lunch today. We haven't had like just a secretary thing in like, forever. What da ya think? Noon? The Red Sizzler?"

Despite the fact that Hillary had just had a sizeable breakfast, her mouth watered. "I'm sorry, I brought in a salad for lunch. Trying to stick to my diet." Hillary proceeded to slowly kick her bag under her desk that still had the rest of her McDonald's food in it, sticking out the top.

Maria's face turned sober, "Oh. Right, yea. Sorry, I forgot you were still on a diet."

"Whos on a diet?" A loud, bratty sounding voice said, coming up to the two of them. Hillary groaned. It was Jenna, the new little office floozy.

There was a long pause as neither of the girls knew exactly how to respond. "Me. I've just been cutting back a bit lately," Hillary said, finding a bit of confidence and wanting to clear the awkwardness.

"Hmmm," Was the only response Jenna gave, giving Hillary a very indiscreet look over. Of course, Hillary was very uncomfortable having such a beautiful and fit young girl scrutinize her body. She gripped her jacket, trying to pull it closed in front of her while she sucked in. "So Tony finally asked me out!" Jenna said, turning to Maria as if Hillary wasn't there. Hillary felt her gut wrench at that news, but it wasn't unsurprising. Ever the people pleaser, Maria jumped in excitement, hugging Jenna, while Hillary tried to feign a smile.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Noback 5 days
Please finish this amazing story bro.
Brope 2 years
I love this kick you're on, both of these stories feel alive with energy and the characters are such lovable pigs. Truly top tier writing.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! These characters have been fun to develop, so it's good to hear they're being enjoyed.
AndiFive 2 years
so both stories are in the same universe, what a fantastic thing. I hope to see more of this universe in future stories.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! I plan on writing all my stories in the same universe. Expect more crossovers.
Fatowl 2 years
Great Story!! Hope Hillary gets off the mat and fattens Jenna while she loses weight and becomes hot again with a winning idea and promotion! Hillary is a secret feeder. And goes to the gym.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! I like where your head is at. I'm keeping the scope of this story to only take place in one day (just to temper expectations), but good ideas.
Eathamburgers 3 years
I really like where this is going!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks so much!!
Champ 3 years
Incredible story. I love your writing style and content. It’s right up my alley. Please continue!!
ConJohn 2 years
A year late on my reply, but thank you!
NocturnalDev... 4 years
You are an incredible writer!!! Please continue! I can't wait for more chapters on Haley's Gain!!!
ConJohn 2 years
Oh wow! Thanks! I realize I'm replying a year later, but this means a lot smiley
ConJohn 4 years
Davidewol - Thank you!! Yes, I plan on divulging that information throughout the story, while still keeping it in the present tense. Stay tuned!
Davidewol 4 years
Excellent start so far!! I'm guessing this will tell the story of how she gained the weight in the first place?